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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe Eczema (Arsenicum Alb + Sulpher) Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My right foot.

So dear doctors, what do you prescribe now.
I think the medicine that I was taking (sulphur 30 morning + ars. alb. 30 at night) was doing some good to me. But its upto you guys now because I stopped it as per your instructions.

Please advise ASAP. I know its gona take some good time, but please help me.I am alone here in KSA with no homeohelp around.

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kizersouzay last decade
Which one of us did you want treatment from. Nawaz and I will not agree so you will have to choose one of us. I am happy to supervise your case, but I am also happy to bow out if you want someone else to be in charge of it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear brisbanehomoeopath,

It was your recommendation to stop the medication. And I did as you said. I think you should proceed.
kizersouzay last decade
Could you go through the intake form I posted much earlier for you, and try answering the questions you haven't answered yet? For an accurate prescription I need more than just the symptoms, but an overall picture of your health on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. (perhaps even spiritual).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OK I will do that again, but i think I posted a detailed reply before!
but I will definitely repost the information till tonight.
Thanks for help!
kizersouzay last decade
It wasn't my intake form you used, I think it was Nawaz's. I need different information - actually I need a lot more detail, a much more personal take on your disease.

I need to know how it affects you, what your life is like because of it, how you live with it, the way it makes you feel. I really need to understand the change in you in a person since getting this disease, or whatever changes in you were happening before it.

Homoeopathy is all about understanding the way in which a person interacts with their disease. When this is understood, then you can get permanent cure.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OK here is your intake!

1. What exactly happens?
Patches have appeared on my body (Forearms/Arms, Thighs, Legs, foot, Ear, a big patch on my right elbow). Which are red

and ozing. Not too much itchy.
When I take a bath the deposit due to ozing is removed and the red patches still remain underneath.

Patches are circular (or semi circular) and their area is increasing day by day.

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to

imagine having the same pain.

My left ear (at the top, and the lob) has a throbing buring sensation (It seems very hot) . There is swelling on my

left ear. And over all its redish due to swelling.
On the rest of my body there is itching, usually at the places where skin is ok.
If I touch the patches accidentally, that is very itchying. And itching subsides after some time 1 or two minutes.
Overall my skin is very itchy. and becomes red it i scratch.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
Air condition makes me too much uncomforable. When I came to KSA, I stayed in a hotel. And I ate too much junk food.

That may be the cause of the flair up, otherwise my skin disease was under control (As I told you I had this before and

cured by a homeopath). Also I noticed some bed mittes in the hotel too. And I got a little cough so I took a herbal

syrup including ivy & thymes. That may be the cause. But in general I have this disease since 5 years.

4. What creates some relief for the problem?
Taking a bath. Olive oil (topical application). Alopathic Steroids. Warm room with no air conditioning.

5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
See 3 above

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
Nights are more problematic. Some morning i feel lot better and hope this disease is going. But when later at night I

am disappointed because of the fact that disease is still not better.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take

place just before the problem started?

Well It started about 5 years ago. I had a small patch on my right elbow. But it was treated by some topical home

remedy (Probably garlic) Later it happened again and that was cured by a homepath. And again about 10 months ago, it

appeared again and was cured by another homeopath.

What was happening in your life at that time?? Well I started my career and after 6-8 months I noticed the first patch.
Life was quite easy about a year ago. Till my father got sick and lost his job, and I am now the only one supporting

the whole family. I must admit that I have been under a lot of stress for last 8 months. But previously I was not.

Move from one problem to the next, doing the same thing. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF YOUR HEALTH BY


You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into

each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time. If you have, for example, a headache with nausea, do each

component separately too (what makes the head pain worse or better, what makes the nausea worse or better).

Well At this time this seems to be my only problem in the whole world. I have a little cough with mucus in teh chest but I am not really concerned about it. All I want to do is relax a little bit and get rid of this f Disease.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has

had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.

Life was quite easy about a year ago. Till my father got sick and lost his job, and I am now the only one supporting

the whole family. I must admit that I have been under a lot of stress for last 8 months. But previously Things were ok. Overall my life has been a mess considering the fact that most of the time my parents querreled each other and
never agreed on even a single thing. Ever since my childhood I had developed a sense of doing things for myself and not accpect from my parent.

And now that I am married, I have a very loving wife so things are little better

So I am more confident and look right through the problem and Plan. Professionally I am an engineer so that gives me more capability. I think engineering was part me all the time. The way I look at thing (I mean in too much detail) lot of people will ignore.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.

Change in weather brings problems for me. As I moved to another country where weather is totally different so that may

be the reason that my disease flared up.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around

the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.

My job. I mean I wanna do lots of things, but I am an employee. So I cant do much. Limited income and tight schedule.
I wana do flying. I wana start my own business but I dont have time and capital. Even if I start small, I dont have

time because I have a job. I really wana get rid of my job. Its not that I dont like my job/work but due to some other

cons of a job, I wana quit it and do something on my own. Well I have been thinking about this for 3 years. Overall I

have a job for last 5-1/2 years.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your

family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

Well this is very personal information.
Ok I will cut to the chase. I hate my dad. And everybody in my home hate him (including my mother).
As we (me & my brothers & my sister) got more old and adult and little more independent, we started to avoid him.
And as I am the oldest so the whole family centered around me for all of the problem. We are two poles in our
home, my dad on one side and rest (including my mother) on the other side. And now As I am married, my wife is also

with me.

You may not understand this but this sh*t happens all the time in ASIAN countries.

I have very good, sentimental and working relationship with all my family members (and vice versa) except my dad.
And I love my wife and hope I get kids. (It's been a year only)

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
I want to eat lamb meat. With salt and onions and broth.But I avoid it due to my disease. I like the steamed one too.

I dont hate chicken but I dont crave it. In the vegetables I like bitter melon with meat. I like Juices, specially grapges. Orange is good too.

What I don't like tomatos. I mean sometimes people eat raw tomato, but I am looking at them and wondering how can they

do that. Milk, to some extent. But I always try to take some milk due to the richness it has

2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
I like juice. Lemonade is also good. see above 1.

3. What your sleep is like
I sleep very sound. I mean when I fall asleep, And when I wake up in the morning. I really have no idea of the time.
And I feel I need to sleep more.

I really get sleepy after 2 or 3pm. And on the weekend I sleep like 3-4 hours in the day.

4. How the weather and the temperature affects you

I like to be warm. I used to shower in warm (And the warm was actually really really hot, like around boiling)
I usually use the hotest water in the shower. And It felt so good on my skin. And I can bathe for 30-40 mintes on average.

5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
Cold environment. Otherwise I dont really care.

6. What your general level of energy is like

Sometime good (Specially In the morning). I am really changed. But most of the time I feel down. It started after 11am and tell afternoon (3pm)
I am exhausted. If I am on a bed, I will fall asleep.

7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like

Well sexually, I am very active. I mean I am good in bed. Some times my wife is exhausted and still I am not done.
5-8 minutes are normal. But If the room is warm I take less time.

And I would do it everyday If i could (I mean its sex right! :) ) . But my wife is not upto the mark. So 3 to 4 times a week. Plus we are trying hard to get my wife pregnent. She did get pregnant once, but lost it after 2-3 months.

8. Describe your menstrual cycle
I am a male

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build (Average but these days I am geting thin due to less food i take. )
b) Skin colour and texture (Skin color is not white but almost fair, I asian so)

c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on (My Arm pits, too much sweating, feet )

d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine (Sweat smells bad, I mean really bad, My breath also smells bad and I have a layer of white deposition no my tounge. Urine is usually pale and dark and yeah does smell. My stool smell but never paid attention to it.

e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

Color of stool is these days dark brown. Urine is dark pale.

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
I have ivy and Thymes syrup so that my be the cause but I am not sure. Otherwise I try to avoid medication (Aelopathic)
kizersouzay last decade
Just for the heads up, I read an article about Homeopathic personalities. And I am totally a sulphur personality.

That might narrow things down for you. (or may not :) ).

Thanks for the help doc.
kizersouzay last decade
Describe your personality then. However, you MUST NOT repeat what you have read about Sulphur. That will destroy any value in the information you give. Just tell me in your own words, what you are like, what problems you have in your life, where you struggle, where things are difficult for you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OK, Did you read the intake above? the one in which i gave answers to your questions? That would give you some idea

about my personality. But I will try to describe myself more (see below).

Also I just wanted to share the biopsy report that I just picked up from the Hospital.
It says I have 'chronic dermatitus'. I discussed with my dermatologist and she said psoriasis is usually dry and flaky.
In my case its wet and ozing. Also my left ear had swollen too much and it was burning. She said that I am having

secondary infection (primary was in my foot when I last time visited her, she gave me antibiotics and creams. I used

only a little antibiotics and didn't use the cream). She gave me more antibiotics this time. I did take one capsule to

get rid of the swelling. That was last night. And in the morning its better. But I am not going to take all the

antibiotics (or use the cream) as i realize that its not the right way to cure it. Although I am telling my

dermatologist that I am taking it :) . But my skin feels itchy today. Its probably dry because of the antibiotics.

Ok What Else can I tell you about my personality?

I am usually not caring about my dress or appearance. A normal dress will do.Not something fashionable. But it has to

be clean and pressed. But sometimes I am wearing dirty dresses too.

My room is usually not tidy, I mean stuff scattered all over. But I keep it clean, I mean I dont like it dusty or


I like to live alone preferably. That doesn't mean I dont have friends or I am not socializing.
But I like to have some quite time to myself only. Most of the people who worked with me in some previous job or met me

somewhere still are good friends (I mean they are not the close friend, my close friends are only 3). But still they

call me time to time and have a chat. Sometimes I call them. So things are pretty much good.

I like to deal a problem in a systematic and logical way. I like to plan. My next 6 months finances are already

planned. Its already planned what I am going to do today in office or after office. That kinda planning requires some

good quite time. I have more of an introvert personality.
I like watching movies. I am also religious. I m muslim. But I am quite open to some of the things that some religious

people might not like.

I like to listen to the problems of others. And if I could do something to help, I will definitely do that.
My whole family depends on me because my father lost his job. All my family members discuss pretty much everthing with

me and I try to solve their problems. That also because of the fact that my dad never listened to them and never taken

care of their problems.

Same is the case with my friends, they like to share most of the things with me. I also share my stuff with only my

close friends.

As far as my problems are concerned, I usually try to keep it to myself and try to find some solution myself.
Same is the case with my disease. I am reading and reading on the internet about it. I think western medicine is BS but

still I am consulting one dermatologist just to have another view. So I am well aware about it (at least i think that).

My standing posture and running posture is weired. I try to avoid running most of time. This was told to me by friends


As far as my profession is concerned I am a successful engineer. I like engineering because its logical. And ever since

I was a child, I wanted to know more about the internals of a product or appliance or car rather than simply using it.

I am working as a mechanical design engineer which I choose myself when I was in the university (again Planning). As

far as my work is concerned I like my work and I am good at it.

But as I mentioned earlier, I am thinking about starting a business because of the inherent limitations of being an

'employee'. Read this, I really liked it.

Actually I am into personal development so I visit such websites quite often. And read some books too.

I am usually anxious and afraid most of the time. I mean sometimes even if there is no reason. I usually avoid fights.
In an offensive argument I will most probably walk away. My fear is actually in a positive way. It pushes me to plan

ahead. Although I never had any big mishap (And I hope I never have). But I am a little afraid inside.
Also I sweat over small stuff too much. For example yesterday I bought a blender. and when I tried to use it at home,

It didn't start. And I was really Pis*sed off. Although I know that I will return it tommorow and it will be replaced

easily tomorrow.
Socially I am at a good status. But still I think that life is not worth living.

I can never continue doing one thing for a long time. Sometimes I am think about doing something, put some good time

and effort and reading into it. And I just dont do it.

My job is probably the only thing I have done something for a long time (Its been 6 years). But now I dont wana do it


Well Thats a lot of personal info that I wouldn't share with anybody but this disease is a curse for me. I am really

down because of it. And Sometimes I feel I woun;t be able to cure. So thats why I am sharing this on this forum.

If you need to ask anything else, please let me know!

And Please Its been a lot of info now. Please suggest some medication. I am sick and tired and frustrated.

The only solution to my skin probmlem That I have found is bandage and patches that stick to the skin and cover it, one

they use in the hospitals. I have decided to put that on my arms that my shirt and pants dont get dirty because of the

ozing. The only solution is to cover these patches. But I donno what should I do about my ears. I can't just cover


Thanks for your time. I know reading this can take some good time.
Thanks in advance! I really appreciate your help!
kizersouzay last decade
That's good. I wanted to ask you to explain more of your character because you said you were like Sulphur, and I couldn't see it, so I had to ask what you were seeing in yourself that made you think that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
so what do you see?
kizersouzay last decade
This will take me a bit to work through it. You have presented a number of facts about yourself. What I need to know now is the experience of having those qualities.

For instance (and there will be more questions than just this but it gives you something to start on)...

Talk a bit more about planning and what it means to you.

Describe how it feels when you have no plans.

What is the experience of supporting your whole family? What is it like for you?

Talk more about family, its relevence to you, its place. Talk about family generally for all people.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I think it is quite important if you are going todo something new. And regular planning is needed to be more aware of things on a long term task. Specially if your task makes you laible to someone. For example the work at your job. Personally speaking, Planning something ahead of the actual activity makes me more confident. And I am a ease considering the fact that a blank situation will not cause any trouble for me. Although the actual activity may be totally different but still you more confident.

And in an activity that includes money, For example constructing a new home. Planning can actually help you save a lot. Actually did construct a house of own. And I am not a civil professional. But Did some good job figuring out what is the need of my family and what is better w.r.t construction. So in the end everybody likes the new house. Because I discussed everyone's requirement before the actual construction. And the possibilty of whether it can be done or not. And I did some planning on the material estimates which were quite acurate. Its simple engineering actually. But if you dont pay attention you can screw up the whole activity.

No plans:

Believe me there isnt a time when I don't have any plans. Some times in office, we get some days when we dont have projects. And Dont have anything to do. These are the worst. Really I cant live without work or activity. I get bored.
So I find myself some activity. I'll go for a walk if dont have anything todo :)


About the family. Well the head of family should be a very responsable person. Otherwise one should not have a family at the first place. Personally I had a bad experience with my parents. My dad never actually got off to a good job or business. Initially he tried a couple of business and then some jobs. Beside that he is a natural dictator. He shouts a
lot. Doesn't care what is need of his family members. He doesn't have any idea what is a good working relationship (if
not loving). I can go about it for a long but thing is that he should have acted in a more affectionate and responsible
manner. Now at this stage of his life, everybody hates him. And really you don't have to tell anybody that you hate
him. Its kinda obvious. Obvious to him too. So things are pretty much screwed in my family at the moment.

Now that I am helping them, I think its the responsibility of my father and not mine. Initially I kinda liked becasue
seeing my family at ease and getting rid of their problems was comforting. But now that I am married, I want my own family. And getting kinda frustrated helping my family. That doesnt mean I dont love them.I still like helping them by any means.

Frankly speaking, I felt kinda little better when I moved here in KSA. Now I have to give money to family only. I dont
have to pay too much attention to them. Out of sight, out of mind. But I talk to them on skype everyday. So Its not that I am totally isolated.

In general I think having a loving family is definitely the best you can have. My wife some loving and caring that I really don't care how she looks. Although she is pretty, but little fat. My point is that it doesnt matter. And I really wish have children. Atleat 2 :)


Doc are you a psychologist or something like that? (Beside the homeopathy!)
This is a lot of private information. And As I am anonymous on this forum, I have agreed to post it anyway!
But its a little unconfortable shearing this info with everyone.
[message edited by kizersouzay on Sun, 18 Sep 2011 11:48:44 BST]
kizersouzay last decade
Hello doc,
Do you have any plans to suggest something?
kizersouzay last decade
you can try hepur sulph 01 potency in morning and merc sol 01 potency at night.continue it upto healing.
Zahid)2 last decade
can u please write the complete name of the medicine. Because I need to get it from another country so..
And just out of curiosity, which homeopathic personality
i am?

Thank you very much for ur time Doc, I'm really thankful.
[message edited by kizersouzay on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:49:08 BST]
kizersouzay last decade
It takes time to analyze a case. Did you want me to do that and suggest a remedy? - I see someone else has jumped in to do that after I started working on this.

My personal opinion is that you should only take one medicine at a time, which is one of our basic guidelines in homoeopathy (Law of the Single Remedy). Who you take that advice from is up to you of course. Dr. Zahid appears to be a qualified homoeopath so I have no issue with bowing out to allow him to treat you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok first of Thanks to Dr.Zahid. I will try to get your medicine and later I will decide wheter to use it or not. Because I mentioned earlier that I am in KSA and its hard to get homeo medicine here.

To Brisbonhomeopat:

Actually you were the only doctor posting on this post, so for a moment I thought you are the one who has prescribed this medicine. (but actually it was Dr.Zahid). But I was in consultation with you for some good time. So I wish that you continue on my case and suggest something. The so much detail I have posted was only becaue 'you' asked it!

I actually believe the single remedy thing.
Although I have been using homeo medicine in combinition all the time in my life.

I would still request you to suggest something. Please take your time if you need more. I understand that its a time consuming process.
Please reply?
kizersouzay last decade
Ok that is fine I will continue with the analysis.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

Its been like 10 days. are u gona come up with something? If u dont hav any plans to help me, please let me know?
kizersouzay last decade
nawazkhan last decade
Yes it is important to bump threads up to the top. As you can see, sometimes 20-30 other threads can appear above, so to keep my eye on yours it is necessary to remind me. If I have a busy day at clinic it can be many more threads that I need to work through - it is not offensive to me for you to remind me as often as you want.

So the responsibility of the family has become a burden to you? You have assumed the responsibility of the head of the family, where someone else should have done that? How do you feel about that though, what effect has that had on you? What are your feelings towards your family because of this?

What are your feelings towards your father because of his irresponsibility?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well I think I have covered your qestions already.

But I will try to explain once more.

What do I feel about taking the responsibility of the family:

Well I feel better helping them. I feel relaxed and calm that my family's problems are solved. But at the same time I feel angry considering the fact that it's not my responsibility and My dad should be the one doing this. But he is just sitting there doing nothing.

And as I said earlier. I hate my dad! Thats kinda clear than ever before. And I have realised that I have to live with it. And dont let this thing get on my nerves. And I would easily tell him about my feelings, if I get a chance soon.

But I like my family. They are all very co-operative. They are not as bad as my dad perceive them. All are well educated or studying. Nobody has some social disorder. e-g no body is on drugs or anything like that. No body even smoke! how good it can get!!

But now as I have been married for about a year now. I feel that burden of my family is actually disturbing my married life a little bit. So I decided that I should start living separately. Fortunately I got a job here in KSA. And soon my wife will be here.
So I have kinda managed to part from my family (or my dad more precisely) in an unannounced way. That doesnt mean I am not taking care of my family back there. I constantly keep an eye on whats going on back home.

Also there is one more thing that makes me at ease is the fact all my brothers and sister will soon be settled. one of my brother has completed his studies and he will get a job soon. My sister completed her studies and soon she will get a job and is getting married soon. Only one of my brother is still studying for a degree. Still two years for him to go. Bottom line is that my family memebers are doing well and soon the burden on me will be gone.
kizersouzay last decade
Brisban Homeopath (Your questions are replied in the above post)

Further to my condition, Please note this update:

Ok as long as I am not getting any homeo help, And I hate Aelopathics.I decided to try this diet plan I came across on the internet. Its totally natural (no medicine involved). I have posted the details below, if anyone is interested. And Its working really well for me. The patches on my upper body front and back (I am not talking about arms) are almost gone. But there are dark brown mark still left. Seems like skin is not completely healed. but acts almost like the natural skin. Its just a mark only. Its not itchy any more. And over all I am feeling very comforable. One patch on the back of my neck is totally gone, but the mark is still there (Dark brown). My face is better too. Patches on the side of my face near my ears are totally gone.

My ears are better too. The left one is still redish, but better than before. The actual patch seems to be healed but the redishness is still ther. If I scratch I get itchy.and Skin is falling

As far as my arms are concerned most of the patches are dry and with dry crust.
On my left arm, on some patches when the hard crust was removed (i didnt remove it, it just came off) the skin almost fine, no redness. But again the dark brown patches are formed.

But some of the patches on my fore arms and back of my hands are redish still. This is after the crust was removed. But these are dry and less thin (not too much above the normal skin).

As far as my legs are concerned, the patches are dry but still dark brown (in some cases blackish) crust is there. I dont actually try to remove it. It will come off soon.

But I can see that its redish underneath just like forearms.
My feet are better, but again redish, but better than before.

It seems like I skin is getting cured.
My head, Tooooo much dandruf. A touch of hand and dandruf starts falling.

Overall I feel better. The ozing is totally gone so I can wear clothes easily.
But my skin is itchy around the patches (not on the patches) specially forearms and legs. If I scratch around the patches It's hard for me to stop. Because i just cant stop.

One thing I am concerned about is that my tounge. Its too much white with a layer of white depositied. If I eat something say green it gets green, But it never gets removed totally. And my tounge feels a little (very little) sensation sometimes. usually in the morning or after 3 to 4 hours of meals. I read somewhere that it is because of disorder of liver. So I am really concerned about it. But cant do much about it.

Its been about 25 days I am on this diet. (infact less than that).
But the effects are amazing.

Below is the diet plan I am following.

Things I have stopped eating:

Flour (any type of bread is not allowed on this diet), Bakery n yeast, dairy (milk, yougart, cheese etc), red meat (beef, lamb). Rice. Potatos, Tomatos. Citrus. eggplants


Anything that is processed: That actually excludes anything from a fast food resturant or any resturant in that case, pizza burgers bakery pastries cakes soda cola preserved juices candy biscuits. Pretty much anything that you get packed or processed.Frech fries. Chocholate.
I mean life is really boring without all this.

No spices
No Peppers

Anything that is fried.

Things that I can eat:

Vegitables: carrots, all the greens (lettuice, parsley, mint, coriander etc.) green bell peper, green onion, onions, broucli, bitter gourd, okra ( pretty much all the vegetables except mentioned above), Fruits (All excepts citrus)

Terrmeric power, cumin powder, black peper (small amounts), little salt.

Olive oil
Honey (but not too much)
Banana (not more than one every day)

sweet potatos

Tuna (a Can of tuna almost every day 185g, with some vegitables), saute in a pan with very little olive oil, little salt and black pepper.

Chicken (without the skin), again no deep frying, just pan seared. with vegitables

Lots of green salads. (Atleast one per day) sometimes two.

Lemon (its the only allowed citrus). I take good amount of lemon. two to three glass of water with one lemon each.

Water (8 glass atleast every day)

Green tea: I dont really like tea at all. But I have started taking one cup everyday. The diet plan says you should take atleast 3-4 everyday.

Green smoothies: this is important. Put greens + fruit (40% + 60%) in a blender. You need a powerful commercial blender though.

Greens that I mostly use are lettuce + parsley + coriender. You can use any thing but It has to be green leaves.

Fruit which I use are apple + banana + pears. Sometimes grapes. But no citrus.

I also put some termeic power and cumin power.
Some time ginger.

There are a lot of green smoothie recipes out there. Its upto you what suits your taste.

Brisbanhomeopath I have posted this info that It can help you dignose better (may be).

Also anyone can use this diet (its safe no medicine involved) . becasue I know how bad this disease is. It hard to follow this diet plan (no rice or bread :( ) but I am doing this just to get rid of my skin condition.

And I am feeling better so I plan to continue. And I am losing my waist line , Yaaayyee (its a bonus)
kizersouzay last decade
brisbanhomeopath please reply.
Just when I thought I am recovering, I have new patches. One on the back of my left hand. Other on a finger.
kizersouzay last decade

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