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Dear Anuj

Thanks for your quick update, I forget to inform you one more thing, suddenly from yesterday I was feeling cold on my left leg side , specially back side and today I saw some small rash besides my penis left side what happened last 1 month ago also.

Don't know what is going on with me only.


nargis1969 last decade
pls respond through ur original post.i dont think i was responding to nargis,or was i?
anuj srivastava last decade
Sorry bro
reza1976 last decade
dear coustmer if u r agrey,. so well but your problems is still here somused this medicine for good health.
i am not snd other medicine 2nd time...
so note.......
1_ Nux, Vomica 200 daily night time 25 drops.
sulphur, 200 dily early in the morning 25 drops.
Medorrinum, 200, after 2 dyas 30 drops. u will cure within a days 100% guaranteed
Doctor_Baig last decade
Dear Dr Bag

These all medicines for me?


reza1976 last decade
dear brother yah its your medicine all of, and used.
Doctor_Baig last decade
Dear Bro Baig

Assalamualikum. Ok thanks , would you tell me how many days I should take these medicines...... and last one after 2days, only one dose or more.


reza1976 last decade
YES 3rd medicine Medorrinum, 200 25 DROPS after 2 days and medicine used for one week and then 10th day report me.
Doctor_Baig last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

Yesterday I returned from Singapore to Bangladesh , so that last 2 days I didn't take medicine, so today morning again I feel some cold n eatch on my pains, so that now I took Bro Baig medicine as below

Morning 20 drop of sulpher200
Evening 20 drop of nix vom200
After 2days medorrinum200

Just start now and so that sending u details.

Now I got another problem, my left knee problem, if I seat for a min can,t standup n few sec can,t walk also, I can't ban my leg for few sec, then also feel same. Don't know what is going on, new new problem coming bro.
Not Taking much food but gaining weight of body .

Dear Bro Baig

Just start ur medicine , so third day I will stop 2 medicine n will take medorrinum only.

My email ID is ceo at innovativebd.com
reza1976 last decade
Dear Dr. Baig

As ur advice last 7 days taking medicine, now tell me how many days I should continue and as I will go out of Bangladesh for next 15days from 16th dec, so should I keep any medicine with me ?
I need something to reduce my diabetics n weight, pls advice me,


reza1976 last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

As your advice I was taking Kali Phos6X and Nat Sulp6X daily 3 times, should I continue more or I don't need to take medicine, still Fistula not fully fill but outside skin is good.

Diabetes is still 6.4 and high cholostorel.

Now can't band right knee , as feel pain when do that.

Please bro advice me, if any thing should use also let me know.


nargis1969 last decade
Dear Dr Anuj

As ur advice last I am taking Kali Phos6X and Net Sulp6X for 3 times a day.

Now Fistula look loke almost heal, out side skin is looking good but not fill yet fully.
Diabetics 6.4 , high choloestorel and have pain on right leg knee, can't band that, after band feel pain for few second more.

Others Skin don't have any problem now but hair fall start more.

So please bro help me to inform what I should do now.


reza1976 last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

I need help, should I continue Kali Phos6X and Nat Sulp6X daily 3 times, at this moment my condition as below:

Fistula area skin is as normal, only one side hole still not filled.
Diabetes 6.4 on fasting, have high choloestorel and have pain on right knee, can't band the leg even for pray.

Please advice me bro,


reza1976 last decade
Dear bro Baig

I took ur medicines for 10 days and then didn't get any response from u, those was

Morning 25drops sulphar200
Evening 25drops nix vom200
Every third day only 25drops of medorrinum

Last 2 weeks was good but suddenly today again some small small rash come out on penis with inside water. It's itching .....so please advice me urgently.


reza1976 last decade
stop these medicines pls.

after 7 days have Kali Phos6X and Net Sulp6X 3 times a day feed back after 4 days of having the medicines.
anuj srivastava last decade
Ok , it's almost 7days I have stop all those n write to u also , so last 7 days didn't take any medicine, today only when saw rash there so that took 25drops of nux vom , so should I start from today or not?

Thanks after long time u reply....want to follow ur advice
reza1976 last decade
wait n give a feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Ok bro, I will start medicine from tomorrow morning as your advice and will update you after 4 days.

Bro, I am gaining more weight and increase Diabetes, today I test that was around 7 in fasting, getting GAS in baily, so would you please advice me any medicine for these also?


reza1976 last decade
you continue what i hav suggested ,will take care of every thing.

go for a 5km walk daily
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

I am taking Kali Phos and Nat Sulp 3 times daily as your advice. But suddenly yesterday again I feel burn on my penis skin and today morning see small rash there again, I am relly in problem bro, what is going on, just some other rash there was clear 3-4 days ago now again.

Please advice me.
I am trying to walk everyday as your advice.


reza1976 last decade
did you ever have unprotected sex,if not dont worry.continue the medicines.
anuj srivastava last decade
Yes may be 1year ago I did that ....... is it serious issue bro.....
reza1976 last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

I am really in helpless condition, is it very serious issue??? Can't work after hearing this, please help me and let me know how to survive........take it urgent....pls explain me...and advice me.....
reza1976 last decade
pls get a blood test vdrl done and get your other hiv etc tests conducted it will ease your tensions if the tests are negative and if not then proper treatment can be givn.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Bro

Let me explain when it start, I am using your medicine for Fistula around 8-9 months, and in middle this problem start,first time when it come that time I informed u and u told to stop medicine for 4 days and it was ok , after that 1month again come and I took Dr. Nawaj medicines (which u asked to stop me) , then last 3 weeks ago it come back and u told me to stop Nawaj medicine and to start again Kali Phos6X and Nat Sulp6X again. That one is almost clean and now yesterday it come back .

Please try one best medicine and after that if not ok then I will do test.
reza1976 last decade
since it is reappearing ,it is advisable to have a blood test to rule out any other problems,so be and think positive.otherwise this fear will keep on lingering in your mind.
anuj srivastava last decade

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