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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help for fistula Page 2 of 4

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Dear Anuj

Thanks for your co-operation. Last 2 days I am taking Selicia6X , but today I am feeling little pain on Fistula area, still the hole of both side not fill ...... so next 2 days I will take Selicia as your advice and then will post you again.
Now I am facing few more problem, I am not sure for those fistula or separate... first my sex life just dead, when I go with my girlfriend (i was detach with her for last 1year because of fistula, I feel bad to meet her)I just quickly finish and i get my sperm really fast within 1 or 2 minutes.I have diabetics also around 6.8 to 7.8.
Please help me to survive.Thanks again in advance


reza1976 last decade
let your fistula heal first.

in addition start having kali phos 6x 5 tabs three times a day.
buy nat sulph 6x and keep will let you know when to have it from.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Anuj

As your advice for my fistula,
First Time:
nux vom200 once
next 4 days took 5 tabs 3 times of silicea6X.
2nd :
5drops of ars alb once
from next day starts again 5tabs of 3 times and today is 4th day.

5drops of ars alb once
from next day starts again 5tabs of 3 times and today is 4th day.
took 5tabs for 3times of kali phos6X last 2 days

Now the condition of fistula, place is dry , both side showing hole is more bigger, middle is covered already and no pain.

So now you advice what I should do or take..... next sunday I am going out of my country for 1 week, so if u can suggest me for next 10days medicine will be better, if anything wrong I will update u, do u think its improving?


reza1976 last decade
repeat ars alb after 4 days.

sil to continue along with kali phos on all the days except when you take ars.repeat on the eight day.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Anuj

As your advice for my fistula,
First Time:
nux vom200 once
next 4 days took 5 tabs 3 times of silicea6X.
2nd :
5drops of ars alb once
from next day starts again 5tabs of 3 times and today is 4th day.

5drops of ars alb once
from next day starts again 5tabs of 3 times and today is 4th day.
took 5tabs for 3times of kali phos6X last 2 days

As your advice last 10days I took
5drops of ars alb once
from next day starts again 5tabs of 3 times Silicea and Kali Phos 6x
Fistula still as before and I will try to see tonoght and will update that area.

Today it will be finish as your advice, so now let me know what I should do

Thanks again and really appreciate your co-operation.


reza1976 last decade
Dear Anuj
As ur advice I finish last dose of Silicea 6x n Kali phos6x yesterday night, now the fistula looking better than before, one hole is almost close n another is 50%, area is dry.
Should I continue ars alb today again n then from tomorrow silicea6x n Kali Phos6x ? Or any new advice, please let me know.
Thanks again for ur everything.
reza1976 last decade
yes continue as advised.
anuj srivastava last decade
ok Anuj, so I will take 5 drop of Ars Alb today and from tomorrow will take 3 times of Silicea 6X and Kali Phos 6X- 5tabs each for next 4 days. Right?

reza1976 last decade
yes you are right.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear mr. Anuj
As ur advice I am continuing 5drop of ars alb one day n then next 4 days 3 times solicitation 6x n kali phos 6x 5 tabs each, n my fistula area almost going to as before , one one side taking time, another side look like as before.
But suddenly after 2 inch differences from fistula one more rash come up n from yesterday it's painting me too much and inside feel hard.
Please advice me , I am worried , if it's again come as fistula..... Pls help me again as before...
reza1976 last decade
Today morning I checked my diabetic , it was 7.4 on fasting. So please let me what I should do now in this condition.
reza1976 last decade
pls dont take medicines for four days and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava last decade
Ok sir, I will not take any medicine from today. Can u tell me, should I try to burst that rash or shouldn't ?

reza1976 last decade
my dear brother i am read your history,,,so if you want a cure so used this medicine,,,

thuja...200 20 drops morning time

nux, vomica,,,200 20 drops bed time daily

for 11 days, then 12lth day report me,
from doctor baig
Doctor_Baig last decade
Dear bro bait

Thanks for ur advice, but did u read my full story or not? And I was taking Dr. Anuj medicine before, so it will my pleasure to take ur medicine with his concern.

Dear Anuj

Would u pls tell me, should I follow Mr. Baig medicine or not?

reza1976 last decade
Dear Bro Baig

Thanks for your advice, I just want to inform you, as I was suffering from fistula last 1 and half year and after I get advice from Dr. Anuj , alhamdulillah its almost recover me, there was 2 hole for that one is already filled another almost done, little bit down till now, one side skin look as before. So that I am worried to use any other medicine.

But this rash is very near of my stool pass way(don't know excat word for that), so that I am worried what is going on, last 2 days it was too paining and too hot , the place is big but from yesterday pain reduce and today area also coming to reduce, now its look going inside,I hope these all condition will help you to make a decision for me, please advice me now what I should do and how I can get remede from all these..........Please bro..

reza1976 last decade
dont burst it pls
anuj srivastava last decade
Ok sir. Did u see Dr Baig told to use thuja and nix ohm, should I use or not?
I am just worried why it's happening with me only.... Advice me pls

reza1976 last decade
Dear Dr Anuj

Suddenly some water starting come out from the new rash........what I should do, inside still have hard feelings.

Pls reply me urgently.

reza1976 last decade
Dear Dr Anuj

I am really bad condition, some blood n puse is coming out from the rash but one side is hard , that is very hot .
Now please tell me, should intake any medicine to clear that hard portion to make the rash clear or not?pl stake it as urgent n help me, I already bought thuja200 and nix vom200 as dr. Baig , but not taking without ur advice.


reza1976 last decade
Dear Anuj
Today morning I feel the hard area is reducing more n nothing coming out, that mean it's going , but I am worried if it come back again ? Should I take anything to make sure no rash will come again or not?

Should I start my old medicine again or not ?


reza1976 last decade
continue the same medicines.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks dear, pls pray so that this rash will not be same......I am really worried....
reza1976 last decade
Dear Anuj

Thanks for your help a lot. Now I am writing with my recent physical condition:
As your advice still I am using one day 5drop of Ars Alb 200 and next 4 days 5 tabs each of Kali Phos6X and Selicia6X and my fistula one side is very good , another side still little bit down than normal skin.
Until you tell me to stop I will continue these medicine.

Now, recently I was suffering from Fever and cold and then went to doctor and doctor test blood with following reports:
Total Cholesterol 231 mg/dl(40)
LDL Cholesterol 139 mg/dl(
nargis1969 last decade
my dear sir,you should have indicated these problems b4 hand.

anywayz,pls have nat sulph6x and kali phos 6x 5 tabs of each three times a day and stop other remedies.

feed back after a forthnight.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Anuj

Thanks for your quick update, I forget to inform you one more thing, suddenly from yesterday I was feeling cold on my left leg side , specially back side and today I saw some small rash besides my penis left side what happened last 1 month ago also.

Don't know what is going on with me only.


nargis1969 last decade

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