The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Attn : Dr. J K Mohla , help me please , erectile dysfunction and low libido Page 4 of 4
after one month I am writing you . as per your suggestion , I am taking caladium 1M weekly one dose and carbo veg 1M weekly one dose and titanium 1M weekly one dose . now erection is good and no premature ejaculation . I want to take these three remedy next six months . what is your suggestion ? I think , if i stop this remedies , then erection dysfunction will be returned and also premature ejaculation . so I donot want to stop these remedies . what do you think ? anyway , i have another problem , I need your suggestion . that is , gums bleeding in mouth when brushing the teeth . so please give me a remedy for gums bleeding . thanks .
shknitfashion last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I am taking merc sol 30 for seven days . but improvement is 10% . still gums is bleeding . 10% improvement . waiting for your suggestion . besides this , i have premature ejaculation problem again . semen is watery type , very thin . erection is 50% good . you told me , remedy dose should be taken after 15 days . may be , for this reason, again this problem occours. what can i do now ? waiting for your both two suggestions .
[message edited by shknitfashion on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 17:42:09 GMT]
shknitfashion last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
shknitfashion last decade
shknitfashion last decade
as per your suggestion , I am taking lachesis 30 for 4 days already . Gums bleeding is 60% cured . will i continue how many days more ? and what dosage ? please confirm . if i stop this remedy , will this problem be back again ? let me know .
shknitfashion last decade
shknitfashion last decade
waiting for your advice about Erectile dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation .
right now , ED is very bad . it is approx. 20% erection . I cannot penetrate maximum time. and also PE . now I am taking caladium 1M weekly single dose and Titanium 1M weekly single dose .waiting for your advice .
shknitfashion last decade
DrSwetha 9 years ago
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