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5 years girl suffers from eczema Page 2 of 4
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Here how I can describe her skin condition at the moment:
- Severe Itching that affecting her sleep.
- Redness of the affected part.
- Swelling of the surface of the skin into red or skin colored welts (called wheals) with clearly defined edges. The wheals enlarge, spread, and join together to form larger areas of flat, raised skin. When you press the center of a red wheal, it blanches (turns white).
These symptoms clearly describe her skin condition.
- Severe Itching that affecting her sleep.
- Redness of the affected part.
- Swelling of the surface of the skin into red or skin colored welts (called wheals) with clearly defined edges. The wheals enlarge, spread, and join together to form larger areas of flat, raised skin. When you press the center of a red wheal, it blanches (turns white).
These symptoms clearly describe her skin condition.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
Please give her one dose of Rhus Toxicodendron 200c right away and update me.
fitness last decade
I took my girl from preschool. Teacher said, she scratched much today. Skin looks really bad. I have gave her a dose of rhus toxicodendron 200 twenty minutes ago. Her mood isn't bad. Now watches cartoon and waiting for dinner.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
2 hours past after I gave remedy:
An hour ago she asked to apply Shea Butter and while I did this, she complaint that back of the knees hurts badly. Back of her knees look scratched much during the day. Now she says her legs doesn't hurt any more. She doesn't scratch much. I'm going to put her in bath with Dead Sea Salt before sleep. Will update as soon as you ask. Thanks for helping, and sory for my English.
An hour ago she asked to apply Shea Butter and while I did this, she complaint that back of the knees hurts badly. Back of her knees look scratched much during the day. Now she says her legs doesn't hurt any more. She doesn't scratch much. I'm going to put her in bath with Dead Sea Salt before sleep. Will update as soon as you ask. Thanks for helping, and sory for my English.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
5 hours update after taking remedy:
The situation wasn't bad till I took her to bach with dead sea salt. She sad that the back of her right knee hurted badly. Sea salt aggravate scratched areas. After the bath I applyed shea butter, but the itch didn't stopped. Affected areas look very red, little dry, rough, scratched badly and hot when touching. Her cheeks are red too. The skin eruptions spread to the areas where the skin wasn't affected before. Lying in a bed she is trying to scratch her legs at the moment. She can't calm down and fall asleep. She fells very sad, nervous, angry, moving from one side to another. The situation got worse, but maybe it's so because of the remedy, or it still continuos from last night.
The situation wasn't bad till I took her to bach with dead sea salt. She sad that the back of her right knee hurted badly. Sea salt aggravate scratched areas. After the bath I applyed shea butter, but the itch didn't stopped. Affected areas look very red, little dry, rough, scratched badly and hot when touching. Her cheeks are red too. The skin eruptions spread to the areas where the skin wasn't affected before. Lying in a bed she is trying to scratch her legs at the moment. She can't calm down and fall asleep. She fells very sad, nervous, angry, moving from one side to another. The situation got worse, but maybe it's so because of the remedy, or it still continuos from last night.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
At least she fell asleep. She flinched several times while fell asleep and continuous flinching while sleep.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 21:30:17 GMT]
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 21:30:17 GMT]
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
The intensive itch woke her up and she keeps scratching her legs for an hour already. The affected areas doesn't look swell now, I have mentioned before, when the swell goes off, the skin becomes very dry. Whe I applyed shea butter, in touching affected areas feels very dry, as pepper. The itch is really bad and it disturbs me much. It seams because of scratching some areas can be infected. If so, I will need to apply antibiotic cream again.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
Don't use antibiotics, get Calendula cream and apply if required.
There seems to be some aggravation which should start to subside within 12 hrs.
There seems to be some aggravation which should start to subside within 12 hrs.
fitness last decade
Situation stll bad after 24 hours of taking remedy. Affected areas are red, little dry, very little swelled and itch very intensively. Teacher said that she scratched not so much then yesterday during the day. At home she scratches much at the moment. Her mood isn't bad. Can I give her another dose of rhus tox 200?
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
fitness last decade
How things changed...
As you mentioned, there was big aggravation at first. The itch was so intensive that she couldn't stand. She slept very bad this night. The day she spent in preschool and teacher said situation was little better than yesterday - she scratched less. Her appetite is good, mood as well. She is moving and jumping much, maybe because of the itch. Affected areas still very red, hot in touching, itch violent, but less dry than at night. She scratches her legs and asks me to do this. She doesn't look to be sad or upset.
I have bought calendula cream and applied already.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 17:07:00 GMT]
As you mentioned, there was big aggravation at first. The itch was so intensive that she couldn't stand. She slept very bad this night. The day she spent in preschool and teacher said situation was little better than yesterday - she scratched less. Her appetite is good, mood as well. She is moving and jumping much, maybe because of the itch. Affected areas still very red, hot in touching, itch violent, but less dry than at night. She scratches her legs and asks me to do this. She doesn't look to be sad or upset.
I have bought calendula cream and applied already.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 17:07:00 GMT]
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
Good progress!
You can apply calendula as & when required.
No more doses of any remedy.
Just observe & keep me posted.
You can apply calendula as & when required.
No more doses of any remedy.
Just observe & keep me posted.
fitness last decade
In the evening her mood was really good, she was full of joy, joking with us, laughing much. Before the sleep she asked to put in bath with dead sea salt. I thought she wouldn't ask me for this, as her skin was scratched. The bath didnt irritate scratched areas this time. She fell asleep easy. The night wasnt good. The itch tormented her and she scratched her legs much. Visually the condition of the skin didnt change still red, rough, little dry, not swell and scratched (the back of the knees, where thighs rub and right ankle join badly scratched). In touching skin feels very rugged. It troubles me that eruptions spread, now red itchy patches appears on calves, left ankle joint. Eruptions on back (lower part) tummy (lower part) minor spots, not swell.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
Good progress.
You can apply calendula as & when required.
No more doses of any remedy.
Just observe & keep me posted.
You can apply calendula as & when required.
No more doses of any remedy.
Just observe & keep me posted.
fitness last decade
I don't know if it's good progress...
The skin still red, rough, scratched badly, the itch still very intensive. Her mood isn't bad as usually. Only when situation got worsen, she felt bad - sad and upset. The bad sleep at night affect everyone in our family. We are all so tired because of those nights when we sleep only for three - six hours... It's really hard...
Sorry for these words and thanks for the help.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:22:08 GMT]
The skin still red, rough, scratched badly, the itch still very intensive. Her mood isn't bad as usually. Only when situation got worsen, she felt bad - sad and upset. The bad sleep at night affect everyone in our family. We are all so tired because of those nights when we sleep only for three - six hours... It's really hard...
Sorry for these words and thanks for the help.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:22:08 GMT]
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
The first sign of progress comes from the mood & emotions. Now everything will follow within 24 hrs. Keep me posted.
fitness last decade
If I understood your words clear, it is very important 72 hours after taking remedy. So, first 12 hours was aggravation, then other 12 hours situation stabilized, second day (other 24 hours) - situation doesn't change much - everything as yesterday. Will post after another 12 hours, in the morning as now we have half past eight in the evening.
Thank for the big help.
Thank for the big help.
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
As a general rule, for 200c or lower, for most patients, here is what happens:
Approx. 72 hrs after the dose will show aggravation & stabilization.
After appprox. 72 hrs, improvement will commence.
The first sign of improvement is mental & emotional sphere and then others follow.
Approx. 72 hrs after the dose will show aggravation & stabilization.
After appprox. 72 hrs, improvement will commence.
The first sign of improvement is mental & emotional sphere and then others follow.
fitness last decade
Almost 72 hours after taking Rhus Tox 200c
Situation stabilized and little progress visible. Poor sleep during the night. The itch still tormented her during the night and she scratched her legs much. But in the morning while applying calendula cream I noticed little progress some affected areas gets blanch (turns from red to white), only the back of the knees, where thighs rub and right ankle join still red and scratched badly. The mood good, as usual.
Any remedy this evening?
Situation stabilized and little progress visible. Poor sleep during the night. The itch still tormented her during the night and she scratched her legs much. But in the morning while applying calendula cream I noticed little progress some affected areas gets blanch (turns from red to white), only the back of the knees, where thighs rub and right ankle join still red and scratched badly. The mood good, as usual.
Any remedy this evening?
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
There is no much progress in mood - usually she is in good or very good mood, especially when we allow her to do what she want and none contradict her and when she acts something - when playing with her brother or other children, when going to visit grandparent or friends, when going for a walk and etc. Sometimes it seems to me, that I feel much worse emotionally, than my girl
Progress in skin condition - I would say 10-20 percent.
No much progress in itching - still severe itching that affecting her sleep.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:00:33 GMT]
Progress in skin condition - I would say 10-20 percent.
No much progress in itching - still severe itching that affecting her sleep.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:00:33 GMT]
♡ vilma_ketleriene last decade
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