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5 years girl suffers from eczema Page 3 of 4

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I would like to know your opinion. I'm planing to give her probiotics. Is it harmonize with homeopathic remedy?
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:04:58 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
The situation gets worsen again, itch is violent and skin gets much red again, little swell. She couldn't stand the itch and scratches her legs intensively.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
You can give probiotics.

Give her one dose of Rhus Tox 200c and let me know how things change.
fitness last decade
At once I have read your last post on Saturday morning; I gave her a dose of rhus tox 200c. On Saturday morning the progress in skin condition approximately 40 percent. Affected parts visually seemed to be more blanch. But on Saturday afternoon she started scratching her legs more and more. Here how I can describe her condition approximately 48 hours after taking remedy:
- Itching that affecting her sleep (progress approximately 10 percent).
- Redness of the affected part (blanched areas covered with small red pimples; affected areas didn't look swell; sometimes hot in touching, sometimes not; the affected areas didn't look dry, because of scratching skin become little scale and covered with small scabs). The skin condition worsens approximately 30 percent compare with the skin condition on Saturday morning.
- Very good appetite, thirst normal.
- The mood good, as usual. Still obstinate, sometimes as a mule. Easy gets angry when things go the way she doesn't want them to go.

It seems to me that rhus tox 200c really works on skin condition as it used to be a week before (Severe Itching that affecting her sleep. Redness of the affected part. Swelling of the surface of the skin into red or skin colored welts (called wheals) with clearly defined edges. The wheals enlarge, spread, and join together to form larger areas of flat, raised skin. When you press the center of a red wheal, it blanches (turns white)).
Bur at the moment the situation changed – skin doesn't look swelling, dry, and rough as I mentioned before.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
How much % is the skin better since taking the first dose.
fitness last decade
I would say approximately 10, maybe 20 percent. It's hard to say, because the situation has changed much. The affected parts looks different, as I described in my latest post. It's no more so dry like paper, rough and swelled. Now blanched areas covered with small red pimples, that itch, especially when uncovered and during the night.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
It is very hard to describe the appearance of affected areas: discoloration;
circumscribe pigmentation where eruption was; blanched areas covered with small red pimples...

Some more characteristic of my daughter: loquacious, extrovert, passionate, exuberant...
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Please send me pictures.

Has itching changed in any way, better or worse
fitness last decade
I will take some photos and will send them this evening. Yes, the itching has changed - not much, but better I think (progress during the day - approximately 20 percent, during the night - approximately 10 percent). One more thing - because of scratching skin covered with small scabs.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 14:32:29 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
I have sent some photos, have been taken on Saturday morning and yesterday in the evening. If you'll need more I will take after I'll take her from preschool.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
How has she been emotionally & mentally after the doses.
fitness last decade
There was big aggravation after the first dose (firs 12 hours). Because of itching she looked to be sad and upset, wanted to cry. After 24 hours after remedy, her mood changed - she was full of joy, joking with us, laughing much. No much changes after giving second dose of remedy. Maybe only first 3-5 hours, she felt more calm then usually, was playing with her toys alone. Then she started scratch her legs, but her mood wasn't bad. From then till now - her mood as usually - good.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:06:59 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
I will recap, correct where wrong:

After the first dose there was aggravation in the itching & her mood worsened.

A day after the dose, her mood was fine and the itching reduced.

Then the itching returned. You gave another dose, after that the itching worsened.

Now its better by 10-20%.

The big welts & skin appearance has changed to small pigmentation.

fitness last decade
The itch didn't reduse much between doses, worsen after the first, then little redused, then worsen again. Now skin appearance changed - big red welts got whitening and covered with little red pimples. Right now I took her from preschool. She feels good, didn't scrath her legs much. Those red pimples got bigger and again forms welts.

Other posted by you is right.
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 16:41:35 GMT]
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 17:22:56 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Ok, no more doses now. Just observe and keep me posted.
fitness last decade
Understand. Please look at my last post, I have changed some.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Condition approximately 72 hours after taking second dose of remedy:
- Itching that affecting her sleep.
- Redness of the affected part (almost all areas, which looked blanch on Saturday morning, now covered with red pimples; affected areas look little swell; back of the knees and where thighs rub hot in touching; the affected areas little dry and rough; because of scratching skin become scale and covered with small scabs; affected areas in touching feel hard, like encrusted with crust or something).
- Appetite good, thirst normal.
- Yesterday evening my daughter spent with a friend who visited her. While being and playing with a friend, she felt happy and vivacious. After her friend went home, she become irritable didn't want to go to bed, clean her teeth and etc. When at least I took her to bed, she couldn't get to sleep. Itch troubled her, but she didn't scratch much before fell asleep. During the night she woke up few times to scratch her legs.

At the moment it seems to me that we got back to the point we started. No progress… From the first of December, when condition worsen badly, till now, we just climbing up a hill and falling from it to the hole, then climbing up again for day, or two, then falling down again…
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 11:25:45 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
I’m planning, to take her to another allergist. I have told, that I haven’t noticed that food provokes the skin eruptions, and tests we made didn't show allergy. I’ll try to ask for another test. Maybe this time I’ll get affirmative results that some kind of food provokes the skin eruptions. Yesterday morning she took an ice cream… in the evening skin looked much worse…
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Give her one dose of Apis 200c, just one dose and report back.
fitness last decade
Ok, I'll give a dose of Apis Mellifica 200c as soon as I'll take her from preschool in the evening. Will report back. Thank you very much for helping me.
vilma_ketleriene last decade
I have been asked to look at this matter by Mrs Vilma Ketleriene.

Hope I'm not stepping on anyones sensitive toes?

If it is so that it itches intensely. She itches almost so it bleeds?
Worse in bed, waking several times during the night because of itching?

I think based on what I've read that she needs Sulfur. She has got this remedies, but then in very low potency

If it is so that it itches intensely. She itches almost so it bleeds?
Worse in bed, waking several times during the night because of itching?

She should try Sulfur 30C, later possibly 200C. I always start with 30C, when it comes to children, so they do not get a very strong reaction.

Give one dose 30C, 3-4 pills under the tongue. Take the medicine at least half an hour before or after food. Do not drink anything with caffeine, such as coke, Urge etc.

Wait 3-4 days. Then contact me again. Or before if you have any questions.
It can also be a good idea to limit the intake of wheat flour. products. Bread, pizza, spaghetti, etc. this may be the indirect cause of the rash, ie gluten. the direct cause can be sensitive gut. Perhaps because of vaccines and antibiotics.

Dr. Flemming
[message edited by Parakletos on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 15:57:25 GMT]
Parakletos last decade
You are welcome to take over the case Dr. Fleming.
fitness last decade
Dear Mr. fitness thank you for the help.

Just wanted to inform, yesterday I managed to get sulphyr 30c. I gave her a dose before sleep. Poor sleep this night. During the night she woke up several times and couldn't get asleep for some time because of itching (worse – approximately 10-20 percent). She scratched her legs intensive. In the morning skin looked red like it burns, dry, rough, cracked and covered with crusts, as she scratched her legs to the point of bleeding (worse - approximately 30 percent). I don’t know if it is aggravation. Different – more crusts on the skin, new small dry and irritated eruptions on the lower part of the back. Mood – sleepy in the morning because of poor sleep at night, little irritated (worse– approximately 5-10 percent).
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Update: six days after Sulphur 30C

I’m so afraid to joy of improvement during last days… It’s like a miracle…
- Itching during the day decrease approximately 70 percent.
- Itching during the night decrease approximately 60 percent. Last night she still woke up several times, but didn't scratch her legs with nails, only rub her knees.
- Improvement in skin condition - approximately 50 percent.
- Appetite still very good, thirst normal.
- The mood very good.
- New - little red spot on the right top of the palm cleared up.
Almost all affected areas, with used to be very red, have been blanched, not hot in touching any more, just little dry and rough. Because of scratching on Friday night skin still has small scabs, but lots of them cleared yesterday after bath with dead sea salt. The areas where knees rub and right ankle still look no how – more red then other areas, more rough, covered with rash.

Looks like the remedy works…
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 10:26:35 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade
Excellent work Dr. Fleming.
fitness last decade
Following update...

On Sunday evening before sleep I gave my daughter the dose of sulpfur 30C. It was third dose of this remedy in total.
Here are the changes:
- Itching during the day decrease approximately 80 percents.
- Itching during the night decrease approximately 90 percents. Last two nights she didn't woke up because of the itching. During the sleep this night she tried to rub her knees for one time only.
- Skin condition – no big changes (Improvement in skin condition - approximately 70-80 percent). Skin looks good, but the rash didn't clear up totally. Thighs cleared up almost. The areas on her joints of the knees, right ankle look little red and scratched.
- Appetite still large, thirst normal.
- The mood is very good. She is less active in total. Some weeks ago I had mentioned she was very restless, moved from place to place and couldn't stud still in one place.

So, at the moment we have really good progress I think…
[message edited by vilma_ketleriene on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 12:13:06 GMT]
vilma_ketleriene last decade

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