The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Remedies & dreams?
Can remedies influence or manipulate your dreams, so that you should discard them when you think it might have been influenced because it could be misleading? Or do you never discard dreams? this would be good to knowI find it a bit suspicious that I dreamt tonight after taking lachesis again, about being somewhere with my brother and a girl. The girl was interested in me and mine but than she decided to go to my brother
and another dream was that I was on a stage entertaining an audience but this was in a 3rd person view so I had no feelings. With the above dream I had strong feelings though. The girl said to my brother when leaving me (I am embarassed to say this)... that I am super cute but to 'soft' for her. Which made me feel bad, less than him, but the compliment about my appearance left me with a warm feeling when waking up. Speaking on waking up I felt strong sensations of energy moving, pushing, wanting to go out of me but it had no outlet that it was quite unpleasant at times, so I tried to open myself, help it get out.
By the way is this true what I read in a book that lachesis, phosphorus and ignatia can only perceive or sense energy from the more known remedies? Like does this mean nat mur could not for example? I do sense it. If I look at walls or something, the energy flow in me becomes stronger and I see fast energy movement outside of me than wherever I look, like vibrations, especially today
Silicea on 2011-07-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silicea last decade
Tonight I dreamed something very unusual that I killed 2 people in my house and my father just came home so I needed to hide the bodies, and later I worried in the dream that I will get surely caught, be found out, since those people I knew so it wont be hard to trace them back to me.
And another one involved the police again, over not using parking tickets or something
I find it very unusual dream
Tonight I dreamed something very unusual that I killed 2 people in my house and my father just came home so I needed to hide the bodies, and later I worried in the dream that I will get surely caught, be found out, since those people I knew so it wont be hard to trace them back to me.
And another one involved the police again, over not using parking tickets or something
I find it very unusual dream
Silicea last decade
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