The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fatigue similar to diabetes
I feel instant fatigue when I start to eat breakfast, so I take a caffeine tablet before eating breakfast.During the day, after a few hours, fatigue stops me from doing anything, so I take another caffeine tablet and so on during the day. If I do not eat or take caffeine, I can lose my thinking ability and rapidly descend into suicidal depression (that extreme happens about every 10 years.) Sugar will bring me back to normal within a few minutes. So, I always have food instantly available when I begin to feel I will have what I call a sugar drop- yet I have never tested for diabetes. In the diabetes test in which I drink glucose, I instantly go into deep fatigue, as when eating breakfast.
The alternative to taking caffeine is to sleep for 10-15 minutes.
Pat38 on 2015-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Acid Phos-200 6 pills twice
a day
2. Olive (Bach Flower Remedy) 5 drops in one teaspoon water twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Acid Phos-200 6 pills twice
a day
2. Olive (Bach Flower Remedy) 5 drops in one teaspoon water twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
Dear Pat,
You need to have test results done asap.
Please talk to the Dr. and tell him what happens when you drink the glucose.
Find another way.
You also need a CBC ( complete blood count) and what is your BP
and weight?
There could be many things going on, but something is going on and you
need facts.
Once you have those facts, then your case can be taken in detail,
to help you with correct remedy choice. Don't take any remedies
until you get the above information.
You need to have test results done asap.
Please talk to the Dr. and tell him what happens when you drink the glucose.
Find another way.
You also need a CBC ( complete blood count) and what is your BP
and weight?
There could be many things going on, but something is going on and you
need facts.
Once you have those facts, then your case can be taken in detail,
to help you with correct remedy choice. Don't take any remedies
until you get the above information.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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