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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nat phos 6x

Why not drink COFFEE This is something i diffently wont to try. But I love my coffee in the morning, I have read several places that say Do Not Drink Coffee. Why can I not have my coffee in the morning
[message edited by margitargie on Wed, 18 May 2011 17:40:45 BST]
  margitargie on 2011-05-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is an old superstition about coffee and homoeopathy, that it can 'antidote' the remedies you take.

This has been disproven but nontheless many people cling to the idea. I saw a study done by a homoeopath who examined all her cases over a year looking at those who continued coffee and those who didn't, and found no difference in the two groups. I also have seen no difference - many of my patients who received the simillimum were drinking coffee and they did not relapse any more than anyone else did.

Having said that, coffee is a drug, and habitual use is not good for you. Any drug over time can make you sick, although this will generally happen to those people that are susceptible to it.

Susceptible people (those people who get symptoms from coffee like insomnia, heartburn, pain or who experience very powerful positive effects as well like talkativeness and creative rushes) might find that the fail to improve in the long term while they continue to use it. This can generally be determined by looking at the way treatment goes over a period of time.

So for your general health, coffee is not good for you. In terms of staying healthy giving it up is probably a good idea, but it will not affect a truly curative remedy, which works on a level far beyond simple coffee.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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