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piles with pain Page 2 of 5

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Is the pain still there? What other issues do you have at the moment?
nawazkhan last decade
Yes Sir,
The pain is still at the point of the swelled potion at the right side of the anus spreading up to 3/4 inch inside the rectum. The swelled part also have a touching sensation right now.
Regarding any other issue, yesterday there was a light headache at the right side of forehead but it was bearable which today is no more.
sibabrata last decade
Is the swelled portion seems like a ring when you touch? Please bear with me as I would like to understand correctly to suggest further.
nawazkhan last decade
Yes Sir,
It feels like a ring but not so prominent and from this ring like swelling a piece of flesh is hanging like a grape at the right side of anus. 'It is a probable cut portion of skin which is hanging' as I feel and the main painful area is that hanging portion. I hope I have made you understood the position.
sibabrata last decade
Hi, You have been very helpful.

Please take Aloe Soc. 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day in the morning, for 5 days.

Please stop all other remedies.

Many prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
At first I wish you all happiness on the occasion of DURGAPUJA, our greatest festival which is going on now-a-days.
Secondly, today morning I have taken the fifth dose of Aleo Soc 200 as you have prescribed five days ago. Now I am 50% better as my pain has been decresed almost half, though the hanging flesh has not been changed yet.
Now what remedies I have to go through...... please advice me..
Thank you very much
sibabrata last decade

Subsequent to your email, Thanks!

Happy holiday to you.

I am pleased to know about the 50% improvement. Please continue with the remedy for another 5 days as this is a short acting remedy. Inshallah, the pileswill change too.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Sir,
I'll continue it and will let you know the result..
sibabrata last decade
Please stay blessed!
nawazkhan last decade
Sir, please take my best wishes on the festive occasion of Dushera & Vijaya dasami.
I don't know in which country you are residing, I am wishing since Durgapuja is a major festival in India and specially in Bengal where I reside.
However, I have taken the fifth more doses of Aleo Soc 200 today morning and it was ten days in total. Now I am feeling much better. the pain has been reduced to about 20%. I have walked today a little also without much pain. the protruded part also has been reduced a little in size.

Please advice me the future remedy.
Thank you and with best wishes
sibabrata last decade
First of all please take my best wishes on the festive season of Dushera & durgapuja. I don’t know in country you are residing, I am wishing you since these festivals are the major ones in India and especially in Bengal where I reside in.
Now, I have taken the tenth dose of Aleo Soc 200 today morning and now I am feeling much better. The pain has been reduced and only 20% left. The protruded portion of anus has also been reduced in size. Today morning I have walked without much pain also.
What to do next ? Please advise.
With best wishes again
sibabrata last decade
Hi, Please list all other remedies that you have at home right now? I am in the U. S.
nawazkhan last decade
i have the following medicines at home right now and if any other medicine is needed i can buy immediately since two large homeo shops are there in my hometown. let me furnish the remedies :
1. aconite nap 30
2. arnica mont 30
3. aesculus hip q
4. aesculus hip 200
5. nux vom 30
6. collinsoniav q
7. nitricum acidum 200
8. berberis vul q
9. sulphur 200
10. rhus tox 30
11. aleo soc 200
sibabrata last decade

I would like you to take only one dose of Nitricum Acidum 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water asap.

Please report about the pain tomorrow.

Many prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
So, how are you feeling today?
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Sir,
I have taken the Nitric Acid 200 in the morning and after eight hours, the pain is really less. But a new appearance of a little protruberance having a size of a mustard seed is there AT THE LEFT SIDE of anus just opposite to the hanging protruded portion. The new one is causing a mild piercing pain during stool and a very mild itching while washing the anus after stool that lasted for about half an hour. Now I am quite fine.
Do you suggest any other remedy?
sibabrata last decade
You are welcome! Please do not take any remedy. Let's see how it goes?
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for your advice and sorry for again disturbing you,
I had taken Nitricum Acidum 200 on Oct 10 at morning (IST). Since then as I had reported you last, the original affected area is still ok but the problem seems to occur at the newly affected area. The pain is increasing gradually afte taking the last dose of remedy, the swelling also is there around the anus as well as the newly protruded mustard seed like portion. Now there is pain also while sitting on toilet or even on chair.
Please advise me.
sibabrata last decade

Let's repeat Nitric Acid 200C, only one dose with a little more mixing than before.
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Sir,
About half an hour ago I went to toilet and this time a little (about 5 ml )raw blood also came out and the pain and other conditions remain the same as I have already stated.
[message edited by sibabrata on Thu, 13 Oct 2011 18:21:44 BST]
sibabrata last decade
Hi, The remedy is suppose to take care of this bleeding and pain.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
On 14 th October morning I took the last dose of Nitricum Acidum 200. The protruded portions remain the same in size and pain also has not been reduced much. There is still a pain like piercing needle while sitting on chair or while walking also apart from sitting on toilet, though the pain is now tolerable. I, therefore, am seeking further advice from you.
With thanks and best wishes
sibabrata last decade

I would like you to take Apis mel. 30C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 2 days only.

Please report on daily basis to handle your condition properly.

Many many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Sir, thank you very much for your care upon me. Hope you have enjoyed your journey. Since for last couple of days I had no contact with you , I could not report to you also. Now my pain is a bit reduced though the swelling is still there. Should I continue Apis Mel 30C or you will prescribe any other remedy?
sibabrata last decade
Many Thanks, please continue with the remedy for 2 more days.
nawazkhan last decade
I have taken the 03 doses and half an hour ago when I went to toilet, a little bit constipation was there. The stool is quiet tight and a little bleeding(raw blood) also was there. Pain has been raised a bit but in bearable. Any suggestion ?
sibabrata last decade

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