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Posts about Depression, Libido, Stress

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Constant stress4Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Adult picky eater with emotional distress5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lack of Libido depression anxiety stress Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
thanks again or your help dr. the trouble is its not from a branded medicine store, its a local store with no. brand name or description etc.
siddmale last decade
Then you are better off not taking it with you.
fitness last decade
Dear Dr.

Its always a pleasure interacting with you and getting your valuable inputs. I had a small question, now that I will not have access to the medicine for around 12-14 days, do you think I should take some dosage before I travel. I actually started feeling pretty good and energetic since I took the remedy was worried if I will slip back into previous state during my travel. Please advice
siddmale last decade
You are welcome.

Overdose in homeopathy causes aggravation i.e. worsening of all symptoms.

So I'd strongly advise against taking a dose now.

Its safer to have a slide back than aggravation.
fitness last decade
that solves my dilemma, thanks a lot for your quick response.
siddmale last decade
Hello Dr

I have returned from my travel to middle east, wanted eagerly to start my
treatment again as it has been a pleasure interacting with you, would be
really grateful for you if you can let me know what information from my
end will help be required to restart my treatment, based on the previously
discussed trends following are the changes I have observed:

I had taken the dosage (calc carb 200) on 1st december (two doses at a gap of
12 hrs) following is my current state (assuming 100% was my level on 1st Dec)

Stress: 90%
Anxiety: 90%
Depression: 95%
Energy Levels: 110%
Enthusiasm: 115%
Libido: 105%

I for sure see an improvement in my emotional state, stress level, and physical stamina
but have observed a trend that I am very slowly slipping into my older state
(pre treatment days).

Regd the main problem i.e libido and sexual performance I see better erections in the last
one month, but the recovery is not huge.

Would be really helpful igf you can let me know the next steps for treatment.
Thanks again for your time and efforts, it always gives me immense confidence in interacting
with you.
siddmale last decade
Welcome back. Your progress shows that we are on the right track.

Please take one dose, just one dose and report back.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr.

Its been one day and two nights since I took the dosage (calc carb 200) I feel better in terms of energy levels, enthusiasm, and have a better frame of mind, I have also observed since 1st dec i.e the date I took the dosage first time that I am able to exert myself more both physically and mentally. I have observed better erection also since last 24 hrs.
siddmale last decade
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

I took the last dosage of Calc carb 200 on 23rd Dec (4 days back). During our prev. interactions you had asked me to post details about my status in 3 days.

I am not able to digest food properly, feeling tired and have lost appetitie, have sour taste in mouth and feed acid rising at times.

Now one reason can be some work related stress and irregular life style I have had for last 3 days.

I do see an improvement in the way I am approaching work etc, having slightly better erections but wont consider it a significant change this time, though the change was significant last time around 1 st dec when I had taken calc carb 200 twice at a gap of 12 hrs. I did not have much work related stress last time but this time its different.

I was feeling better the day after I took the remedy this time, but the situation was not as great as last time after the first day.

I will be really greatful if you can suggest the next steps.
[message edited by siddmale on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 19:01:11 GMT]
siddmale last decade
For now we will just wait and let the body do its work on what is required. You can update me in 3 days.
fitness last decade
Thanks a lot for the update, as always its a pleasure interacting with you, I feel I am in experienced hands :-)

From my previous message you must have realized that I was feeling stressed out. More because of the work related pressure etc.

I had a good sleep last night and am feeling much better today, will revert back by tomorrow (6 days after taking the dosage).

Thanks again for your help
siddmale last decade
You are welcome.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for your prev. response, Its been 6 days and 6 nights since I took the last dose (single pellet, calc carb 200).

Following is how I would describe my current state assuming 100% was the level on 23rd December i.e the day I took last dose on:

Stress: 90%
Anxiety: 85%
Depression: 85%
Energy Levels: 105%
Enthusiasm: 120%
Libido: 105%

Would be really helpful if you can let me know the next course of action.

Thanks again for your help
siddmale last decade
Please give feedback after 3 days. For now we will only observe.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Have a happy and prosperous new year, may your expertise in homeopathy help you cure many more individuals. And you may continue your great service to humanity in the way you are currently doing :-)

Coming to my condition, following are updates on the current state:

I felt better after taking the remedy this time (single dose calc carb 200, on 23rd Dec), have more energy, less anxiety & stress and better erections. But it seems I am slowly slipping back to my original self, slight palpitations, anxiety driven urge to empty the bowels, sweat etc. I have also been trying to have more positivity in my thoughts, and now a days I am able to recover from a panic or stressful situation faster. Work wise if I analyse objectively things have been going good but I am not totally relaxed. I do observe that I am more attracted to my wife sexually now, but do not get proper erections so am not able to initiate sexual connect. I am more positive now so depression is low but anxiety and stress are there though at a reduced level.

Following is how I would analyze my current state (assuming 100% was the state when I took calc carb single pellet 200C on 23rd Dec)

Stress: 90%
Anxiety: 95%
Depression: 75%
Energy Levels: 110%
Enthusiasm: 115%
Libido: 105%

One more important change, I am sleeping well, am able to sleep on time get up on time and do not feel sleepy during the day, my mind still feels cloudy, I used to be exceptional at maths, am good now but find it difficult to perform mental calculations the way I was able to a few years back.

Would be great if you can let me know the next steps, thanks again for all your help, you are a great support :-)
siddmale last decade
You are welcome. Happy new year to you too.

To speed up healing, please do the following if you already are not doing these:

1. Start eating half cup of plain, non-flavored yogurt with live culture. If you have homemade yogurt thatÂ’s the best.
2. Start walking 30-40 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your wife.
3. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
4. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice etc.
5. The bread should be high in bran content.
6. The flour should be coarse ground.
7. Start eating a bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
8. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.

Report back in 3 days.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for your last reply, I have started following your suggestions and have observed an improvement in my stress/anxiety levels. For last 3 days I have been able to walk, have salad, fruits and moved to brown bread will arrange for grains like oats/museli etc for breakfast and start having them soon. Following are the current state of my symptoms assuming 100 % was on 23rd Dec i.e the day I took calc carb 200 (single pellet):

Stress: 95%
Anxiety: 95%
Depression: 70%
Energy Levels: 110%
Enthusiasm: 115%
Libido: 105%

I would say I have still not recovered from the high stress and anxiety levels but I am able to do self talk more effectively and control the effects of stress/anxiety, also I start feeling sleepy by the sleeping time (earlier I used to feel alert around the sleeping time).

Thanks again for your help, would be really helpful if you can let me know if I need to change anything going forward?
siddmale last decade
Good progress so far. Please report back in 4 days.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for your response on 4th. As suggested I am describing my current state.

Have started feeling less tired the whole day, i can see significant improvement in my ability sleep in time. Earlier I used to be tired right from the morning, but now a days I am fresh till evening, getting tired by evening. I see a better ability to control the urge to mastrubate which is very encouraging (its been more than a week).

The troubling part is I still get stressed out very easily, its more like a panic attack in any situation which is even slightly tougher than normal. The panic attack is followed by sweating in arm pits, back, and forehead with ears feeling hot and the whole body feeling drained out and slightly feverish.

Following are the parameters which we have been tracking (assuming 100% was the level on 23rd Dec, i.e the day I took sinlge pelette calc carb 200C)

Stress: 97%
Anxiety: 97%
Depression: 75%
Energy Levels: 115%
Enthusiasm: 110%
Libido: 110%

Thanks again for your time and help, would be great if you can let me know how to proceed.
siddmale last decade
Good progress.

Please take one dose, just one dose and report back in 4 days.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for the response, as you had suggested following are is my current status:

I see an improvement in energy levels, I get less irritated, now a days I do more than think. Thers an improvement in digestion as well, less burps, acidity etc, the sleep is better and I am fresh till afternoon at least. The stress and anxiety levels are slowly but steadily getting under control, I dont feel irritated in the morning as I used to earlier, the hemorrhoids seem to be getting better now, the sweat due to stress and anxiety has also decreased. I do feel more healthy both at physical and emotional level. I am basically feeling stronger, the libido levels have slightly improved, erections etc are not improving much, but on an overall scale I feel stronger and confident.

Following are the parameters we were tracking (assuming 100% was state when I took last dosage of calc carb 200 on 8th Jan).

Stress: 85%
Anxiety: 85%
Depression: 70%
Energy Levels: 120%
Enthusiasm: 115%
Libido: 105%

Thanks again for all your help, your advice is certainly changing a lot of things for me, though slow but I see a consistent state of improvement in my state of mind physical strength etc.
siddmale last decade
Good progress. Please update status in one week.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for your previous reply, hope you are doing good. As mentioned in the last mail I am reporting my current state,

(assuming 100% was the level the last time I took a dosage of one pellete calc carb 200 on 08th Jan):

Stress: 80%
Anxiety: 80%
Depression: 75%
Energy Levels: 115%
Enthusiasm: 120%
Libido: 110%

I see a change in my attitude, I am doing more and thinking less in office, before we started the treatment I was thinking and getting worried a lot but now am able to concentrate more on my work. Honestly speaking the energy levels are not as great as they used to be say 5-6 years before but now I definitely feeling much better than what I used to before staring the treatment. I still feel depressed, and negative, but the intensity of negative emotions is far less. My parents said they feel a change in my voice while I talk to them on phone (as per them I sound more +ve and happy now)

Another change I see is, earlier there was trembling in my hands and I used to feel a lack of strength while holding things tight but now that has improved, also the trembling of hands has reduced a lot. Also I am able to remain fresh till evening say around 5PM, its after 5 - 6 PM typically that I start feeling tired, earlier I was getting tired from the moment I got up from bed. One more aspect, I used to love music a few years back but I had stopped listening to it due to the negativity and lack of enthusiasm, I have again started listening to it, my communication with friends has also improved, I am more willing to travel now. The libido and erections are also improving though the change is not very significant but yes there is a +ve change for sure.

Your medication is certainly having a gr8 impact on me, thanks again for your time and efforts, I always feel extremely grateful for your help and support

Would be really helpful if you can let me know how to proceed further, thanks again. Have a great day.

PS: One more change I would like to report, I have lost around 2.5 Kgs in the last 4-5 weeks (around the time we started the treatment)
[message edited by siddmale on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:20:40 GMT]
siddmale last decade
That's very good progress.

Please take a dose, just one dose, on Jan 23 and report back a week after that.
fitness last decade
Hello Dr

Thanks for your previous comment, as suggested I took a single dose of calc carb 200 on 23rd Jan, and its a week now, following are my symptoms:

In last one week I played outdoor games with my friends and observed a significant improvement in my ability to sustain till the end, the sweating has also reduced thus I felt less tired and more flexible. Though after playing I did have body ache for 3 days, but if you play after a long time this is bound to happen. The encouraging part for me was my enthusiasm to play, energy and flexibility during the action and ability to sustain till the end like everyone else. Earlier I used to stop playing mid way due to muscle cramps and exhaustion due to excessive sweating.

I am getting less tired by day end, have been over loaded with work and am working 15-16 hrs a day but am able to manage well, I do get frustrated and negative due to the work but the level of frustration is low as compared to what it used to be before the treatment started. I have started being more pro active now a days in every field. Frustration and anger at minor issues like traffic jam etc has also gone down, a reduction in sweating is really very helpful. Also my interaction with my bosses is getting more comfortable and am less scared talking to authority now a days. It can be a matter of chance also that now a days I am getting work which I am able to handle, but again thats pretty subjective, earlier I used to get nervous at small issues as well.

I have observed one more change, in the last one week, thrice I got up early in the morning on seeing a dream, once it was about lizards, once about me trying to run from law and once seeing my dad in bad health, I got up after seeing these dreams and was able to sleep in 30-40 minutes.

Following are the current state of parameters you had advised me to track, assuming 100% was on 23rd Jan, i.e the day I took last dose of calc carb 200

Stress: 70%
Anxiety: 70%
Depression: 65%
Energy Levels: 130%
Enthusiasm: 130%
Libido: 115%

It would be really helpful if you can let me know how to proceed, thanks again for your time and effort.

PS: Earlier I used to rarely get up on seeing dreams, and would not see dreams very often. Not sure if this is significant, otherwise my sleep is good (around 7 hrs).

Also I see a significant reduction in tremors I used to get in my hand while holding something tight (its almost gone :-)) I feel my grip has also improved.

[message edited by siddmale on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:04:47 GMT]
[message edited by siddmale on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:11:09 GMT]
siddmale last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.