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Posts about Depression, Hayfever

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

PLEASE HELP DR NAWAZ !! asthma,hayfever,panic depression. Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sir ive been takin ars alb 200 from the past 2 days (single dose)as before that i was in hospital. Hence i skipped it for 4 days. Ive not startd takin cal sulph 6x yet,someone suggestd it for producin resistance against cold and infections bt i told him that i would ask my doc,now m only concernd bout depresion
thundercracker last decade
Homoeopathic remedies are very powerful with serious side effects. One must never self-prescribe.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i agree, i just dont start anything til u give me a green signal. That friend of mine also suggestd grandelia q for asthma and lungs bt i didnt go for it.now sir m waiting for ur next move.
thundercracker last decade
Please take one dose of Thuja 1m today. No other remedy must be taken after taking Thuja.
nawazkhan last decade
i complied with ur direction,in the morning i felt depresed then went on a long journey with cousin n bro,was depresed 80% of the day,now at the time of sleepin m doin ok
thundercracker last decade
sir wats the plan for tomm, should i continue with those bio chemical salts or there a new change
thundercracker last decade
You must wait for 3 days without any remedy.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i am experiencing extreme mood swings, hope is gradually departing from my system. nothing seems to bring me happiness or hope. a little feeling of asthma temporarily eases my depression but when my breathing gets normal severe depression follows, too much sleepy and laziness. played a lil table tennis after which i started to faint. i am so worried and scared, i dont think so that i can get cured from depression. i pray to God that He should take my life before family members come to know about my depression. i think sooner or later i have to be admitted in a psychiatrist ward. sir i beg u please halp me, i cant take it anymore, i am too exhausted. i am having acidity from the past 2 days
thundercracker last decade
Please take Arsenicum Album 200C as before, for 3 days.

Also, Natrum Phos 6X, 4 tablets after each meal, for 1 week.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
sir today i am feeling much better , have taken arsenic alb 200C and will purchase Natrum Phos 6X in a couple of hours.had slept earlier last nite as i told u that i am feeling way too tired and sleepy now a days. Last nite when i msged u my depression was at extreme butr when i shared it with brothers and they gave me hope , i felt better.
sir i sometimes study about the remedies u prescribe. i found a relevant page that says alot about natrium sulph want to share it,' since I have learned that asthma is a sycotic disease, and since I have made judicious application of anti-sycotics, I have been able to relieve or cure a great number of such cases.
You will find in the history of medicine that wherever asthma was cured, it has been by anti-sycotic remedies. That is one of the first things I observed, that outside of sycotics you will seldom find a cure for asthma.
There is that peculiarity that runs through sycosis which gives you a hereditary disease, and asthma corresponds to that disease. Hence it is that Silicea is one of the greatest cures for asthma ; it does not cure every case, but when Silicea corresponds to the symptoms, you will be surprised to note how quickly it will eradicate it.
While Ipecac, Spongia, and Arsenicum will correspond just as clearly to the supervening symptoms and to everything that you can find about the case, yet what do they do ? They palliate ; they repress the symptoms ; but your asthma is no better off, your patient is not cured.
Arsenic is one of the most frequently indicated remedies for the relief of asthma ; so also are Bryonia, Ipecac, Spongia and Carbo veg., but they do not cure ; though they relieve surprisingly at times. Where a patient is sitting up, covered with a cold sweat, wants to be fanned by somebody on either side of the bed, dyspnoea is so distressing ; that it seems almost impossible for the patient to live longer, to get another breath, then Carbo veg. comes in and gives immediate relief and the patient will he down and get a very good night's rest. But what is the result ?
On comes the asthma again the very next cold. Natrum sulphuricum goes down to the bottom of this kind of a case. If it is hereditary, that is, not long lived, if it is in a growing subject, Natrum sulphuricum goes down to the bottom of such a case and will cure when its symptoms are present ; and the symptoms will so often be present.
It is because of this deep seated anti-sycotic nature, we find in the combination of Natrum and Sulphur, that we have a new state and combination running into the life. When the chest is filling up with mucus, rattling of mucus, expectoration of large quantities of white mucus, with asthmatic breathing in young subjects, this remedy must be thought of'.
thundercracker last decade
Thanks Dr. thundercracker:)
nawazkhan last decade
:) u must be thinkin that dr thundercracker has gone total bonkers. sir i will be taking the last dose of Arsc alb 200 (10 ml dilution) as per ur instructions. i am continuing to take nat phos 4 days more. sir my depression commences from my waking up in the morning till evening. the only relief i feel is at night but i dont get to enjoy it as m too tired and sleepy by that time. my dizziness does not last inspite of long hours of rest. during afternoon and in evening i experience a coughing session which i never experienced before, my brother also experiences the same after that chest infection.
thundercracker last decade
before leavin office i took arsn alb 200 ,ipecac after 30mins my depresion vanished for 2 hours. Sir Wat should i take tomm?
thundercracker last decade
I believe you should be able to decide what to take tomorrow.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i am not a doc,i would rather follow ur directions, sir i had terrible mood swings ,one moment it feels like life is over and then suddenly i think positive, sick and tired of these fluctuations. Its coupled with heavyness in my head and confusion/disorientation. Get asthma atack wen i run in this cold weather.help me sir
thundercracker last decade
You need to see a doc face to face asap. Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
which doc? can u recommend someone in pakistan
thundercracker last decade
Please ask around in the Islamabad area for a good homeopath.
nawazkhan last decade
Sir wish me luck, will consult you when pollen season is near. will store sabadilla for that. but why didnt u let me consume Staphisagria. it rightly defines me.

'It is indicated in the first place in patients who appear pale, and are worn out and exhausted, especially as regards their nervous system. Both brain and spinal-cord are weakened under its influence. The face is rather sunken, the nose is peaked and pointed and the eyes are sunken and surrounded by blue rings. Mentally, the Staphisagria patient as a child is rather impetuous and irritable, reminding one strongly of Chamomilla. As an adult, the Staphisagria patient is hypochondriacal. There may be one of several causes producing this last-named mental state when this remedy is indicated. First, sexual excesses. We find it called for in these hypochondriacal moods after self-abuse, and also when this mental state occurs in young men and young women as a result of permitting the mind to dwell too much on sexual subjects. Owing to his bad habit the boy becomes apathetic and gloomy, and has this very complexion and sunken face that I have described. He rather prefers solitude and is shy of the opposite sex. Locally, there is to be noted an irritability of the prostatic portion of the urethra. This state of affairs is seldom the result of excessive sexual intercourse'.

is it not for depression?
thundercracker last decade
hi salam docter. my problem is asthma.plz send me meidecen name . before i use this midecine
rashidkhan last decade

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