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Posts about Cold

Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3Sneezing hot and cold3Dry cough and feeling cold4Sneezing hot and cold1Suffering From Hoarseness Cough Cold1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus, Cold, Asthma, Prostate elargement

Dear Doctor,

I am in terrible pain since enlarged prostate is blocking my urine and stool passage. Please suggest cure for my following conditions:

1. Age 62 years, male
2. Bed wetter in childhood
3. After waking up in morning, as a child, had to run urgently to pee.
4. Low energy child. No heart in playing sports
5. more interested in reading books, staying home. Not many friends
6. Simple guy. Will trust anything you say. Will offer his whole lunch to others. Will steal money from home to buy a sweet-talking guy something. Dying to be used.
7. posture slumped forward. Slumped sitting posture, squeezing chest.
8. Shallow breathing. Avoid talking. Enjoy friends who are good talkers and looking for good listeners.
9. Chronic sinus problem. sinus walls have grown think as per CT Scan report. Lost all sense of smell - good or bad.
10. Post nasal drip. Thick yellow-green mucus keeps dripping in throat.
11. Teeth rotten away due to inadequate care. Lead fillings in some teeth.
12. Cold air settles in chest, producing rattling sound. Covering the nose while out in cold air helps.
13. Feel cold in head. Like to sleep with head covered with a cap.
14. Occasionally prostate gland enlarges, making it very difficult to pass urine or stool. Sabal Ser Q relieves the symptoms, but keep reoccurring.
15. These days my prostate is enlarged and I could not find SABAL SER Q in the market so using SAW PELMETTO (which is what SABL SER is made from) and that is also helping. While its becoming easier to Pee or poo, when I sit to pee, most of the time, stool also comes out in however minor quantity. Also, these days, urge to go to pee is very urgent and when I sit, my breathing is very labored/hard to push out pee, and I pant after pee is finished and take a minute before breathing clams down. Have tp pee every 15 minutes, and its very painful to pee that comes out after a huge effort of wiggling. But stool is not coming out despite pressure exept for very small pieces, Sometimes stool is long thin pieces.
16. yellow-green mucus is filling my chest, causing shortness of breath. Occasional cough brings out yellow-green thick lumps of mucus.
17. Thirst is minimal.
18. Drinking hot tea helps clear cough.
19. Bloating in stomach after eating, have to loosen belt. Belching.
  vtechy1 on 2016-04-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your remedy is: Thuja 200c

Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Report back after 15 days using the format explained below.

If remedy is Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If remedy is liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
That’s one dose.

At night before sleeping.
Don’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

• Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
• Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
• During the course of treatment, don’t eat/drink anything which you have never had all your life.

• Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
• Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
• Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
• Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
• Other health problems: e.g. Acne increased 60%
• Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
• And so on list all your complaints.
fitness 8 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.