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Posts about Depression, Hayfever

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

PLEASE HELP DR NAWAZ !! asthma,hayfever,panic depression. Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Shukar Alhamdulillah!

Please take only one dose of Thuja 1M today, 4 drops nicely mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water.

No other remedy for a couple of days.

More prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan last decade
sir as per ur direction i had taken a dose of thuja 2 days back. asthma progress has gone down from 60% to 50%, maybe thats cuz i discontinued the previous medicine or because i am consuming alot of ice cream, however my depression has decreased a little, what to do next sir, the solution of p.e problem may also bnoost my confidence , anyway my primary concerns are depression and asthma. waitin for ur reply sir, God bless u
thundercracker last decade
Please take Nat Sulph 6x as before, for 5 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
sir ive started taking nat sulph 6x again but its been 3 days since m feeling depression, confusion hopelessness, slept in the afternoon to deviate my mind off from these unhappy thoughts but when i woke up i felt worse. just cant control my thoughts, i crack jokes pretending that m normal but i am cryin from with in. so i went for jogging, felt breathlessness so used inhaler, now m feeling a bit well.whats goin on?
thundercracker last decade
depression has subsided a bit but i often experience disorientation and then after a while i come in my senses. today i taked so much that stoamch related asthma/anxiety took place. sir when i was kid i used to see little white worms in my stool, could this be the reason of my anemic nature( some say if u feel dizzy and disoriented or weak after standind up its the indication of anemia) sir i have startes takin ipac alongwith nat sulph as it worked last time.
thundercracker last decade

Please take Ars Alb. 200C as well, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, one time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
thanx sir, will get this today. do u want me to stop taking nat sulph and ipac ? or should i continue
thundercracker last decade
'or should i continue'
Please continue.
nawazkhan last decade
thanx sir, this new medicine Ars Alb. 200C is specially made for people like me. i have searched following on internet, 'Arsen. alb.' types are 'tense, restless ambitious individuals' with a tendency toward hypochondriasis, pessimism, need for reassurance, and a meticulous attention to neatness and detail'. sir so far my stamina has increased a little and that constant asthma problem is again gone down but something has happened in my private life that has caused me great sorrow, when i think about it something happens in my tummy region, m trying to get over it

i have to take this new medicine one day more as per ur direction
thundercracker last decade
You must provide your current mental and physical symptoms to move forward.
nawazkhan last decade
'but something has happened in my private life that has caused me great sorrow, when i think about it something happens in my tummy region, m trying to get over it '
Need full details.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i cant reveal it on this forum as this pc has other users as well, i can msg details on any mail add of urs if u want. right now m goin to state my physical and mental state. my asthma is gettin better, m gaining stamina , but today after playing tennis when i came home i felt strange restlessness i wanted to use inhaler but it was not assthma, some sort of weakness coupled with depressing and hopeless thoughts and that fear in my soulf of feet. so i got my blood pressure checked , it was 100/80 my brother said the upper level is low so i took two eggs now feelin a bit better. i sometimes experienxce low blood pressure and low blood sugar levels, i dont know why it happened it may be that i thought bout that event for too long. plz let me know bout ur email add
thundercracker last decade
email addr in my forum profile.

Please never exert yourself.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i have mailed you that confidential scenario. plz check it.
Sir since my asthma problem is in control, i have every reason to jump with joy but no can do as i am heavily hit by depression (with the intensity i experience few months back. now i have concluded that depression is by far worse than asthma, i can live with asthma and curse my fate than to commit suicide due to depression. My mind wants to be preoccupied with something like when i m suffering from asthma it tends to forget depression but when i come out of asthma and finally start thinking positive i am clouded with depression.

sir, some of my symptoms are found in the characteristics of KALI PHos biochemical salt Kali Phos

((((((((Bashfulness, anxiety, fear, tearfulness, suspicion, homesickness, weakness of memory, depression. In general, a sluggish condition of mind, which will act if aroused; also an exhausted mental condition after mental exertion or great strain. omits letters or words in writing, uses wrong words, confusion of ideas. haunted by visions of the past and longing after them. Profound hypochondria and melancholia. Shyness, Vertigo on rising, from lying, on standing up, Weakness in the left side under the heart. Flatulence with distress. distended with gas. Bowels constipated. Stools dark brown, streaked with yellowish-green mucus. Intense sexual desire. Asthma. exhausted feeling from over-exertion of the voice, if rheumatic or nervous. Shortness of breath when going up-stairs, or on any exertion. Anaemia, blood poor. Sluggish circulation. Depression most felt when quiet or alone. Sciatica. Nervousness without any reasonable cause; patient sheds tears and makes 'mountains out of molehills.'))))))))

sir what do u say, sir i still have Staphysagaria 200C and Sabadilla 30C. what should i do with them
thundercracker last decade
Very good dr. thundercracker:)

What potency of Kali Phos would you like to take?
nawazkhan last decade
sir i dont have a clue, but i think 6x. sir i am not second guessing u as i am very much satisfied with ur way of treatment. i usually give up on homeopaths but this time its different. sir ipcac and nat sulph are nearly empty, should i buy more of these? sir what about Staphysagaria 200C and Sabadilla 30C. i need to immediately come out of depression right away as its slowly diminishing my joy related to speedy asthma recovery. sir keep my heartache in mind. please sir help
thundercracker last decade
sir i am waiting for ur reply, last nite my depresion reachd to the extreme,even a slightest thought of hopelesness/rejection stirred up depresion. As a consequence i took 5 tabs of kalium phosphoricum 12x which were already kept by me from a couple of years. My mood got stabalized n i slept bt in the meantime i contractd a very bad viral infection of throat from family member,now i have headache n painful stuffed throat, i think i have to start using antibiotics for that. Plz help me resolve this depresion problem
thundercracker last decade
sir why aren't u replying?
thundercracker last decade
Please take Ars Alb. 200C, One daily dose for 3 days.
nawazkhan last decade
sir my depresion has subsided a bit,hangin out with my cousin also brings relief,lonlines makes it worse. Sir 2 days bak i badly struck by throat infection n flu,which turned into chest infection,i didnt feel asthma on first day bt now al that phlegm is acumulatd n i am usin inhaler and brotux homeo syrup,both r workin bt sir al my life i cant bear this aftermath of chest infection n hayfever. Wil i be managin my asthma al my life or would i ever be cured,can u prescribe quick actin asthma or bronchitis drug
thundercracker last decade
Please continue with the remedy and pray more to Allah SWT with full trust and hope for speedy recovery.
nawazkhan last decade
m taking ars alb. 200c
thundercracker last decade
Please stop the remedy and furnish your current symptoms.
nawazkhan last decade
Sir as i told u that i was admitted in hospital for chest infection /flu/temperature. there i managed just fine, did not feel depression but now that i am discharged and have finally come home, mental confusion has started again. was at home all day, watched a movie listened to music but couldnt deviate my mind off depression, feeling dizzy as well, didnt feel depressed in the morning but now i do. my asthma had aggravated thats why i was admittede but due to heavy antibiotics it has gone down in severity, only rattling and wheezing is left ( mucous/phlegm stored inside which i spit after regular intervals) in short m not feeling that happiness which is associated with normal things like walkin in the sun, joy of holidays, etc and cant concentrate on the detail;s of things that i do. i just had soup after which i felt restless so i went out the home just to breathe but it was no asthma, i was just thinkin bout it too much. sir i am using nat sulph 6x, kalium phos 6x and calciulm sulph 6x. sir what should i do with those Staphysagaria 200C and Sabadilla 30C
thundercracker last decade
'sir i am using nat sulph 6x, kalium phos 6x and calciulm sulph 6x.'
How many doses per day? Please refresh my memory about 'calciulm sulph 6x'.

'sir what should i do with those Staphysagaria 200C and Sabadilla 30C'
Please hold on to these.

'm taking ars alb. 200c'
How many doses have been taken for the last 5 days?
nawazkhan last decade
sir ive been takin ars alb 200 from the past 2 days (single dose)as before that i was in hospital. Hence i skipped it for 4 days. Ive not startd takin cal sulph 6x yet,someone suggestd it for producin resistance against cold and infections bt i told him that i would ask my doc,now m only concernd bout depresion
thundercracker last decade

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