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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help for ADHD child

Dear All,
My son is 6 years old and from the beginning his behaviour was abnormal. recently his school advised to show him to psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with 75% ADHD with high autism. Following are his traits:
1 He cried on birth, didnt crawl. use to band head on wall when he was 2 yrs, after that not.
2 Hungry but very fussy regarding food. would eat only roti, bhindi, baingan(egg plant), Kadhi, arbi everyday. For past one month started with omelette and paneer bhurji.
3 Loves cake, pastries, chocolate, coke, toffees.
4 very active and cant remain still the whole day.
5 abusive with everyone, keeps on hitting with feet or hands to servants(mainly) and even us. will shout and cry if not heard.
6 doesnt make new friends. extremely hard to make him do his c/work & h/work, brushing teeth.
7 fussy about clothes, shoes etc. difficult to make him wear new ones.
8 use to eat clay earlier. at times now also.
9 scolding, beating doesn't work. In fact if scolded high, he is so sensitive that he won't stop crying.

Otherwise he is thin, fair, not much gain in weight although diet is ok with milk but without fruits. I gave him Tarantula Hisp 1M- one dose(empty stomach) every week for three weeks one month back, only difference noticed is he added omelet and paneer bhurji in his food. The school people are grilling us everyday or so. please help and suggest some remedy as i strongly believe in homeopathy.
DPV Singh
[message edited by dpvsingh on Tue, 03 Nov 2015 18:57:27 UTC]
  dpvsingh on 2015-11-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can start with Sulphur 200 one dose. Give it in the morning. Do not give him any sour food and drink. Observe for any change for one week and then update.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you so much for speedy reply.
I got the remedy today and will start from Saturday because of his school.

Wud respond ASAP
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Please also help me about pills or diluted in water, succused or else
dpvsingh 9 years ago
You can use either pills or liquid.
if pills then 3 or 4 directly on the tongue. If liquid 2 or 3 drops dissolved in half a cup of mineral water. Do not use tap water for taking medicine.
only one dose medicine is to be taken , not daily.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear telescope,
Extremely sorry for late reply. I gave him 1 dose sulphur 200c on 8th November but no effect seems
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Extremely sorry for replying late. I gave him one dose sulphur 200 c on 8th November but no effect seems.
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Please give one dose Calcarea Carb 200.
Do not give him sour things to eat or drink.
telescope 9 years ago
Given one dose of Cal Carb 200 c on Sunday
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Doesn't seem any changes in one week
Vishal Singh
dpvsingh 9 years ago
What are the major diseases that run in the family on both sides ?
telescope 9 years ago
Grand Father: allergic (cold and throat), flatulence, eyes got weak(Hyperopia) when he was 4 years due to heat stroke.

Grand Mother: hypertension

Father: tonsils operation at 4 years, used to have allergic cold and bad throat till age of 20 years after which it went off. fond of stimulants(alcohol, smoking, even at times marijuana but very rare)

Mother: Hereditary(myopia). prone to bad throat, different minded
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Please give him one dose Tuberculinum 1m.
telescope 9 years ago
Gave him tuberculinium 1m today morning but there was some communication gap and after 15 minutes he drank bournvita milk. Please advise on the issue.
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Do not worry. We wait and see whether the medicine was antidote or not.
telescope 9 years ago
Right, thanks
dpvsingh 9 years ago
15 days after tubr. 1M.

I think aggregation has increased with abusing, kicking. Learned new habit of poking pencil, pulling classmates specs & hair.
His attention span is 3-5 seconds.

Added home made burger(cheese, ketchup and bun) to his diet.
dpvsingh 9 years ago
15 days after tubr. 1M.

I think aggregation has increased with abusing, kicking. Learned new habit of poking pencil, pulling classmates specs & hair.
His attention span is 3-5 seconds.

Added home made burger(cheese, ketchup and bun) to his diet.

Adding new friends
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Please give him one dose Arsenicum album 200.
telescope 9 years ago
Will give tomorrow and respond
dpvsingh 9 years ago
Sorry for responding late. Actually things have worsened. Ars 200 was given in time. He has become more aggressive, crying, hitting, abusing, not doing homework. Always outside on cycle, driving it on pavement rather than road. Even in video games, he will not drive car on road. Playing on computers is with dedication, perfection, playing spirit is there but outdoor games are not interesting for him. Added 2 new friends. Generally comfortable with older servants. Eating is a major problem. Having only bhindi roti or kadhi rice. Used to like milk but has cut down to half. Complaining for stomach ace. Curd is a big no, would like nachos, kurkure etc. Not Hungary till noon. Got cavity on lower right jaw, always a no for brushing in night.
** given him a dose of de. . warming.
Giving multi vitamin and liv 52 of and on.

Please help. Also please take advise from fellow doctors.

Vishal Singh
dpvsingh 9 years ago
as you told for advise from others i recommend you to email your username to homeo.mzp[at]gmail.com
but he takes paid cases.
Its own your wish.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Please give him one dose Calcarea phos 200.
telescope 9 years ago
i request telescope sir to please try CINA MARITIMA 200c
0antivirus0 9 years ago

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