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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Female Low Libido3Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Erectile dysfunction1ED with Loss of Libido1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attn : Dr. J K Mohla , help me please , erectile dysfunction and low libido

I am 42 years old man . height 5 feet 7 inches . weight is 73 KGs . my married life is 16 years . i have three children . recently i feel a problem . this is erectile dysfunction and low libido . My local homeopathic doctor gave me these following remedies :
1. Damiaplant ( Dr. Willmar Schwabe , Germany ). 10 drops 3 times daily .
( composition : Damiana ; Ginseng ; Agnus castus; Nuphar luteum; Muira puama )

2. Damiana Pentarkan 40 ( Dr. willmar Schwabe , Germany ) . 10 drops 3 times daily .
(composition : Acidum phosphoricum ; Ambra X ; Damiana )

3. Selenium 3 X ( Dr. Willmar Schwabe , Germany ) , 2 tabs 3 times daily .

I am taking these remedies for one month continuously . at first these are working well. but recently , i feel , these remedies are not working . tonight , i go to intercourse , but i failed . my penis is not erected . no sensation in penis when my wife touches my penis . after three hours , i tried again . but i failed also . what should i do now ? give me good medicine for me . I am frustated .
[message edited by shknitfashion on Sun, 21 Sep 2014 06:14:24 BST]
[message edited by shknitfashion on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 07:16:07 BST]
[message edited by shknitfashion on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:49:56 BST]
  shknitfashion on 2014-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please help me any Experienced doctor . I am waiting .
[message edited by shknitfashion on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 07:19:17 BST]
shknitfashion last decade
Doctor J K Mohla ,
please help me , give me treatment .
shknitfashion last decade
Pl stop all medicines and have sulphur 30 empty stomach morning for five days .pl drink more water.pl stop all medicines you were taking earlier .
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
is sulphur 30 one dose per day ?
what do you think about my previous medicines which is reknowned for ED ? why they not working on us ? please tell me in details .
shknitfashion last decade
One dose daily for 5days .I cant explain bcs I donot beleve in combination of medicines .
akshaymohl last decade
Ok. I will start taking your medicine from today . As I know , Dr. Willmar schwabe is big company . why they make combination medicine for ED ?
shknitfashion last decade
You can write to them .OTC medicine in my view may not be effective for all.
[message edited by akshaymohl on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 07:07:29 BST]
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
I just bought sulphur 30 . this is liquid form . please tell me , how many drops i will take morning ? thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
I just bought sulphur 30 . this is liquid form . please tell me , how many drops i will take morning ? thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
4drops in two table spoon of water as one dose.
akshaymohl last decade
Ok . thanks Dr. Mohla. I will be back after 5 days .
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla,
I already take one dose yesterday and today one dose sulphur 30 .
I think , erection is 20% increased before .this is not bad . I did intercourse today . but i feel another two problem which is premature ejaculation and my semen is too watery thin ( not densed ).
Doctor, will you add another medicine ? or will i go with only sulphur 30 ? please advise . thanks again , because sulphur 30 is working for erection .
shknitfashion last decade
we will discuss after 5days .pl give feed back.
akshaymohl last decade
ok . great .
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla,
4 doses already gone today . I want to say the progress :

after one dose , i did intercourse . but after second dose , i didnot do intercourse . no erection .
after third dose , no erection . after fourth dose , I just tried to go intercourse today , but i failed . no erection .

Dr. Mohla,
I am frustated . how can i do now ? will you change your medicine or will i continue sulphur 30 ? please advise .
shknitfashion last decade
Sulphur qas given to remove proving of meds used earlier.
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
tomorrow it will be 5th dose of sulphur 30 .
i will be waiting for next advise tomorrow . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Pl have caladium 200 twice daily for 5days .walnut,crabapple,and cherryplum bach flower three times daily .2drops of each medine in 6table spoon of water.out of this two table spoon as one dose .rest 4table spoon after 4hour of first dose and second dose .The above is for one month.Pl take trial after 7days.
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
is caladium 200 dose 2 drops or 4 drops per time ??
let me know .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
is caladium 200 dosage 2 drops or 4 drops per dose??
let me know .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
4drops in two tble spoon of water.
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Dr. Mohla,
in our local homeopathic store, I get caladium 200 . But I didnot get these remedies : walnut,crabapple,and cherryplum bach flower . what can i do now ? will you give me any alternative remedy instead of these three remedies ? please advise .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
pl continue with caladium 200 as advised.
akshaymohl last decade
Dear S-

Bach flowers Walnut, crab apple, Cherryplum are a different system than
homeopathy. They are gentle flower

You can get them from:


or just google Bach Flowers India for
other suppliers. They are additional
support, Dr. Mohla uses them quite
simone717 last decade
I am from Bangladesh . here I checked . no bach flowers available . okay . I will continue with caladium 200 only . thanks Dr. Mohla and Dr. Simone
shknitfashion last decade

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