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Posts about Depression, Libido, Stress

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Constant stress4Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Adult picky eater with emotional distress5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lack of Libido depression anxiety stress

Hi, I am writing this mail in great desperation. I am a 32 year old male married for 2 years. around 1.5 years back I got into depression due to some work related problems I thus went to a psychiatrist and was on anti depressants for a few months, after getting better I stopped taking the medicine but lost my libido. I had a normal sex life before taking these alopathic anti depressants. Since then my frequency of having sex with my wife went down from 2-3 times a week to once a month.

I have been mastrubating almost regularly since the age of 16, and have now lost interest in having sex with my wife. I used to mastrubate till a week back but have not bee mastrubating for a week now. I used to watch porn regularly and mastrubate, I still get erection by thinking and imagining sex, but I ejaculate fast and dont get erections as hard as I used to get. When having sex with wife my erections are not hard though I can last for 4-5 minutes but without hard erections there is not much satisfaction to her and to me.

I generally have anxiety, stress, and lack of interest in life, I am depressed but not seucidal. I am smart intelligent good looking have a good sense of humour and have a nice friends circle but still I am depressed sad and hopeless about future.

I consulted a friend of mine who has good kowledge about homeopathy, he adviced me to take following medicines twice a day 3 drops at a time:

- Argentum nitricum (30C)
- Aconite Nap (30C)
- Caladium sang (30C)
- Staphysagria (30C)
- China (30C)

I have been taking these for close to 15 days, I sleep well now manage my work better have better energy levels. But I used to have hemohrroids some time back these have returned, my acidity is fine but throat was sensitive it has developed swelling. The health overall is fine with no major problems in life but I am generally always tense anxious and under confidant inspite of having an excellent education and better than average career.

Following are other details, please help me and let me know if these medicines I am taking are fine or not? should I continue taking these and for how long? I have observed not much diff. in my libido, and my penis seems shrinken since I started taking these medicines, but testes seems slightly tighter now.

1. Describe your appearance & age

male 32, height 6 feet, color on fairer side by indian standards
2. What are the symptoms of your health problem
loss of libido, stress, anxiety, sweat when under stress, feel hot when under stress, depressed, anxious, hopeless about future

4. What makes the problem better or worse
failure makes problem worse

5. How do you feel emotionally

weak, dependent

6. Describe your personality
very sciencier, honest, smarter than average, good education, a good friend and care for others but timid not good with getting work done, not very assertive, always under confident

7. What occupies your mind mostly

worries, frustration, anger
8. How do you respond to consolation

i like consolation and feel better
9. Do you want to stay alone or with people
10. How is your sleep
find it difficult to fall asleep but sleep well once i fall asleep
11. Do you have any recurring dreams
I dream of failure, failing in exam quite regularly

12. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
like slight cold weather with slight breeze, dont like extremes in weather. Very difficult to survive in humid climate

13. Do you fight or flight
mostly flight, hardly have ever fought

14. What are your fears

failure, bad health, lack of money
15. Do you normally feel hot or cold
cold and hot both depending on weather
16. What types of clothes you wear

light clothes without restraints
17. What foods & taste you love & hate

love sweet, hate bitter
18. Do you want to eat indigestible foods

only if it is tasty

19. How is your thirst

dont drink much water, but feel very thirsty at times and then I have to have water or carbonated drinks
20. Any coating on tongue

white coating, center
21. Any skin problems

slight dots (light brown) on upper part of arms, no itching no discomfort have them since I have my memory

22. Any problems with respiration

23. Any problems with stool/urine

constpiation but only when I dont follow a routine, have a tendeny to develop constipation if I have erratic schedule.

feel like urinating multiple times when going to sleep but not much urine flows
24. Any sexual problems

loss of libido, feel penis has shrunk, soft erections
  siddmale on 2013-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may get temporary relief in few of your symptoms when you mix & match remedies and take them together but you will not be cured.

Soon these combinations will also stop working and you may suppress your disease further deep.

So the first step is to stop using all these remedies.
fitness last decade
If you are interested I can try to look up the single fitting remedy for you.

Please answer the below questions giving as much DETAILS as possible. Remember, we don’t know and will never know your identity so be fully truthful when answering these questions so that we can help you towards regaining health.

Don't hurry, take your time to reply. I need DETAILS.

Answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.

To get an idea on how to answer these questions please read this case http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/402668/.

Please leave the questions in place and give your answer in front of them.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type

3. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

4. When did this main problem begin

5. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem

6. What makes the main problem better

7. What makes it worse

8. What other health problems do you have

9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally (weepy, irritable, restless etc.)

10. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)

11. How do you relax

12. Do you normally fight or flight

13. What animals are you afraid of

14. What situations are you afraid of (heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

15. What occupies your mind mostly

16. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

17. Do you want to stay alone or with people

18. How is your sleep

19. Do you have any recurring dreams

20. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints

21. Do you normally feel hot or cold

22. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)

23. What foods you love

24. What foods you hate

25. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

26. What taste you hate

27. Do you like warm or cold food

28. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)

29. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

30. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both

31. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning

32. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning

33. How is your skin

34. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)

35. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat

36. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)

37. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)

38. How is your sexual life & desire

39. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)

40. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

41. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters

42. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)

43. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
Hello Fitness
It was heatening to read your mail, thanks a lot for your reply, it would be really helpful if you can look into my symptoms. As you already said I did experience some relief initially but then no significant improvement is visible. Following are my responses to the questions, have tried to provide as much detail as possible, please do let me know if any more details are required:

1. Your age & sex

32 Male

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type

5 feet 11.5 Inches (half inch less than 6 feet), weight 79 KGs, eyes colour - dark brown or blackish brown, skin - wheatish complexion, body type – athletic (slight fat on stomach, but very less fat on other parts of the body such as legs, shoulders, hands etc) . Hair – dark grey (not exactly black) have had premature graying, and limited harfall.

3. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
Main health problem:
- Through my childhood I have always been underconfident, and under stress, I get nervous easily, think about impending troubles in life all the time
- Easily irritable by loud unpleasant sounds, traffic, bad news etc
- Sweat excessively in humid weather and in stressful conditions, I do have friends and they like my company, I am talkative and active with friends but like being alone
- I have always had a sensitive throat and catch cold easily, had tonsillitis as a child took antibiotics and it went away, but sore throat and mild fever is a recurring problem almost regularly in the evening.
- Acidity, gastric, flatulence used to be problems for a few years till some time back but now a days not so much as my life style is regular, but hemohrroids do come back from time to time
- I have suffered from hyperthyroidism around 12 years back, took allopathic medicine and it never came back again
- I have pain in the lower back, my job requires sitting for 8-9 hours a day
- I am physically fit, but don’t like doing too much of physical labour, get tired easily on lifting weight etc.

Other stuff
- Anxiety, stress, depression, hopelsness for no reason regarding future and life in general is an always existing issue
- Got my cholesterol, BP, blood sugar etc checked recently all was normal
- Got my testestrone checked recently it was 3.5 on a scale of 3 to 10, the doctor said its normal as the level keeps changing as long as its in the range there is no problem.
- Body is prone to constipation
- I feel my mind/brain is not as sharp as it used to be, get confused easily
- Get bogged down/gittery easily whenever I get work in office, feel like giving it to someone else and escaping ASAP
- Mind keeps getting distracted in whatever I do
- Mind has a tendency to always pick and choose issues which make me tense
Libido/Sex life
- Loss of libido, don’t feel like having sex with wife
- Do not get hard erections
- Slightly painful and sensitive penis

4. When did this main problem begin
- The problem with low libido and lack of erection started around 1.5 years back,
- Have been used to easily getting nervous, jittery and sweaty in troublesome situations since childhood but these issues have increased more in last 3-4 years

5. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
- I got into a very god instiution for my post graduate but could not perform well their have been under confident and been blaming myself for spoiling my career since then this was 6 years back
The issues with anxiety stress and depression have been aggreviated since then, but have increased more since I went into a troublesome phase in my job around 2 years back, see a lack of libido for last 1.5 years
- Constipation and stomach related issues (gas acidity flatulence) develop easily
- Catch cold easily, sensitive throat

6. What makes the main problem better
- Meeting with friends, talking to family, success at work reduces anxiety, stress significantly
- Feel an increase in libido when I am not under stress or pressure

7. What makes it worse
- Fear of failure, humid weather, bad news
- Stressful situation,
- I get irritated with loud or harsh noise, people who talk too much, bad traffic etc
- Stress anxiety and depression are made worse by some stressful news, scene etc

8. What other health problems do you have
- Sensitive throad and stomach
- Develop constipation easily, and sore throat with mild fever is there almost regularly
- Have headache towards evening (above the eyes, on forehead)

9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally (weepy, irritable, restless etc.)
- Mentally agitated, not peaceful, irritable
- Restless, don’t feel relaxed,
- Emotionally always worried and blaming myself for everything that goes wrong
- Weepy yes but don’t cry, get a surge of emotions while for example watching something emotional on TV but am fine the next moment
- Have a habit of constant comparison with every one else and then looking down upon myself
- Accept what other are saying easily, not assertive

10. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
- Easy going, introvert, nervous, anxious, reserved
- Have always been stressed

11. How do you relax
- Watch TV, movies, lie down on bed not doing anything
- Go to friends place, like being with friends and family but not a big fan of going out wandering etc

12. Do you normally fight or flight
- flight, do not fight unless I am really pushed. Or if there is too much of injustice
- Fight when I have nothing to loose or I know my opponent is not dangerous

13. What animals are you afraid of
- Like animals – cats dogs etc etc
- Afraid of cockroaches and crawly creatures (centripede etc)

14. What situations are you afraid of (heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
- Not really afraid of most things
- Afraid of being left alone in a big crowd with no way of going home
- Afraid of being in a foreign land with no money or support or contact
- Afraid of being in a city/country with no friends/family or contacts to rely or take help from, need a constant re assurance that some one is their to help me

15. What occupies your mind mostly
- Worries, tension about loosing job, failing to make money
- Accidents while driving
- Begin proven wrong in office or home etc

16. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
- Like consolation & sympathy when it comes from an honest source like friends/parents

17. Do you want to stay alone or with people
- Like to stay with close friends and close family members
- Do not like to be with office contacts or friends who are not very truthful and honest

18. How is your sleep
- Find it difficult to sleep, but once I sleep I don’t get up before morning
- Very difficult to stop my self from sleeping after lunch
- Do not get up very fresh in the morning

19. Do you have any recurring dreams
- Get dreams of exams and going in exams totally unprepared
- Get dreams linked to any stress full event which might have happened recently
- Don’t dream daily but dreams do come when I have had disturbed sleep

20. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
- Simply can not live in humid weather, as I sweat more than average it drains me completely
- Extreme hot or cold is bad, but dry heat is still tolerable
- Like it pleasant cold, wear lots of clothes during cold season to make sure I don’t fall sick
- Cold leads to stuffy nose, headache, sore throat etc

21. Do you normally feel hot or cold
- Feel cold, sleep with blanket till neck, not covering face
- My feet and hands get cold very soon
- I start wearing more clothes when I feel cold, then once I have worn those clothes I start feeling hot and sweaty

22. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
- Loose round neck, I prefer cotton more than anything
- Prefer clothes with least restraints, like shorts and t-shirts

23. What foods you love
- I simply Love icecreams, carbonated cold drinks but cant drink much due to sensitive throat and the fact that I catch cold easily
- I like tea a lot, don’t like coffee much, like sweets and can eat eggs in any form (boiled, fried omlette etc)
- Like home cooked simple nutritious food
- Like fried (potato chips, french fries, samosas etc) food but cant eat much as they get difficult to digest

24. What foods you hate
- Hate bitter food
- Cant eat bitter gourd (karela), parval (Trichosanthes dioica)

25. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
- sweet

26. What taste you hate
- bitter

27. Do you like warm or cold food
- Like both warm and cold food
- I eat ice cream and drink tea very fast, normally the first one to finish ice cream and tea

28. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)
- Not really, as an infact I used to eat chalk, but no liking or inclination not for anything of that type

29. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
- Less, I do not drink much water, but at times get craving for carbonated cold drinks

30. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
- Have both dry lips and mouth and tongue also

31. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning
- Yes, get white coating on the tongue in the center, do not feel fresh unless I use a tongue cleaner, always carry tongue cleaner when I leave home

32. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning
- Not really, throat feels a bit choked early in the morning, but gets fine after a few minutes

33. How is your skin
- Dry skin but clear clean skin hardly any marks or pimples etc, do have very tiny brown spots on both arms (upper arm) since childhood but they don’t bother much as no itching etc

34. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
- Sweat more than average for sure, have sweaty underarms and forehead and the sweat on head above the ears, sweat in humid climate and when under stress.
- Not smelly first, but gets smelly if I don’t bathe or wear fresh clothes
- Stain colour is a mix of light brown and slight yellow (mostly brown I would say)

35. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat
- Nose gets stuffy in winters, and can be stuffy in the morning
- No problem with ears or chest
- Throat is very sensitive to cold, and feels a bit chokes in the mornings

36. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
- Mostly go for stools twice a day, at times thrice also
- Develop constipation easily so careful with timing
- Do have gas many a times
- Mostly consistent, hard at times
- Do have diarrohea when nervous
- No particular smell
- No blood in stools
- Slight blood at times from rectum due to hemohrroids

37. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
- Mostly colourless, but slight brown at times
- No smell, no blood no discomfourt

38. How is your sexual life & desire
- Sexual desires have been very high since teenage, they still are high
- Have been masturbating quite frequently for long
- Loosing interest in real sex with wife
- More inclined towards watching porn
- Don’t get proper hard erections
- While having sexual contact with wife don’t get much interest and lack proper erection

39. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)
- Feel the penis is sensitive, no pain as such
- Soft erections
- No itching
- Quick ejaculation when mastrubating

40. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

41. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters
- Mothers side – high blood sugar, blood sugar
- Fathers side – no illness, mostly healthy individuals barring minor eye troubles
- Both mothers and fathers side almost every one wears spects so do I
- No siblings

42. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)
- Daily twice, 3 drops in water of following medicines
o Argentum nitricum (30C)
o Aconite Nap (30C)
o Caladium sag (30C)
o Staphysagria (30C)
o China (30C)

43. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
- Had taken Nux vomica and sulphur 30 both 30C potency for close to a month for stomach related issues and hemohrroids. Taken these about an year back.
siddmale last decade
First of all, STOP all homeopathic remedies.

I will work on your case and revert.
fitness last decade
Can you please give relevant info in front of each question, specially Q-3,4,5,6,7.

E.g. if you want treatment for ED, answer these (3,4,5,6,7) questions in light of it.

Under Q-8 you can list down all other ailments.
fitness last decade
While you are EDITING your reply, also, please answer:

When anxious where do you sweat

Why do you think you are underconfident

Give details of hemorrhoids (what makes them better, worse)

Are your erections ok when masturbating

Why don't you want to have sex with your wife

How frequently do you masturbate & watch porn

Is it out of habit or desire
fitness last decade
Dear Fitness
Thanks again for your response, I am really grateful for the interest you are taking in my case, Have refined my answers for all the questions as per your directions have listed down my answers below, have also answered the other questions you asked in the second mail, please find all the responses below, as you suggested have stopped taking all the medicines. Please do let me know if more information is required, thanks again:

Q - When anxious where do you sweat
A- Mostly in the underarms, forehead, on the temple next to ears on and back (center part). When Anxious or stressed out I feel hands also going slightly moist with sweat, and a chill goes down the spine till the scrotum, feel testicles shifting a bit.

Q-Why do you think you are underconfident
I am smart and intelligent, but find it hard to think or apply myself when I feel that situation is critical or I am facing authority, I fear committing mistakes and thus hold myself back from even saying or doing what I am good at. I am comfortable with friends, I joke a lot when with friends or with people I know are not judging me. Do not have problems talking to strangers but when I am dealing with bosses, or higher authority figures I feel nervous and am unable to apply my brains, I feel my pulse rate rising and the need to breath heavily.

Q- Give details of hemorrhoids (what makes them better, worse)
A- Gets better by drinking water, having less constipation, applying moisturizers etc, washing with hot water. Gets worse by over eating, not eating for long time, irregular lifestyle, chilly or hard to digest food.

Q- Are your erections ok when masturbating
A- Yes I get good erections when I have not done it for 4-5 days, erections are good but don’t last long either I ejaculate if I continue or I loose erection.

Q- Why don't you want to have sex with your wife
A- There is no problem with mental compatibility, we have good understanding, the problem is I don’t get erection during fore play and there is not much interest from my end. Also I am tired by night and stressed about sleeping early and getting up early, thus not relaxed and lack the energy.

Q- How frequently do you masturbate & watch porn
A- To be honest almost daily, but it is not an addiction I do not watch and mastrubate If I want to restrict my self or am busy.

Q - Is it out of habit or desire
A- More of a habit, but not addiction. Desire comes and I enjoy it more when I have not watched it for some time (a few days) and am relaxed with nothing to do.

1. Your age & sex
32 Male

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type
5 feet 11.5 Inches (half inch less than 6 feet), weight 79 KGs, eyes colour - dark brown or blackish brown, skin - wheatish complexion, body type – athletic (slight fat on stomach, but very less fat on other parts of the body such as legs, shoulders, hands etc) . Hair – dark grey (not exactly black) have had premature graying, and limited harfall.

3. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

Main health problem:
- Erectile dysfunction, my erections are not very strong
- Premature ejaculation, either I ejaculate prematurely or the erection dies down early
- Ejaculation when less erection, over a period of time I have observed that I am ejaculating even when erection is not proper, I mean I don’t need to have strong erections to ejaculate
- Lack of libido while performing with wife, I have excellent relationship with my wife, we are compatible and healthy otherwise, both of us have good BMI and suffer from no major ailments, but still I am not able to get proper erection with her, this started close to 1.5 years back, before that period it was fine, I see this change more from the point I had to take anti depressants (allopathic) after I stopped taking anti depressants this problem cropped up

4. When did this main problem begin
- Started about 1.5 years back,
- Have been used to easily getting nervous, jittery and sweaty in troublesome situations since childhood but these issues have increased more in last 3-4 years

5. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem
- Was taking anti depressants before that for 3-4 months and after I stopped taking these medicines this problem cropped up

6. What makes the main problem better
- Less amount of stress, anxiety, happy/relaxed state of mind (but only marginal improvement, I feel better during foreplay but still do not get erection)
- Had seen allopathic doctors got testestrone level checked, it was all fine, the dr. gave me some performance improvement pills, those worked but after I stopped taking them the problem was back again

7. What makes it worse
- Stress, anxiety, sadness, tension about the future etc.
- Lack of sleep, being tired
- Honestly speaking there is not much improvement even in favorable situations

8. What other health problems do you have
- Acidity (used to smoke till one year back, but have given up completely), acidity is also under control now, have it around 1-2 times a month
- GERD (in minor form, used to feel acid rising up with sour burps, but again this is limited), have acidity and GERD on over eating only, and is mild now
- Hemohroids (rarely see a speck of blood, just like acidity and acid reflux the frequency and intensity has decreased since I stopped smoking, itching is there, smelly discharge is also observed, constipation makes it worse, tough to digest food – Chinese dishes, maida etc make it bad, chilly food makes it painful)
- Lower back pain (not serious, have it in the morning at times, but not much)
- Sensitive Throat (have a very sensitive throat, almost every evening I feel throat getting sensitive with slight redness and mild fever around 99.2 deg. Centrigate gets worse if I drink cold water etc, and gets better on drinking hot drink, throat feels dry)
- slight pain in the neck at times (nothing significant)
- Headache (mostly in the evening, stress above eyes, in the temple area and forehead, gets better by night)
Other Issues and details:

- Through my childhood I have always been underconfident, and under stress, I get nervous easily, think about impending troubles in life all the time
- Easily irritable by loud unpleasant sounds, traffic, bad news etc
- Sweat excessively in humid weather and in stressful conditions, I do have friends and they like my company, I am talkative and active with friends but like being alone
- I have always had a sensitive throat and catch cold easily, had tonsillitis as a child took antibiotics and it went away, but sore throat and mild fever is a recurring problem almost regularly in the evening.
- Acidity, gastric, flatulence used to be problems for a few years till some time back but now a days not so much as my life style is regular, but hemohrroids do come back from time to time
- I have suffered from hyperthyroidism around 12 years back, took allopathic medicine and it never came back again
- I have pain in the lower back, my job requires sitting for 8-9 hours a day
- I am physically fit, but don’t like doing too much of physical labour, get tired easily on lifting weight etc.
- Anxiety, stress, depression, hopelsness for no reason regarding future and life in general is an always existing issue
- Got my cholesterol, BP, blood sugar etc checked recently all was normal
- Got my testestrone checked recently it was 3.5 on a scale of 3 to 10, the doctor said its normal as the level keeps changing as long as its in the range there is no problem.
- Body is prone to constipation


- I feel my mind/brain is not as sharp as it used to be, get confused easily
- Get bogged down/gittery easily whenever I get work in office, feel like giving it to someone else and escaping ASAP
- Mind keeps getting distracted in whatever I do
- Mind has a tendency to always pick and choose issues which make me tense
Libido/Sex life
- Loss of libido, don’t feel like having sex with wife
- Do not get hard erections
- Slightly painful and sensitive penis

9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally (weepy, irritable, restless etc.)
- Mentally agitated, not peaceful, irritable
- Restless, don’t feel relaxed,
- Emotionally always worried and blaming myself for everything that goes wrong
- Weepy yes but don’t cry, get a surge of emotions while for example watching something emotional on TV but am fine the next moment
- Have a habit of constant comparison with every one else and then looking down upon myself
- Accept what other are saying easily, not assertive

10. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
- Easy going, introvert, nervous, anxious, reserved
- Have always been stressed about small things
- Have a very loving and supporting family, still tense about future, money etc
- Not scared of most of the things like water, heights, ghosts, supernatural, darkness etc
- scared of being lonely in crowd with no support
-scared of getting into arguments, not able to take arguments etc for long, give up easily while putting my point
- Motivated by simple life, honesty etc, not too much into flashing wealth, money is a source of security and comfort for me

11. How do you relax
- Watch TV, movies, lie down on bed not doing anything
- Go to friends place, like being with friends and family but not a big fan of going out wandering etc
- Perfect form of relaxation would be going to a lonely place and being cut off from all tensions worries etc, like relaxing in simple, less crowded places which are slow moving, small villages with simple life

12. Do you normally fight or flight
- flight, do not fight unless I am really pushed. Or if there is too much of injustice
- Fight when I have nothing to loose or I know my opponent is not dangerous

13. What animals are you afraid of
- Like animals – cats dogs etc etc
- Not really afraid of animal to the extent of having a phobia but don’t want to face cockroaches and crawly creatures (centripede etc)
- Love domesticated animals like cats dogs, rabbits, ducks huns goats etc etc

14. What situations are you afraid of (heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
- Not really afraid of most things
- Afraid of being left alone in a big crowd with no way of going home
- Afraid of being in a foreign land with no money or support or contact
- Afraid of being in a city/country with no friends/family or contacts to rely or take help from, need a constant re assurance that some one is their to help me

15. What occupies your mind mostly

- Worries, tension about loosing job, failing to make money
- Accidents while driving
- Begin proven wrong in office or home etc
- Health of parents, and other members in family

16. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
- Like consolation & sympathy when it comes from an honest source like friends/parents

17. Do you want to stay alone or with people
- Like to stay with close friends and close family members
- Do not like to be with office contacts or friends who are not very truthful and honest

18. How is your sleep
- Find it difficult to sleep, but once I sleep I don’t get up before morning
- Very difficult to stop my self from sleeping after lunch
- Do not get up very fresh in the morning, feel sleepy the whole day, then do not feel sleepy the moment I lie down

19. Do you have any recurring dreams
- Get dreams of exams and going in exams totally unprepared
- Get dreams linked to any stress full event which might have happened recently
- During a phase of life I got into an institute where I was not able to do well, I keep recurring dreams about being in the same place and struggling
- Don’t dream daily but dreams do come when I have had disturbed sleep

20. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
- Simply can not live in humid weather, as I sweat more than average it drains me completely
- Extreme hot or cold is bad, but dry heat is still tolerable
- Like it pleasant cold, wear lots of clothes during cold season to make sure I don’t fall sick
- Cold leads to stuffy nose, headache, sore throat etc
- Like windy weather but need clothes to keep warm if I don’t wear good amount of clothes in windy weather I might get stuffy nose

21. Do you normally feel hot or cold
- Feel cold, sleep with blanket till neck, not covering face
- My feet and hands get cold very soon
- I start wearing more clothes when I feel cold, then once I have worn those clothes I start feeling hot and sweaty

22. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
- Loose round neck, I prefer cotton more than anything
- Prefer clothes with least restraints, like shorts and t-shirts

23. What foods you love
- I simply Love icecreams, carbonated cold drinks but cant drink much due to sensitive throat and the fact that I catch cold easily
- I like tea a lot, don’t like coffee much, like sweets and can eat eggs in any form (boiled, fried omlette etc)
- Like home cooked simple nutritious food
- Like fried (potato chips, french fries, samosas etc) food but cant eat much as they get difficult to digest

24. What foods you hate
- Hate bitter food
- Cant eat bitter gourd (karela), parval (Trichosanthes dioica)

25. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
- sweet
- Salty is also ok if tasty
-Sour is ok in pickle or when light in taste or mixed with other tastes like sweet
- Hate bitter
26. What taste you hate
- bitter

27. Do you like warm or cold food
- Like both warm and cold food
- I eat ice cream and drink tea very fast, normally the first one to finish ice cream and tea

28. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)
- Not really, as an infact I used to eat chalk, but no liking or inclination not for anything of that type

29. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
- Less, I do not drink much water, but at times get craving for carbonated cold drinks

30. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
- Have both dry lips and mouth and tongue also, the areas around lips are especially dry

31. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning
- Yes, get white coating on the tongue in the center, do not feel fresh unless I use a tongue cleaner, always carry tongue cleaner when I leave home

32. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning
- Not really, throat feels a bit choked early in the morning prob. Due to cough, but gets fine after a few minutes

33. How is your skin
- Dry skin but clear clean skin hardly any marks or pimples etc, do have very tiny brown spots on both arms (upper arm) since childhood but they don’t bother much as no itching etc

34. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
- Sweat more than average for sure, have sweaty underarms and forehead and the sweat on head above the ears, sweat in humid climate and when under stress.
- Not smelly first, but gets smelly if I don’t bathe or wear fresh clothes
- Stain colour is a mix of light brown and slight yellow (mostly brown I would say)

35. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat
- Nose gets stuffy in winters, and can be stuffy in the morning
- No problem with ears or chest
- Throat is very sensitive to cold, and feels a bit chokes in the mornings

36. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
- Mostly go for stools twice a day, at times thrice also
- Develop constipation easily so careful with timing
- Do have gas many a times
- Mostly consistent, hard at times
- Do have diarrohea when nervous
- No particular smell
- No blood in stools
- Slight blood at times from rectum due to hemohrroids (but rare)

37. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
- Mostly colourless, but slight brown at times
- No smell, no blood no discomfourt

38. How is your sexual life & desire
- Sexual desires have been very high since teenage, interest in sex is still high
- Have been masturbating quite frequently for long
- Loosing interest in real sex with wife
- More inclined towards watching porn
- Don’t get proper hard erections
- While having sexual contact with wife don’t get much interest and lack proper erection

39. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)
- Feel the penis is sensitive, no pain as such
- Soft erections
- No itching
- Quick ejaculation when mastrubating

40. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

41. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters
- Mothers side – high blood sugar, blood sugar
- Fathers side – no illness, mostly healthy individuals barring minor eye troubles
- Both mothers and fathers side almost every one wears spects so do I
- No siblings

42. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)
- Daily twice, 3 drops in water of following medicines
o Argentum nitricum (30C)
o Aconite Nap (30C)
o Caladium sag (30C)
o Staphysagria (30C)
o China (30C)

43. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
- Had taken Nux vomica and sulphur 30 both 30C potency for close to a month for stomach related issues and hemohrroids. Taken these about an year back.
siddmale last decade
You are welcome.

My work on any case is doubled if I don't get timely reply since I have to start all over after a long break. So if you can reply daily, good otherwise my apologies.
fitness last decade
I believe your remedy is Calcarea Carbonica 200c.

Please take two doses 12 hrs apart. Just two doses. Not daily.

One dose is one pill. Dissolve the pill under the tongue.

First dose: At night before sleeping.

Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.

Report back with changes observed.


FYI: US residents can get the remedies costing from $7.99 to $12.99 from various online sources, use Google search for it.

If you have liquid remedy and not pills, then put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it. That’s one dose. Use the same mixture for subsequent doses, if required. Don’t refrigerate the mixture. Put it anywhere covered, away from direct sunlight.
fitness last decade
Really sorry for the delay, I agree it would increase the amount of efforts you wuld have to put in. Going forward I Would make sure I respond to back to your questions ASAP. Thanks for your considering my request despite the delay.
siddmale last decade
No problem, please take the remedy as advised above.
fitness last decade
STOP all other remedies right away.
fitness last decade
Thanks a lot.

But I think some text is missing from your previous message, I can see only one statement 'No problem, please take the remedy as advised below'. I do not see any text after this, guess the message did not get uploaded, would be of great help if you can repost the remedy.
siddmale last decade
please ignore the previous message, did not observe that you have given the remedy above the message.
siddmale last decade
fitness last decade
Dear Dr. Fitness

Thanks again for your help and advice on the remedy. It took me a day to arrange for the medicine so I was able to take it last night around 12 just before sleeping, and took the second dose (one pill) this afternoon 12 PM.

I would say I am def. feeling better, my anxiety & nervousness are less, I had a good sleep night as well. The energy levels are also high, and I am feeling able to concentrate on work in a better way.

Honestly speaking it is not a huge change but yes the severity of above mentioned symptoms has reduced. I would be really greatful if you can please recommend the course of action considering the changes above, you have definitely given me hope that there is a treatment to my problems, thanks again.
siddmale last decade
You are welcome.

For now we will just wait and see.

Please update your symptoms after every 3 days.

The update should be like e.g:

Energy level: 30% better
Depression: 20% better
Anxiety: 40% better
Libido: 30% better
and so on for all major symptoms.
fitness last decade
Dear dr. Thanks for the update, also as I understand as now I should not be taking the medicine and then report back the condition of symptoms rite?
siddmale last decade

No more remedies till I say so.
fitness last decade
Dear Dr

Thanks for your inputs, its been 24 hours since I took the second dose and as you had directed here is the state of my symptoms:

Condition before starting the medication (took the first dose on 30th Nov night, second after 12 hrs around 12PM on 1st Dec) assuming the following condition as baselevel on 30th nov:

Stress: 100%
Anxiety: 100%
Depression: 100%
Energy Levels: 100%
Enthusiasm: 100%
Libido: 100%

Following is the condition now (2nd Dec 3:50P, approx. 24 hrs after the second dosage):

Stress: 70% (down by 30%)
Anxiety: 70% (down by 30%)
Depression: 60% (down by 40%)
Energy Levels: 125% (improved by 25%)
Enthusiasm: 120% (improved by 20%)
Libido: 110% (see an improvement in the desire, and body response in terms of blood flow)

A significant change I see is in the ability to concentrate, my thoughts used to be all over the place mostly focusing on negatives in life, now the small troubles are not troubling me that much and I am able to concentrate much better in my work, thanks a lot for your help. Will again give you an update in 3 days
siddmale last decade
Also I would like to add a symptom, not sure if I already mentioned about this but every evening on a daily basis I am getting mild fever around 99.2-99.4 degrees, with a dry feeling in the throat. This has been going on for close to a month now, not sure if this would effect the course of treatment.
siddmale last decade
Thanks for the update, we are making good progress.
fitness last decade
Dear Dr

Thanks again for your help, It has been 3 days now since I took the second dose on 1st Dec. Following are the updates on my condition and symptoms:

I see a definite improvement in my mood, enthusiasm, energy level and ability to concentrate. I am more positive in general, but the change in libido levels is not huge. Following are the current levels if 100% was the level on 1st Dec:

Stress: 75% (down by 25%)
Anxiety: 75% (down by 25%)
Depression: 65% (down by 35%)
Energy Levels: 120% (improved by 20%)
Enthusiasm: 125% (improved by 24%)
Libido: 110%

Another issues is, I have to travel to middle east in the coming week for a period of 12-14 days, as these countries have strict norms, and their own interpretation of rules my travel agent has advised me not to carry any homeopathic medicine, his logic is these might arise suspicion, so I will not be able to take the remedy for approx two weeks starting approx. 10th Dec, can you please suggest what should be the course of action in this case.

Thanks again for your time and afforts
siddmale last decade
There is no issue in taking the remedy, I am assuming its in Boiron packing. I know first hand of people taking them without any issue.

But if you want to be safe then leave it, we can take up the case once you return.
fitness last decade
thanks again or your help dr. the trouble is its not from a branded medicine store, its a local store with no. brand name or description etc.
siddmale last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.