The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help with dosage and potency Page 3 of 3
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry, not feeling well and when I clicked link in email I saw your old post about taking 3 doses. I haven't and will await your response.
baddiver last decade
Just a few improvements it seems, not what I would consider a great result.
Let's move forward with Ambra grisea now instead. Take a single dose just as you did with the Lac-can.
Let's move forward with Ambra grisea now instead. Take a single dose just as you did with the Lac-can.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Still constipated but about 20% improvement in pain. Energy is a little better. Sleeping a little better. Have not noticed improvements emotionally. May be a little calmer.
baddiver last decade
Alright it has been about 2 weeks. Let's do another assessment in the same way as before.
However, when doing this one, don't look at your last assessment. I want you to think about each symptom as it is right now and estimate the improvement.
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them
Feeling of no control
Difficulty asking for help
Not feeling like you have a home
Overprotective of child
Obsess over family's health
Upset when things not done the way you want
Fear of dying
Fear of pain
Worrying about financial security
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong
Fear of heights
Avoiding meeting new people
Dizziness when stressed
Squeezing pain in abdomen
Abdominal pain instigating headache
Headache becoming migraine
Feeling of dying suddenly
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen
Bubbling in the colon
Tight band across the colon
Electrical sensation rushing to head
Calling yourself names
Feeling of self-disgust
Feeling of a gloomy cloud hanging over you
Poor listener
Shut down when upset
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness
Getting emotional when watching sad movies
Aggravation from sleeping on left side
Unable to sleep on stomach
Sleeping with head high
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort
Bloating of stomach on going to bed
Craving chocolate
Craving sugar
Aggravation from chocolate
Light-headed from irregular eating
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks
Aggravation from tea
Constipation, inability to pass stool
Cloudy urine
Headache on trying to pass urine
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine
Albuminous urine
Dark coloured urine
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat
Hatred of the cold
Dizziness from exertion
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose
However, when doing this one, don't look at your last assessment. I want you to think about each symptom as it is right now and estimate the improvement.
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them
Feeling of no control
Difficulty asking for help
Not feeling like you have a home
Overprotective of child
Obsess over family's health
Upset when things not done the way you want
Fear of dying
Fear of pain
Worrying about financial security
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong
Fear of heights
Avoiding meeting new people
Dizziness when stressed
Squeezing pain in abdomen
Abdominal pain instigating headache
Headache becoming migraine
Feeling of dying suddenly
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen
Bubbling in the colon
Tight band across the colon
Electrical sensation rushing to head
Calling yourself names
Feeling of self-disgust
Feeling of a gloomy cloud hanging over you
Poor listener
Shut down when upset
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness
Getting emotional when watching sad movies
Aggravation from sleeping on left side
Unable to sleep on stomach
Sleeping with head high
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort
Bloating of stomach on going to bed
Craving chocolate
Craving sugar
Aggravation from chocolate
Light-headed from irregular eating
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks
Aggravation from tea
Constipation, inability to pass stool
Cloudy urine
Headache on trying to pass urine
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine
Albuminous urine
Dark coloured urine
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat
Hatred of the cold
Dizziness from exertion
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose
♡ Evocationer last decade
Embarrassment +20%
Shame +20%
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them +30%
Feeling of no control 0%
Difficulty asking for help +10%
Not feeling like you have a home 0%
Overprotective of child 0%
Obsess over family's health +10%
Upset when things not done the way you want 0%
Fear of dying +30%
Fear of pain +30%
Worrying about financial security 0%
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong +20%
Fear of heights 0
Avoiding meeting new people +10%
Dizziness when stressed 0%
Squeezing pain in abdomen =30%
Abdominal pain instigating headache +20%
Headache becoming migraine +50%
Feeling of dying suddenly +20%
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen 0%
Bubbling in the colon 0%
Tight band across the colon +10%
Electrical sensation rushing to head +10
Calling yourself names 0%
Feeling of self-disgust +25%
Feeling of a gloomy cloud +20%hanging over you
Procrastination 0%
Poor listener +10%
Stubborn 0%
Shut down when upset +20%
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness +50%
Getting emotional when watching sad movies +10%
Aggravation from sleeping on left side +25%
Unable to sleep on stomach 0%
Sleeping with head high 0%
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort +10%
Bloating of stomach on going to bed +15%
Craving chocolate +30%
Craving sugar +30%
Aggravation from chocolate n/a
Light-headed from irregular eating 0%
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks +20%
Aggravation from tea n/a
Constipation, inability to pass stool +5%
Cloudy urine +30%
Headache on trying to pass urine +5%
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine 0%
Albuminous urine +60%
Dark coloured urine +15%
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat 0%
Hatred of the cold 0%
Dizziness from exertion 0%
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose +30%
Shame +20%
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them +30%
Feeling of no control 0%
Difficulty asking for help +10%
Not feeling like you have a home 0%
Overprotective of child 0%
Obsess over family's health +10%
Upset when things not done the way you want 0%
Fear of dying +30%
Fear of pain +30%
Worrying about financial security 0%
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong +20%
Fear of heights 0
Avoiding meeting new people +10%
Dizziness when stressed 0%
Squeezing pain in abdomen =30%
Abdominal pain instigating headache +20%
Headache becoming migraine +50%
Feeling of dying suddenly +20%
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen 0%
Bubbling in the colon 0%
Tight band across the colon +10%
Electrical sensation rushing to head +10
Calling yourself names 0%
Feeling of self-disgust +25%
Feeling of a gloomy cloud +20%hanging over you
Procrastination 0%
Poor listener +10%
Stubborn 0%
Shut down when upset +20%
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness +50%
Getting emotional when watching sad movies +10%
Aggravation from sleeping on left side +25%
Unable to sleep on stomach 0%
Sleeping with head high 0%
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort +10%
Bloating of stomach on going to bed +15%
Craving chocolate +30%
Craving sugar +30%
Aggravation from chocolate n/a
Light-headed from irregular eating 0%
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks +20%
Aggravation from tea n/a
Constipation, inability to pass stool +5%
Cloudy urine +30%
Headache on trying to pass urine +5%
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine 0%
Albuminous urine +60%
Dark coloured urine +15%
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat 0%
Hatred of the cold 0%
Dizziness from exertion 0%
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose +30%
baddiver last decade
Evocationer apparently decided he couldn't help as he never responded. I tried all of his recs and improvement was not significant and i eventually got worse. Wanted to update my case for anyone interested.
I have seen many homeopaths with limited benefit so I decided to strike out on my own. Read volumes of information on Homeopathy. For some reason I was struck by something I read that injuries of great shock must be treated even if they happened many years ago. I had a serious injury fracturing my spine causing paralysis.
I decided to treat with Aconite 200C. I did that and had a change in my symptoms that I felt was important.
Next, I knew that many of my symptoms were due to taking massive amounts of antibiotics which affected the bacteria in my bowel. I chose a bowel nosode (Morgan Gaertner 30c) based on symptoms including mental. I took 2 doses. i probably should have only taken one. I became quite ill for a few days after the second dose. I then improved gradually and 2 weeks later I began Lycopodium 6c based on it matching the nosode and my symptoms. I have continually improved since. My pain is 80% better and my constipation is improved greatly also.
I will update as I can. I am amazed at Homeopathics power. Hopefully this treatment will be long lasting.
I have seen many homeopaths with limited benefit so I decided to strike out on my own. Read volumes of information on Homeopathy. For some reason I was struck by something I read that injuries of great shock must be treated even if they happened many years ago. I had a serious injury fracturing my spine causing paralysis.
I decided to treat with Aconite 200C. I did that and had a change in my symptoms that I felt was important.
Next, I knew that many of my symptoms were due to taking massive amounts of antibiotics which affected the bacteria in my bowel. I chose a bowel nosode (Morgan Gaertner 30c) based on symptoms including mental. I took 2 doses. i probably should have only taken one. I became quite ill for a few days after the second dose. I then improved gradually and 2 weeks later I began Lycopodium 6c based on it matching the nosode and my symptoms. I have continually improved since. My pain is 80% better and my constipation is improved greatly also.
I will update as I can. I am amazed at Homeopathics power. Hopefully this treatment will be long lasting.
baddiver 9 years ago
Well to be fair, your last response was 'I continue to improve'. I would normally wait for a patient to ask a question, express a concern or make a report of their symptoms before responding. Sometimes when I go back through older cases I will notice that I haven't heard from someone for awhile I will ask how they are, but I don't always get a chance to do this.
I notice that you have done exactly what I did - isolated parts of the case, and applied a remedy to it. I was attempting to work from the top and move down (mentals). In the end you have had some success with one of the 3 remedies I suggested, so that is good to hear.
You had a lot of symptoms though. How many of them have improved on those remedies? How many have remained behind? Has anything new appeared?
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 00:18:01 BST]
I notice that you have done exactly what I did - isolated parts of the case, and applied a remedy to it. I was attempting to work from the top and move down (mentals). In the end you have had some success with one of the 3 remedies I suggested, so that is good to hear.
You had a lot of symptoms though. How many of them have improved on those remedies? How many have remained behind? Has anything new appeared?
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 00:18:01 BST]
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
I wasn't intending to be critical. I actually appreciate the lycopodium suggestion as it helped me choose Morgan Gaertner. I respect your advice and know that I was using your valuable time. Below is the improvement I have experienced.
I have not had any new symptoms. I have had flashes of anger at times.
Embarrassment +70%
Shame +60%
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them +40%
Feeling of no control +50%
Difficulty asking for help +50%
Not feeling like you have a home +80%
Overprotective of child +50%
Obsess over family's health +60%
Upset when things not done the way you want +50%
Fear of dying +80%
Fear of pain +50%
Worrying about financial security +30%
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong +60%
Fear of heights +30
Avoiding meeting new people +50%
Dizziness when stressed +40%
Squeezing pain in abdomen +95%
Abdominal pain instigating headache +90%
Headache becoming migraine +100%
Feeling of dying suddenly +60%
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen +85%
Bubbling in the colon +80%
Tight band across the colon +90%
Electrical sensation rushing to head +70
Calling yourself names +50%
Feeling of self-disgust +55%
Feeling of a gloomy cloud hanging over you +65%
Procrastination +50%
Poor listener +40%
Stubborn =50%
Shut down when upset +30%
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness +50%
Getting emotional when watching sad movies +70%
Aggravation from sleeping on left side +50%
Sleeping with head high +70%
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort +100%
Bloating of stomach on going to bed +70%
Craving chocolate +80%
Craving sugar +30%
Aggravation from chocolate +75
Light-headed from irregular eating +40%
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks +90%
Aggravation from tea +90%
Constipation, inability to pass stool +80%
Cloudy urine +50%
Headache on trying to pass urine +70%
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine +80%
Albuminous urine +60%
Dark coloured urine +40%
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat +50%
Hatred of the cold +40%
Dizziness from exertion +30%
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose +70%
[message edited by baddiver on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 01:12:13 BST]
I have not had any new symptoms. I have had flashes of anger at times.
Embarrassment +70%
Shame +60%
Bad memories trigger feeling of reliving them +40%
Feeling of no control +50%
Difficulty asking for help +50%
Not feeling like you have a home +80%
Overprotective of child +50%
Obsess over family's health +60%
Upset when things not done the way you want +50%
Fear of dying +80%
Fear of pain +50%
Worrying about financial security +30%
Sinking feelings when something goes wrong +60%
Fear of heights +30
Avoiding meeting new people +50%
Dizziness when stressed +40%
Squeezing pain in abdomen +95%
Abdominal pain instigating headache +90%
Headache becoming migraine +100%
Feeling of dying suddenly +60%
Sensation of things moving in the abdomen +85%
Bubbling in the colon +80%
Tight band across the colon +90%
Electrical sensation rushing to head +70
Calling yourself names +50%
Feeling of self-disgust +55%
Feeling of a gloomy cloud hanging over you +65%
Procrastination +50%
Poor listener +40%
Stubborn =50%
Shut down when upset +30%
Hiding sensitivity/hiding weakness +50%
Getting emotional when watching sad movies +70%
Aggravation from sleeping on left side +50%
Sleeping with head high +70%
Waking 4am with digestive discomfort +100%
Bloating of stomach on going to bed +70%
Craving chocolate +80%
Craving sugar +30%
Aggravation from chocolate +75
Light-headed from irregular eating +40%
Short of breath/closing of throat if drinking warm drinks +90%
Aggravation from tea +90%
Constipation, inability to pass stool +80%
Cloudy urine +50%
Headache on trying to pass urine +70%
Full trunk spasm trying to pass urine +80%
Albuminous urine +60%
Dark coloured urine +40%
Strong smelling perspiration
Inability to sweat +50%
Hatred of the cold +40%
Dizziness from exertion +30%
Thick white crusts on scalp/nose +70%
[message edited by baddiver on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 01:12:13 BST]
baddiver 9 years ago
It's ok, I didn't actually take it personally :)
This isn't my clinic, it is just a site where I try to help people out. It's a strange way to do it - so easy for people to get lost, words to be misconstrued. But the reason I offer the help doesn't change, so don't worry about it. I am always happy to take up wherever we leave off.
That is a really good set of changes. Where did you see the majority of the change coming from? Especially the mental symptoms?
This isn't my clinic, it is just a site where I try to help people out. It's a strange way to do it - so easy for people to get lost, words to be misconstrued. But the reason I offer the help doesn't change, so don't worry about it. I am always happy to take up wherever we leave off.
That is a really good set of changes. Where did you see the majority of the change coming from? Especially the mental symptoms?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
I really saw most of the change evolve quickly about 7-10 days after taking Morgan Gaertner 30c. I seem to improve every day in some manner. Today I have a peacefullness in my body that I have not had in years. I started taking Lycopodium 6c once a day 10 days ago. When should I stop taking that or change it. I have no clue.
baddiver 9 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.