The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Slip disc
Sir,I would like to know that my slip disc l4,l5s1 could be healed.I consulted a homeopathic Dr.HE IS giving me Pain Drop,and arnica too...some pills also...sir Advoice me ,in homeopathy ,is disc bulge curable?...dhirendramishrasak on 2018-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, but many times you have to add in other things. Like physical therapy where you do daily stretching to get more blood flow into the area. Really
Watching you posture and not sitting on soft chairs and couches, but sitting on a hard surface. Sleeping on your back with pillow under knees and good neck support let the spine get back to reset itself. Stop any wrong lifting,
And bending of the neck from phone use, reading in bed, having computer at wrong eye level. You must get up and move every hour to keep blood flow
This is a lifestyle change, I know several people who have cured this by being disciplined to change daily habits and now can do previous sports again
With no problems - they did not know about or use homeopathy.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-04 21:21:42]
Watching you posture and not sitting on soft chairs and couches, but sitting on a hard surface. Sleeping on your back with pillow under knees and good neck support let the spine get back to reset itself. Stop any wrong lifting,
And bending of the neck from phone use, reading in bed, having computer at wrong eye level. You must get up and move every hour to keep blood flow
This is a lifestyle change, I know several people who have cured this by being disciplined to change daily habits and now can do previous sports again
With no problems - they did not know about or use homeopathy.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-04 21:21:42]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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