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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also curious to know how long/duration - 30 c calc carb lasts.

6 days after taking the remedy I seem to be having an aggravation this morning- i.e. sweating the cold, shaky, panicky, irregular heart beat - is this calc and is it normal?
[message edited by kohler on Thu, 17 May 2012 07:13:27 BST]
kohler last decade
An aggravation is a worsening of your current symptoms. Are they things you normally have?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No - not felt like this before - headaches yes and the nausea actually started Sunday so did put that down to calc along with breaking out in hot sweat - I never sweat as Im always cold.
kohler last decade
ALong with the palpitations - they are new.

I have noticed since Sunday about 4 pm every day (and its happened Mon/Tues/Wed) I seem to get this panicky shaky feeling - 'wobblies' I call them when I just feel dreadful then it passes after about 5 mins and I'm OK. This is definitely new and definitely since taking calc and also strange it seems to be the same time every day.
kohler last decade
Well it is not an aggravation then. It is highly unusual to get a proving from a single dose of 30c, but not impossible. The symptoms are not typical for Calc either, as it is cold and clammy rather than hot. Having said that the symptoms are fairly common and don't suggest a specific remedy.

There isn't any pathology in your case to explain this is there, or medication you are taking (non-homoeopathic)?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I don't think it is aggravation or Proving of Calcarea Carb 30.
AsadGhumman last decade
No taking nothing else.

I'm cold now but that tends to be normal for me.

Would any remedy make you feel panicky with palpitations, shakey, flaky feeling.

I was wondering because bearing in mind I tried my hardest to antidote at the beginning of the week, strong black coffee, sniffing menthol so I probably did go some way to stop its action.
kohler last decade
Yes any remedy could show a picture of trembling and panic, they are common human reactions. Whether the remedy is responsible or not is still difficult to work out.

A remedy can stir up symptoms from within the patient that have nothing to do with the remedy. Just like a traumatic event, a remedy can trigger things into happening, and those things can remain long after the trigger has ceased.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
And will this pass - like an aggravation, anything I can do?

What would be your suggestion.
kohler last decade
Although this is an old thread, for future reference, it strikes me that perhaps more emphasis should have been put on the fact that the requestor was feeling out of sorts, through an apparent aggravation. It might have been beneficial to point this out more to help him/her understand that this particular aspect of the aggravation was actually causing the reactivity not only to the 92 yr old mother, but also to the situation overall. That it was also causing his/her psychological reaction to the remedy itself. That the aggravation was distorting his/her perceptions in a more general way. Once he/she understood that more clearly, he/she may have been able to relax more and ride out the events of the aggravation.

Aggravations (healing crises) can happen in cycles throughout the influence of a given remedy. They (healing crises) can also last for several days to even several weeks. Inexperienced patients, and even many experienced patients, under the psychological influence of a given healing crisis need to be coached through and reminded of what is actually going on, in order to ensure that they understand what is really happening to them. This way, they are more likely to stick with the program and end up enjoying the longer term benefits of the given remedy.

Aggravations can be cyclical throughout the influence of a remedy. They can also last for hours, days, weeks, sometimes even months at a time. There are ways to attenuate the symptoms of aggravations and help ride them out with much less discomfort. One of them is a method posted on Hpathy, called the Aggravation Zapper. Seems to work well for many. Easy to do.
Healthfinder 8 years ago
to brisbanehomeopath
What's the proper homeopathic treatment when the worsening won't go away then?
tralala 7 years ago

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