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Posts about Depression, OCD

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Hemerrhoids + OCD5Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts OCD25Anxiety and OCD6Fear and OCD109Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help solipsism ocd anxiety depression

Hi, I am 15 years old male, 10 days ago while browsing through litverse i read about the brain in a vat hypotheses, which is a counterpart of Solipsism. It says that it may be possible that i am just a brain in a vat and some other entity, probably a super-intelligent alien being is simulating the world in my mind through electro magnetic impulses. I KNOW IT SOUNDS SILLY, But as soon as i read about it i became very anxious and depressed thinking if other people, my family, friends etc. dont exist and what i do is not real. GENERALLY SPEAKING I AM SUFFERRING FROM SOLIPSISM OCD. I am constantly depressed from 10 days. The anxiety is more in the morning and less in the evening. I have lost my interest in the activities i once enjoyed. PLEASE PRESCRIBE A HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE TO HELP THIS CONDITION.PLEASE PLEASE......
  nobita on 2015-05-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take one dose Sulphur 200. one dose if you buy the medicine in globules is 4 or 5 globules. if it is liquid 2 or 3 drops dissolved in half a cup of mineral water. do not eat or drink sour things during treatment. update after 2 days.
telescope 9 years ago
Thanks telescope
Would i take 1 dose each day for two days?
By the way do you think i will be cured and live my life normally again?
& i have been taking aconite nap 200 and ignatia amara 30
but i will stop these and start taking sulphur 200
nobita 9 years ago
you take one dose only. don't worry it is a curable problem. you will soon be OK. do not take more than one dose.
telescope 9 years ago
hi telescope,

poster is having problems on
opening pages,

see the new thread with the old
links on there.http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/475372/
simone717 9 years ago
thanks simone. i will look into that.
telescope 9 years ago
telescope sir,
as you know i am having an unexpected problem in opening the website from my phone,iam posting from internet cafe. So please reply through my email id.
Had some unexpected increase in the anxiety and skeptical thoughts in the past two days but did not have much problem today


nobita 9 years ago
Homeopathy treatment sometimes requires longer period of treatment. Wrong treatment can hurt a patient and destroy the entire life. If a doctor interviews face to face chances of getting correct remedy is higher. A doctor you can afford, a doctor you can visit in person is the best option. Some famous doctors now do skype consultation. I like doctors who gives single remedy and is detail oriented.Do not worry too much on disease name, serious illness was treated like a miracle by classical homeopathy.
yogiram 9 years ago
thanks yogiram, do u know some good doctor who offers skype consultation?
nobita 9 years ago
Dr. Rajan Sankaran
yogiram 9 years ago
yogiram 9 years ago

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