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Attn : Dr. J K Mohla , help me please , erectile dysfunction and low libido Page 2 of 4

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I am from Bangladesh . here I checked . no bach flowers available . okay . I will continue with caladium 200 only . thanks Dr. Mohla and Dr. Simone
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
as per your advice , I took caladium 200 for 5 days . today is the 5th day . your this medicine is workable for me. within last 5 days , I tried intercourse two times totally . and I successfully completed two times intercourse within 5 days . erection is not bad . no premature ejaculation . everything is workable .now 5 days is gone . what next i do ? will i continue the same medicine ? for how many days ? please advise .
shknitfashion last decade
continue caladium for 7days more.
akshaymohl last decade
OK . I will continue . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
I already continue 15 days as your prescripted medicine .
caladium 200 twice daily .
in first week erection was good . i was 60% satisfied .erection was 60% . but in this second week erection is below 20% . I am not satisfied . please advise me about medicine . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Pl explain erection is slow delayed wwak flaccid in between difficulty in penetration due to weak erectio. Flacid during sex .pl explain .pl continue med caladium 1000 one dose evening time one dose after three days for one month.
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Sir,
how drops of caladium 1M ? after three days one dose for one month . It means , total two dose within one month ?? right Sir ?

for weak erection , I cannot penetration . erection is slow delayed and weak . penis is soft . not hard when foreplay .semen is thin . but semen is enough in quantity . when I wake up from sleep in the morning ,my penis is hard enough . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
One dose after a gap of three days mean five doses in 15days pl give feed back after 15days.
akshaymohl last decade
Ok .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
one dose means 4 drops or 5 drops ?
shknitfashion last decade
4 drops in two table spoon of water.
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
as per your advice , I took already two dose of Caladium 1M within 5 days . I want to explain the latest progress :

1. erection is not good . very poor . not satisfactory . when foreplay before intercourse, erection is very poor .
2. premature ejaculation .
3. semen is thin ( patla ) .

please advise , will i continue this medicine ? will you change the remedy ? waiting for your advice .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Caladium 1000 one dose every alternate day for 7days .
akshaymohl last decade
Ok. thanks .
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
as per your prescription , I am taking caladium 1M one dose every alternate day . 10 days gone .
now erection is good , satisfied . thanks for your successful treatment . anyway , for how many days i will continue as this dose ? waiting further advise .
shknitfashion last decade
Now one dose every alternate day for 7days then after every third day for 15days and then finish for one month after 4days .
akshaymohl last decade
Okay ,I will do . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade

[message deleted by shknitfashion on Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:59:44 GMT]
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
I have to say one thing .
erection is satisfactory . but now the problem is premature ejaculation . I just say with sorrow that , the timing is only 50 seconds to 1 minute totally today during intercourse . the semen is very much thin like plain water . what can i do now ? this is very disappointing for me . if you add any medicine / remedy , please let me know .thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Titanium200 one dose daily evening time for 5days .
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
I am taking titanium 200 one dose daily and caladium 1M one dose alternative days . now the result is good . erection is good and no premature ejaculation . everything is okay now . now the question is , will i continue these two medicine for two months ? I think , if i reduce the dosage of caladium 1M and titanium 200 , then the problem will occure again . so I want to continue these dosage for two or three months . what is your advice ? thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Caladium 1000 weekly dose to continue for one month titanium 1000 one dose for three days and repeat only after one month.I donot advise daily meds.
akshaymohl last decade
Ok . thanks.
shknitfashion last decade
Dr. Mohla,
please confirm the dosage of titanium. titanium 1000 one dose for three days . if one dose for three days , then total 10 dose for one month . right ? will i take one month ?
please clear it , Sir .
shknitfashion last decade
no pl have one dose today second dose third day and third dose on 6 th day and then repeat after one month.
akshaymohl last decade
Dr. Mohla ,
today morning my erection is zero . I donot know why it is . two days ago , erection was good . but today morning after wake up from sleep , erection is 0% after trying to go to intercourse . I tried 30 minutes for erection . but I am unsuccessful . anyway ,I am taking these medicines : titanium 200 one dose daily and caladium 1M one dose alternative days . I am taking these dosage from one month .
waiting for your advice .
shknitfashion last decade

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