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I have taken the 03 doses and half an hour ago when I went to toilet, a little bit constipation was there. The stool is quiet tight and a little bleeding(raw blood) also was there. Pain has been raised a bit but in bearable. Any suggestion ?
sibabrata last decade
Please wait for a day.
nawazkhan last decade
Completed the doses but condition is same. A little bleeding with stool and a bit of pain during BM. Swelling is also there. Any suggestion?
sibabrata last decade

Please take Berberis Vulgaris Q, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Report after 3 days.

More prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Today I have taken the fourth dose of Berberis Vul Q. Now the pain is really low except the morning toilet but still there is the swelling in the protuberances. Tomorrow mornig (IST) I'll take the fifth dose. any future suggestion?
sibabrata last decade
Are you taking one time a day?
nawazkhan last decade
I have taken three times a day according to your prescription.
sibabrata last decade
I have had all doses of Berberis Vul Q for five days ended on 1st nov. The swelling is still there with a bit of bleeding everytime at toilet. Should I take any other remedy?
[message edited by sibabrata on Thu, 03 Nov 2011 11:36:56 GMT]
sibabrata last decade
Post CABG patient with Diabetes having catheter also pilesfrom last many years but managed it now it is causing severe pain and discomfort ,pian is unbearable , Surgeon have been called to examine and found severe inflamation,stenosis and severe pain , pain is unberable inspite allopathy medication, can any member suggest fast pain reliever homeo remedy at the earliest, please
officeaksingh last decade
calc flouride 6x is best for rectal hemmorages.
SK NAIR last decade
W.Boericke Meteria Medica confirms use in Haemmorhoid but the issue is intense pain which is unbearable and pain is intense when stool is coming on which is also area of concern as it stool is coming continiously in small quantity, Thus any learned forum is being requested provide remedy for intense pain, I am looking for Dr Verma & Dr Murthy's comment also please.
officeaksingh last decade
Hi sibabrata,

Please post your symptoms as I did not get any email regarding your post.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,
On last November 3 I had posted my symptoms and condition. Perhaps you had not got my response and during the second half of November I was out of Internet.
However, my present condition is as below:
The swelling is still there, though, it has been reduced to about 50%. The pain also is there (about 50% of the pain a month ago). Now I can sit on a chair and walking also is not so problematic. Bleeding is irregular, sometimes it bleeds, sometimes does not.
Hoping your rapid advice and with best regards
sibabrata last decade
So, what have you been taking for the last 5 days? What are the current mental symptoms?
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you very much for your reply Sir,
For last 15 days I have not taken any medicine. And now now I am feeling a bit well obviously, though, a little bit anxious about the complete curing of the disease since during toilet the pain is still unbearable.
sibabrata last decade

Please take Aloe Soc. 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 4 days.

For pain, you may take Hypericum 200c as needed.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
I have completed four days’ doses of Aleo Soc 200 & Hypericam 200. Now my condition is that during passing of stool there is a pain seeming the whole anal ring being more weighty and hanging downwards, though, actually there is a swelling inside the anal ring. Now there is no bleeding for last three days.
Another problem has been occurred for last three days. There is little giddiness especially in the morning after an hour or so waking up from bed and continuing for half an hour to one hour.
Any advice Sir? Please help.
sibabrata last decade

Please take Hamamelis Virginica 30C, 4 drops in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Report progress after 3 days.

More prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you very much Sir for your valuable advices,
Today I have taken the fifth day’s doses of Hamamelis Verginica 30C. Now my swelling and pain have been reduced much. Only there is a pain during stool passing in the rectal area from inside out. The sense of weighty and hanging anus has also been reduced a lot. There is no bleeding for one week.
Any more advice Sir? I’m waiting.
sibabrata last decade
Great! Thanks to our creator.

Please continue with the remedy for 3 more days.

For pain, please take Hypericum 200c as needed.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
After taking a further 3 days’ doses of Hamamelis Verginica 30C, both the swelling and pain have been reduced much. Only there is a pain during stool passing in the rectal area(left side) from inside out still now. However, my present overall condition is much better than before and improvement also is there.
Please guide me with further advices.
With thanks & best regards
sibabrata last decade
Could you please tell me more about your current mental symptoms and constipation?
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you very much for your reply. Now mentally I am enough positive and hopeful and at the same time feeling better too.
Regarding the nature of constipation, the initial portion of the stool is always hard and the remaining part is generally soft. I generally use to go to toilet twice a day and if I do go once a day instead of twice a day in any day the next stool gets automatically hard. And again in case of any shortage of consuming water is there the stool gets hard.
I hope you will understand my condition and continue your valuable guidance.
sibabrata last decade
Many thanks for this helpful info. Please let me know when you finish this remedy.
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you again for your valuable reply.
I have taken the last dose of remedy on 16.12.2011 evening (IST). And for your information, for last two days I am feeling a thorny itching at the left side of inner rectum only during passing stool and for the rest of the time there is no such feeling. However, I am feeling much better with my present condition.
I am awaiting for your further advices
sibabrata last decade

Please take Aesculus Hippocastanum Q, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade

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