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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help needed with 9 month old baby and 3year old child both with cold and cough!

My 3year old son began with sneezing,running nose on first day and by the second day he had a dry cough and today he his cough is very phleghmy but not frequent. He doesn't seem too bothered just slightly more sensitive to falls and hurts while playing. But my 9 month old daughter began with slight stuffy nose this morning,her nose is running profusely all day(whitish thick discharge) and she is drooling A LOT. .. quite cranky and not having any solids, only nursing. This is her 3rd or 4th cold in just nine months. they have both responded very well to homeopathy in the past but I cannot meet the practitioner immediately. Please suggest remedies
  ummeesa on 2014-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz help .. need some urgent advise.. can't contact our practitioner for next few days.. baby's is so uncomfortable!
ummeesa last decade
answer the question for both child separately .
2-did cold take place frequently.if it is then in which season it is worse summer,rainy,winter or during weather change?
3-which time of day did they feel worse and which time of day they feel better?
4-What exactly do they feel when you are at they worst?
5-how is the motion(are they having loose motion or constipation etc)?
6-are they getting enough sleep?
7-how long the cold stay(if it is frequent)and which treatment u use for that?
gaintrox last decade
thank you for your response. here is the information you needed:-
3yrs , 4months
1. height- 96 cms, weight -13 kgs approx
2. Cold and cough almost every 3 months . Usually more during weather change from warm to cold and rainy. Present weather condition is the same.
3. He has always been better in the evening and worse in the night while sleeping but this time he his better in the evening and worse in the morning to noon.
4.Usually has very frequent and bad bouts of coughing especially when he sleeps in the night.. and most of the time ends up vomiting. But this time pattern is very different, coughing is very rare all day and no cough in the night but slightly more frequent in the morning/noon but the cough is phlegmy and slight gagging. mild running nose ( not very thick whitish discharge).
5. regular motions but slightly more loose and dark than usual
6.Sleeping well
7.The cough and cold lasts around 10-15 days , each time the cough gets very bad with lots of phlegm and vomiting.
I used to give him a combination of allopathic cough syrups and Indian home remedies( ajwain leaf juice, honey /ginger/kalonji oil/clove, chest massage with garlic and eucalyptus oil) but for the past one year I have reduced allopathy and more home remedies. The last time he had cough( 4 months back) I gave him only home remedies and only in the end saw a homeopath who gave him Bryonia twice a day and Tulsi Varsaka cough syrup. he responded very well.

Age: 9 months
1.height 72 cms, weight - 7 kgs(approx)
2.She has suffered from almost 4-5 colds in nine months. First time was when she was 2 and half months because of travelling in a cold AC, another time was more of a dust allergey because of being exposed to a very dusty carpet.( very severe running nose and watery, itchy eyes , mild fever, no cough). But all the other colds she has had were after her brother got them.
3.She seems very active in the morning, playing and crawling then by late morning to afternoon it gets worse.. better in the evening again.
4.Running nose and drooling increases a lot in the late morning to afternoon. She gets very cranky , wants to be carried but not comfortable in any position, wants to nurse more and sleeps only by nursing. low appetite for solids in the morning.
5.Motions are very frequent ,5-6 times a day. few motions seem regular and few are loose watery and sour smelling. she has the same pattern even before she got the cold
6.Sleeping well in the day, but nose gets stuffy while sleeping in the night. she cries and nurses back to sleep. does not wake up fully.
7.The first cold lasted long, almost a month, was treating with home remedies then started homeopathy. it worked very well on her . other colds have lasted around 7-10 days . I have used only home remedies and homeopathy for her, no allopathic medicine and no vaccines.
**She has two front lower teeth coming, I have been giving her Chamodent (Schwabe) and it has eased her teething a lot. she doesn't drool at other times...only now during the cold.

our regular Homeopath is unavailable and I would really appreciate some suggestions for remedies. thank you
ummeesa last decade
for ur son:
give him one dose(4pill) of calc carb 30c at morning in empty stomach .
for ur daughter:
in a little lukewarm milk add two tabs(powder them while mixing) of kali mur 12x+nat mur 12x + kali sulph 12x give it like this 2 times a day in the interval of 12 hour
let me know how both of them are doing after 2 days of taking medicine.
gaintrox last decade
Thank you so much.. Will get back to you..
ummeesa last decade

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