The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Teething baby
My 5 1/2 year old has been teething for about a month and a half. I've tried Hylands homeopathic teething tablets, calc carb, calc phos, Chamomilla, belladonna, and even pulsatilla. I'm desperate for a good night's sleep. He has gotten to where he only sleeps on my chest or upright in the carrier. He rubs his face in the pillows when we lay him down. No inflamed gums or odd looking stools, no excessive drooling or rashes. He wants to be held all the time, and likes to be bounced/rocked in the carrier. He is a sweet baby, but will not sleep laying flat. He is about the size of a 9 month old. He also has to be put in a sitting position in order for me to get him to have a bowel movement. He is allergic to cow's milk casein protein. Any suggestions?CCMom on 2013-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
CCMom last decade
CC mom,
Give him a single dose of 2-3 drops of arsenic alb 30C dilution in 2 teaspoon of water. wait for a couple of days and report back.
Dr. Yogesh
Give him a single dose of 2-3 drops of arsenic alb 30C dilution in 2 teaspoon of water. wait for a couple of days and report back.
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Unfortunately, the store that carries remedies in my area does not carry the liquid dilution of any remedy. Is there a way I can make the dilution? Thank you Dr. Yogesh!
CCMom last decade
Oh and he has solid earwax come out his ears. Not in excess or profusely, but it is odd to look into his ear and just be able to pull a little piece out from time to time. His head is also warm at night and morning - no fever but warm enough to feel the difference. thank you
CCMom last decade
CCMom last decade
yogeshrajurkar last decade
I have given him the remedy! Another observation I've made with him is that he never falls into a deep sleep! He has been like this for a week now. No matter how long he's been 'asleep' on my chest or in the carrier, when we try to put him down he wakes up.
Thank you!
Thank you!
CCMom last decade
Hello! Well we do seem to have made some progress with him sleeping a little better at night. Before we couldn't even put him down ( he had to be upright on my chest or my husband's), and now he will lay down next to me in bed. He still prefers to be rocked, swayed, or bounced rather vigorously and is only light napping in the morning. He still rubs his face info the mattress. I did breakdown and give him infant ibuprofen the night I gave him the dose of the remedy because we were so desperate for sleep, so I hope that didn't counter anything. What exactly should I hope to observe with him? I know he is still in pain, but the moaning has significantly decreased. He still is occasionally warm to the touch (no fever though). He also does not like anything around his neck, not does he like to have any type of covers placed on him while he sleeps. He is my fair skinned child. He is very sweet but can be forceful when he wants something.
CCMom last decade
CC mmom,
Ok there is some progress wait for a couple of days and repeat the dose once more.
Keep me updated.
Dr. Yogesh
Ok there is some progress wait for a couple of days and repeat the dose once more.
Keep me updated.
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Hi I've repeated the dose. He seems a little better now. Still no teeth and he's 6 months old now! The pain for him seems to be worse in the mornings. He isn't moaning like he was though.
CCMom last decade
CC mom,
Good ... Hope you are able to sleep now.
Teeth will take their own time dont be in a hurry.
Still now what problem persists please lemme know.
Dr. Yogesh
Good ... Hope you are able to sleep now.
Teeth will take their own time dont be in a hurry.
Still now what problem persists please lemme know.
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Hi Dr. Yogesh- it seems we have had a relapse. I'm not sure at all what is wrong with him. He just refuses to sleep more than an hour to an hour and a half at a time. Maybe it's something in my diet. Going to cut out my afternoon cup of green tea and see if that might help some. He just wants to be held and he nurses all night. I'm going to see about taking him to the pediatrician to rule out maybe an ear infection. Thank you. I will keep you posted.
CCMom last decade
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Hi Dr. Yogesh,
I can purchase the remedy through the online store here on this page. What would this be for? His sleeping? Despite his no sleeping he is quite a happy baby! I wish I could say the same!
I can purchase the remedy through the online store here on this page. What would this be for? His sleeping? Despite his no sleeping he is quite a happy baby! I wish I could say the same!
CCMom last decade
yogeshrajurkar last decade
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