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Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3Sneezing hot and cold3Dry cough and feeling cold4Sneezing hot and cold1Suffering From Hoarseness Cough Cold1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Child just exposed to a cold, what do give her?

We were at the park today and my daughter was standing inches away from a boy who sneezed at her face several times. His mother confirmed he was sick, looks like a cold, he just started it today so definitely contagious, he had red runny nose and she said he was cranky. I hate when people do that, bring their sick kids around other kids, but that's another topic. I really don't want my daughter to get the cold, we are just trying to teach her to sleep through the night (sickness sets everything back), have several things coming up,... so I want to give her something right away to hopefully avoid the cold. Please advice!
Are any of the combination remedies for colds good? For example Boiron's Coldcalm, or Hyland's Cold and Sneeze. Or would a single remedy be better, and which one? And how and when do I give it to her, is right away ok or I should wait till she shows any symptoms? I would prefer to give something before to hopefully avoid getting sick. She is 2 btw.
  kalex on 2014-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

just go to Whole Foods or Vitamin Shoppe and get Ferrum Phos
6x. Hylands brand under the remedies.

This is a cell salt and if you give it first when things start up
it nips things in the bud ( but has to be given when things

You can give one tablet 3 times a day for a couple days if you think she is starting to come down with something. They are tiny tablets that dissolve under the tongue-
or you can mix a tab in a tsp. of water and give that way.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:04:58 BST]
simone717 last decade
Oh great, I will try that! (if I can find it). I have bought cell salts before and I couldn't find it at my local Whole Foods or my other health store (my WF didn't carry cell salts and my other health store had a few but not all 12, I will check, maybe they will have this one). I was just going to place an order on vitacost for bunch of different cell salts (I use a few for her teeth) but that won't come in time. Anything else that will work if I don't find Ferr Phos quickly enough? My WF carries most basic Boiron remedies in 6c and 30c and a few combination remedies by Hyland's I think. Thank you!!
kalex last decade
If they don't have the cell salts, then
get Ferrum Phos 6x or 6c if you have to-
and have her take the homeopathic pill
( Just one pill as a dose) instead.

Combo remedies are not good- you don't
know what is doing what and if not
right some of them can cause symptoms,
creating further confusion.

While you are in WF, see if they have
'Wellness Formula' for children- I think
this is a liquid- The Wellness Formula for adults (combo of vitamins
and herbs) has been in WF for over 20 years, That works great
when anything starts up or for a few days of prevention of things.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:44:45 BST]
simone717 last decade
Is Ferr phos also a regular homeopathic remedy? I don't think we will have time to go to our other health food store where they carry a few cell salts, we will just go to WF closer by. They have Boiron remedies there in 6c and 30c. And how much do I give her as prevention, also 3 times a day in those?
Also, I was going to put some raw garlic in her food tonight but then I realized that it may interfere with the remedy? I thought the garlic could help her fight it too.
kalex last decade
The cell salts are a system of 12 salts, which do not
go above potency 12x.

It is a 'system' using those 12 salts individually or in combo
with the purpose of rebalancing on a cell level.

All of the salts are also major homeopathic remedies.
The homeopathic remedy is prescribed on matching
symptoms - it is to give a similar match to the patients
own unique symptoms. This is done bc the body will
not allow two 'matching' things, and the body will
raise the life force to clear out imbalance -

On each of these systems, you do not give 'preventative'

The Ferrum phos is noted as a cell salt to be given at the
very start of feeling ill-after something has progressed a bit
it won't work.

It won't hurt to wait and see if she is starting to catch
the cold and then give the salt- 3 times in a day.

If you are using the 6c-I would wait and just give one
pill if she shows she is starting to be under the weather.

Yes you can have the garlic-

The wellness formula would be the preventative and that is
what I would use if You felt she was exposed to something
but nothing has shown up yet.
simone717 last decade
I went to my WF and of course they didn't have any cell salts. So I bought Ferrum Phoshate 6c from Boiron, would that be ok to use instead of the cell salt?
kalex last decade
Give her one pill, only if you see she
is starting to have symptoms of a cold.
simone717 last decade

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