The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Teething baby
Name: MasonAge: 11 months old
Breastfed, Some solid foods, no pregnancy complications. Born naturally, no medication. Has not been vaccinated.
What exactly happens?
When Mason starts teething he gets a stuffy runny nose. The mucous from his nose is generally clear and white. He also gets a mild red diaper rash.
What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
He gets upset when he gets tired. The teething does not affect his sleep pattern but he is more irritble when he wakes up at night for feedings and is more irritible and hard to console during the day.
What creates some relief for the problem?
Breastfeeding and being held. Also, he enjoys open air and likes going for walks and playing outside. He forgets about his teething pain and enjoys playing with other children and people and is never upset when he is being played with. He can stay up way past his bedtime or skip a nap as long as he is occupied and entertained. Once the entertainment stops, he will get irritible and yell.
What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
Constant throughout the day. Does not get better or worse but it is harder to console him when he is teething.
When did the problem start?
A few days ago.
Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life?
He enjoys being fed and loves to eat our food. Breastfeeding seems to solve most of his problems temporarily. I also will take him out on walks or out to visit other people/children when he is upset.
Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease?
Whenever he is teething he gets a runny nose and mild diaper rash.
The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate.
Mason loves to eat the food that my husband and I are eating. He does not like cold food or drinks they must be room temerpature or warm- Although he will eat frozen kefir or yogurt. He prefers sweet drinks but does not seem to mind our food if it is not sweet.
The specific drinks that you crave or hate?
Mason primarily drinks breastmilk but loves coconut water also. He will not drink cold coconut water.
What your sleep is like?
Mason sleeps 12 hours per night but still wakes up every 3 hours to breastfeed. After waking he stayes up for 2-4 hours and then takes a 1-2.5 hour nap.
How the weather and the temperature affects you?
He doesnt like being too hot or too cold and prefers being warm over being cold. He really enjoys warm blankets.
What your general level of energy is like?
Mason has a ton of energy. He loves being around people and exploring new things. He gets bored of the same thing easily and will move from one toy to the next. When he is playing with a toy he will be trying to do multiple things at a time. When he is eating he will want to look out the window and play with toys at the same time. He doesnt want to be told 'No' and will insist on playing with or doing whatever he pleases. When he is frustrated he yells. He only cries when he gets hurt but he is very often yelling in frustration. With his teething he does not cry but he yells. The teething brings out his frustrated yell alot more but he is like this even when he is not teething.
Body type and build
Skin colour and texture
Soft white skin, not pale. Blonde hair and blue/brown eyes.
Areas of the body tends to perspire on
His head when he sleeps.
Colour of stool, urine, sweat.
Currently his stool is a yellow brown. Usually it is a light brown color with chunks of undigested food in it (He tends to bite too big of pieces off food)
Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
He has never had any medications or vaccinations.
smad01 on 2011-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well this does look like a fairly simple Chamomilla case. Can you get 200c, as drops?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am only able to find the 200c in pellets. Do you know of anywhere online I could purchase the drops?
smad01 last decade
Make the drops yourself.
Aquire a separate bottle with a dropper, anything from 15-30mls in size. Fill the bottle with 1 part alcohol (brandy, vodka or similar spirit) and 5 parts water. Dissolve 2 pellets in this mixture. This is your dosing bottle.
For each dose, hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand twice. Then place 1 drop in 1/4 cup of water, and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon out and give it to your son.
This is one dose. Do this once only, and let me know what his reaction is.
Aquire a separate bottle with a dropper, anything from 15-30mls in size. Fill the bottle with 1 part alcohol (brandy, vodka or similar spirit) and 5 parts water. Dissolve 2 pellets in this mixture. This is your dosing bottle.
For each dose, hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand twice. Then place 1 drop in 1/4 cup of water, and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon out and give it to your son.
This is one dose. Do this once only, and let me know what his reaction is.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Can I give you another natural suggestion? It's not homeopathy, but it really worked for my little one...
Baltic amber teething necklaces! Amber works by releasing natural oils when in contact with the warmth of the skin. The oils have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, they look gorgeous!
I got mine from WildSheep, just google them.
Baltic amber teething necklaces! Amber works by releasing natural oils when in contact with the warmth of the skin. The oils have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, they look gorgeous!
I got mine from WildSheep, just google them.
luci123 last decade
brisbanehomoeopath, thank you so much for the suggestion for the remedy. He seems to be doing better. He still wants his pacfier and sticks his fingers in his mouth and chews on them but appears to be less iritible.
smad01 last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The teething symptoms seemed to have gotten much worse when he started to get molars in the back of his mouth. His diaper rash, runny nose are gone now and the molars are in on the top two teeth but I think he is getting more teeth.
His behavior has been very bad. He has been obsessed with our computer for a while but it has gotten much worse the past couple days. My husband and I have tried redirection (where we will direct him to play with a toy or do something else instead of try to get at the computer). He climbs up the computer chair and bangs on the keyboard. He takes the computer mouse and hides it and drives it around the house like a car. We tried 15-30 second 'time outs' in the bedroom and after a few times he seemed to have gotten the message that he cannot play with the computer.
However, my husband was involved in an accident at work that left him at home for a few days and since he was on the computer our son seemed to have decided that since his dad can be on the computer he can too.
Time outs have not worked since. He discovered that he can open the bathroom door from the bedroom and will get into the toliet and he also found some markers and drew all over himself. Time outs are now 'fun' for him.
He has been insisting that everything is a toy he can play with. He will cry, whine, hit, if we take something away. He is determined to get what he wants. When I try to feed him he will spit the food out back at me.
The past few days have been horrible. The only thing that helps is if we go somewhere but we are limited because our car broke down and my husband car pools to work and I cannot drive our son anywhere to do anything. Today we walked in the snow 2 miles to my mother in laws house for him to play. On the way he hit and screamed at me because he wanted to play in the snow. When we got to his grandmas he was better but didnt want to listen to me, he also decided that everything at their house was a toy that he could play with. He is determined to get what he wants and there is no stopping him.
Is there any remedy that I can give him to help him with this?
The teething symptoms seemed to have gotten much worse when he started to get molars in the back of his mouth. His diaper rash, runny nose are gone now and the molars are in on the top two teeth but I think he is getting more teeth.
His behavior has been very bad. He has been obsessed with our computer for a while but it has gotten much worse the past couple days. My husband and I have tried redirection (where we will direct him to play with a toy or do something else instead of try to get at the computer). He climbs up the computer chair and bangs on the keyboard. He takes the computer mouse and hides it and drives it around the house like a car. We tried 15-30 second 'time outs' in the bedroom and after a few times he seemed to have gotten the message that he cannot play with the computer.
However, my husband was involved in an accident at work that left him at home for a few days and since he was on the computer our son seemed to have decided that since his dad can be on the computer he can too.
Time outs have not worked since. He discovered that he can open the bathroom door from the bedroom and will get into the toliet and he also found some markers and drew all over himself. Time outs are now 'fun' for him.
He has been insisting that everything is a toy he can play with. He will cry, whine, hit, if we take something away. He is determined to get what he wants. When I try to feed him he will spit the food out back at me.
The past few days have been horrible. The only thing that helps is if we go somewhere but we are limited because our car broke down and my husband car pools to work and I cannot drive our son anywhere to do anything. Today we walked in the snow 2 miles to my mother in laws house for him to play. On the way he hit and screamed at me because he wanted to play in the snow. When we got to his grandmas he was better but didnt want to listen to me, he also decided that everything at their house was a toy that he could play with. He is determined to get what he wants and there is no stopping him.
Is there any remedy that I can give him to help him with this?
smad01 last decade
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