The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Slip Disc
In June/July 2003 i start feeling pain (occasionally) in my low back while standing and keep on increasing until i sit. I consulted the doctor, he gave me some medicines but......
In October the pain went on increasing in less duration of standing position. Top of left hip was very painful specially when i stand up after lying.I was not able to bow or sit. I consulted another doctor, he said you have spine problem but you will be allright after some medicines (pain killers and musculers) but......
I was injected some muscles injection and given heavy medicines and i start wearing lumber belt and doing some excercises (as told by my new doctor). Exercises were:
1- Lifting of leg, one by one, while lying on back and on belly.
2- Holding of knee(s) near my chest.
3- Lifting of hips while feet and shoulders are touching the ground.
4- While lying on belly lifting the chest.
5- He also use to put three pillows under my hips while lying on belly for almost half an hour.
I spent most of my time on computers but no doctor advised me to stop doing so. Now that things gone worse they reasoned working on computers for long.
They also advised me injections in back and surgery - i don't want both.
Current Position:
Cannot stand for long. Pain in low back, hip, side hip and shin near ankles. Severe pain while standing, sitting, sneezing and laughing. I am on bed rest and having some medicines alongwith excerises.
Though the pain is less but i still cannot stand for long as pain comes back after doing this.
What do i do to have noraml life again?
X-Ray Report says:
Lumbosacral spine AP + Lateral
The alignment and curvature of lumbosacral spine is well preserved. There is early osteophytic lipping around L4/5 and L5/S1 discs, though the disc spaces are well preserved.
The paraspinal soft tissues are nomal. Both Sl joints are normal as well.
MRI Says:
MRI lumber spine without contrast
sagittal and axial scans done through the lumbosacral spine acquiring T1/T2W sequences.
There are moderate dehydration of L4/5 & L5/S1 discs.
The L4/5 disc has a focal central and right posterolateral herniation, which is appreciably compromising the right lateral recess and the adjacent thecal sac inconjuction with mildly hypertrophied facet joints.
The L5/S1 disc has a diffuse central protrusion. This disc-osteophytic bar is also compromising the both the lateral recesses, more on the right. Facet joint hypertrophy is mild at this level as well.
All remaining proximal discs are intact.Distal dorsal cord/conus medullaris and surrounding CSF spaces are normal.
Disc related spinal stenosis documented at L4/5 & L5/S1 levels as described above.
Please help me so i could live normal life and stand on my foot again.
far10han on 2004-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I think you can try RHUS TOX 1M/5D once in 3days at bed time, and slong with it calc four 3x tab 3 3 3 3 for about two wks.
akbarkp 2 decades ago
do you see a chiropractor besides this other doctor you mention?
rhus-t 12 c 2 times day no more than 3 days--if better for motion and worse from stillness
calc 12c 2 times a day -no more than 3 days--if not better for anything
what started this?? accident,lifting...etc?
rhus-t 12 c 2 times day no more than 3 days--if better for motion and worse from stillness
calc 12c 2 times a day -no more than 3 days--if not better for anything
what started this?? accident,lifting...etc?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
far10han 2 decades ago
1 dose arnica 30 and see chiropractor.take x-rays with you---give 4-6 days and 1 dose arnica 200c
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi Group,
I have got a slip disc and the MRI report says below:
Central and Bilateral paracentral herniation with minimum Inferior extrusion of L5-S1 disc compressing the anterior epidural fat indenting the thecal sac, impinging on bilateral traversing S1 and minimally impinging on exiting L5 nerve roots and compromising the neural foramina.
Can anyone explain what does this mean?
Appreciate a quick response I am very worried.
I have got a slip disc and the MRI report says below:
Central and Bilateral paracentral herniation with minimum Inferior extrusion of L5-S1 disc compressing the anterior epidural fat indenting the thecal sac, impinging on bilateral traversing S1 and minimally impinging on exiting L5 nerve roots and compromising the neural foramina.
Can anyone explain what does this mean?
Appreciate a quick response I am very worried.
L5-S1 last decade
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