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alaskamom 8 years ago
So far, I haven't really seen any change from the remedy one way or the other.
On the first day following giving the remedy, he seemed to have an extra happy day, with lots of smiles. But now seems back to baseline. Ok mood, but not super-smiley like that first day.
He says his poops are still a bit wet.
He is still afraid of having nightmares, to the point that he won't sleep in his own bed anymore. He will cry if we try to convince him to sleep there. So we spread a mat on the floor by our bed and he is sleeping there.
He says he still sees monsters in the dark places, but doesn't see them when he closes his eyes anymore (this improved before the remedy was given). He also says he doesn't see them when hes around mom & dad, but does when he is in a room by himself. He is very concerned with me being around him or available at every moment. If I step out of the house for a moment, he wants to come with me. He doesn't want me to be far from him.
He is still very interested in looking nice with his clothes.
I'm not sure if he's still obsessive to the same level about things, but he does seem to be about the same in that area.
He is not waking in the night anymore, he is sleeping through the night.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Was he able to sleep through the night before taking this remedy?

What does he say about wearing good clothes and looking nice?
homeodr 8 years ago
I think the sleeping through the night came back after we turned him from sleeping at one end of the bed to sleeping at the other end (facing the wall). For some reason he prefers that direction.
Hes still wetting his pull-ups at night, too.

As for dressing nice, he loves to. He likes to wear a button-front shirt and a tie. He wants us to buy a suit jacket and vest (though we can't afford it). He has slacks. He still talks about how some other kid in Sunday school looks nicer than him (because he has the vest). I believe he has an appreciation for things that are aesthetically pleasing, but he also loves money, and I think the dressing helps him imagine he is rich or wealthy.
He also likes to try to dress up his younger brothers and decide what will look nice on them. I tell him no, but he still tries. He dresses up his stuffed animals.
alaskamom 8 years ago
The monster problem, and the bad dream problem, are the biggest concerns right now. Mostly monsters though. Now, tonight, he is crying even while stretched out on the floor near our bed. Scared to go to sleep. I can't go on like this. The baby wakes me up all night, and my oldest one, the sensitive one who needs Mom all night, now he has to cry himself to sleep because I am so burnt out, I have nothing left for him after the baby has been after me every moment of the day.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Today he told me his tongue hurts. It's the tip of the tongue. It looks reddened.
He also was complaining his hand hurting today, like when he has to use it. For example opening and shutting the car door made his hand hurt (though it was already hurting before that, it just made it hurt more).
alaskamom 8 years ago
I would like to suggest you to first get the paranormal stuff rule out. Unless you dont get rid of this it is difficult to treat your child.

I do believe in paranormal as I have myself experienced it. So I cannot completely neglect this stuff.
I know being a doctor, practically I should not believe in such things, but I cannot forget my experience as well.
homeodr 8 years ago
How do you suggest I do that?
alaskamom 8 years ago
Night vision camera helps to detect some paranormal activity, however I understand you cannot afford that. Instead you can try taking some random pictures of the vulnerable areas of ur house from your regular camera ..try to see if that can depict some weird image..
Also u can contact Alaska paranormal society..they perform investigation for free of charge (most likely). They would hv sophisticated cameras that would help to rule out if there is anything paranormal or not.
homeodr 8 years ago
Ok. I might just wait, as we will be moving in less than two weeks. Hopefully the new place will be free of any hocus-pocus.
alaskamom 8 years ago
What kind of church do you go to?

I have also had experiences with "paranormal" encounters.... I tend to take a biblical view on them, however my experience impressed my feelings.

What about talking to a pastor or elder in your church before calling paranormal hunters, and also (if you're not already) pray with your son before bed, and remind him of Gods protection over him and that he has an angel in charge of him, so he doesn't have to be afraid of bad dreams etc.

Hope that wasn't too forward.
rom109 8 years ago
I agree with rom.. Praying helps to get rid of such paranormal events..
homeodr 8 years ago
We pray before bed every night. I remind him of scripture, about God's protection, etc. I have also prayed against any evil in the house. I suppose it might work better if I had more faith myself.
alaskamom 8 years ago
No, our prayers do not work better by our own faith. Be freed of that burden!! God is the one who works. We simply believe that he does. :) our Level of belief does not have any impact on the prayers answered.
I believe that God is sovereign in all things, and we are responsible for our sin. Disbelief is a sin, for sure. So we repent of the sin and then ask for His help. And trust Him. :)
The man who came to Jesus and requested his daughter be healed and he said, "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief."
There is a human fallen element there. We believe, but our human mind can always be plagued with doubt. That was for you Alaskamom. :)
As for your son, I don't claim to know what causes night terrors, I had them when I was a kid. Walking nightmares etc. so sorry :( keep praying. God is faithful!
rom109 8 years ago
Sorry....his son*
Mark chapter 9 :)
rom109 8 years ago
I had lots of nightmares as a kid as well, as did my own mother. I think it may be genetic somehow.
As for belief, that's my biggest struggle--belief and trust. So I suppose until or unless I can get to a place where I believe my prayers are going to work, I'll just have to make do with what I have. Thanks for trying to encourage me though.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Hello there. I wondered if we might revisit my oldest son's case and see if we can find a match for him for a remedy. I have been looking through many remedies and see a little of him in this, that and the other remedy, but not one that seems to encompass everything.

We did move to our new home, and since then, I haven't heard complaints about going to sleep, monsters or anything. It's been about a week of living here. He goes to sleep agreeably enough and sleeps through the night.

He is still needing nighttime pull-ups to prevent soaking his bed.

He seems sullen somewhat. Withdrawn, irritable. Dark circles under his eyes despite adequate sleep.
His habit of chewing the tops of his pens seems more entrenched. He says it makes his teeth feel better. He says if he doesn't chew, his teeth feel funny, almost like an itch. He has done this a long time, but it seems more noticeable now.

When he gets disturbed/woken up at night, he has a hard time going back to sleep.

He is very oversensitive/hyperaware of many things.
He prefers not to wear much clothing while at home, he is more comfortable naked, but is very modest in public or when we have company and dresses appropriately.
He is very sensitive to the least touch, even saying "ow" when you ruffle his hair up with your hand. You might just throw a sock at him in play and he will say "ow".
Foods are a problem for him. He dislikes spicy, sour, bitter or overly seasoned/too salty foods. Basically all foods must either be sweet, overly processed (like Mac N Cheese or pizza), carbohydrates, or dairy. He loves milk and chocolate. He has intense cravings for sweets, begging for them everyday. Mostly chocolate, but he will just eat plain sugar out of the sugar bowl when I'm not looking. He likes sweet fruits, avoids vegetables, likes meat occasionally. He often will be hungry but only eat a little, then be "starving" again an hour later.
When he gets sugary foods, his attitude gets more surly and argumentative, and I have ended up just restricting sweets as much as I can without feeling like a complete jerk.
He seems to be slightly better on the lying/sneaky behavior, but it's still there.
He seems to be afraid of playing outside during the daytime but will ask to go out after dark. U believe this is due to fear of a moose or bear being present. He feels braver to go outside during the day if he is allowed to take his BB gun out with him.

He is very forgetful. He sometimes forget directions almost instantly. He is very scatterbrained, misplacing even his favorite possessions. He seems to be unable to even remember to take care to put away even his favorite things, dropping them on the floor where they lay getting walked on. Then he gets upset that they are ruined and very sad.
He is very very attached to his artwork. It is an obsession for him. He cannot bear to part with even one piece of paper that is crumpled and mostly blank. He feels an attachment to each paper as if it were a prized possession. He feels deep sadness if we throw them away. And he seems to get agitated if he cannot draw or runs out of paper, like an addict going through withdrawals. He gets more angry and sullen without drawing paper.

He is fascinated by everything related to the army and military. I think he likes the idea of being powerful with a gun or in a tank or fighter jet. Every day he dresses up as a soldier and pretends to guard or watch or have mock battles with his younger brother.

He gets very hurt when he can't have everything his way. He will ask for this, that and the other, wanting sugar for breakfast, wanting something I don't have, or something I feel is not healthy, etc. Then he will say he is having a bad day and that all the "no's" make him feel like I don't like him or that I hate him. So because I don't indulge his every where, I must not want him to be happy, I suppose is his line of thinking. He seems to radiate the mentality that nothing ever goes his way, he can never have what he wants, etc.
We are somewhat poor and he feels that acutely. He is obsessive about money, going so far as to ask friends how much money they have and whether they are poor. When we go to the store, he complains that he "always" sees other kids leaving with big toy sets and that he can never get anything like that. And it is true, we often cannot buy them what they want, but try to buy them a little toy here or there and they always get toys for Christmas and birthdays.
Seems to be he is depressed, everything is "woe is me" and seeing only the negative. Admittedly, I am sure my ling battle with depression has been a large factor with that. I feel like I am doing some better lately, so I hope to help him as well.

He seems to have overly sensitive nerves in some ways, for example nerves in the upper body/head--thinking, feeling, and touch/taste/smell/imagination. But it seems like his nerve impulses to his eliminative functions are not well developed. For example bedwetting, holding his bowel movements until he has some escape in his underwear, but then being unaware it has happened until one of us smells him. Being unaware of a full bladder until it is so urgent he cannot hold it any longer.
It's like he isn't even aware of his own bodily needs---even going long periods without eating and then suddenly is ravenously hungry. It seems his senses are so overly attuned to outward stimuli that he has no brain power left to pay attention to the simple details of caring for his own body. Also has no brain power left for everyday tasks like putting shoes where they belong, remembering where he left something, etc.
He has this funny habit of hurting himself--always on "accident"--when he wants attention or feels sorry for himself. It even seems that it truly is on accident many times, like he doesn't want to get hurt in his conscious mind, but his sub-conscious provokes him to get attention. This has been a long-standing thing. For example even when his younger brother (the middle one, he's 3 years old now) was a baby, and started to cry, Ethan, the oldest, would bang his head against the wall, or fall, or something to get the attention on him. It's like if he doesn't have everyone's rapt attention and praise 100% of the time, then he feels no one loves him.
Sometimes I feel I should not have had any more children so I could attend to his needs better. Even as a baby he would wake me every 45 minutes all night long, wanting to be close to me, perhaps seeing if I was still there? Needing reassurance. He is extremely social, again even as a baby, only a couple months old, I would have to pretend I was asleep for him to fall asleep, else he would just stay awake staring into my eyes. I have been very anti-social for some time, and I know that has been hard on him. Sometimes I feel he goes looking to strangers for extra love and attention/affection that he feels he doesn't get at home. I know I have not been the greatest at that, but even with feeling that I'm doing a bit better, he seems like he is always on the defense, and can't accept affection very well.

He has lost his playfulness. He's very serious, does not like to be teased, takes it too seriously. He is hyper sensitive to tickles, so being tickled is not enjoyable for him. I have found that he prefers tiny tickles here and there, vs. being held down and tickled.
He hates being "stuck", like in the car for example, and will complain about being too hot (he gets overheated and sweats easily with exertion or a hot room. He is hot-blooded in general), being squished, and so on. He wants out, but then if we are home he will stay inside, I assume because of fear of wild animals. I think he does much better physically when he gets out in the fresh air, though I can hardly make him go out during the day.

He always wants to be right about everything, even making up answers or facts to appear smarter or like he has all the answers. Then will fight and argue about him being wrong. Does not accept it gracefully, takes it very hard when he is wrong. He is always irritated by his little brother, always trying to dictate to him what to play, how to dress for what game they're playing, what the rules are for the game, and who gets to go first. And always wanting to win, of course, always wanting to be better at everything. It's like he wants to break free of all the rules and just do everything his own way.

Oh, also on the list for things that he is hypersensitive to: toilet paper. The stuff we all use is too scratchy for him, he says it makes red bumps on his bottom that get infected. So I bought him Puffs Plus Lotion to use, and he says they are working well.
Also regular bar soap. He was refusing to wash properly until he finally told me the soap was irritating his bottom. So I bought the most gentle soap I could find, unscented, and that is working for him and not irritating him. Interesting to note that occasionally I have suffered problems with getting my private parts irritated just from the bar soap in the shower as well. So I was able to relate to that and get him the right kind of soap he needed.

He loves baths and showers, but feels like he is drowning if he gets water on his face or in his eyes or nose or mouth. He will get scared and panic even with his eyes shut tight if the water drips onto his closed eyelids. He loves the water on the rest of his body though, and showers every day. He would shower or bathe multiple times a day if we would let him.

He seems to have mostly wet stool occasionally alternating with constipation--straining but it won't come out. Most often though it seems he has to run to the bathroom, then has a hard time cleaning it all off (seems like it's wet or diarrhea from what I see leftover on his attempts to clean). Then has to shower to be clean. When he's nervous, his bowels get all upset and he's often running to the bathroom. His digestion in general seems very sensitive and touchy, also perhaps sluggish with feeling full after a small meal, then being hungry again very soon. Perhaps some stool backed up somewhere causing pressure on the stomach?
He is big-boned and seems to have strong fingernails. He dislikes getting them trimmed. He likes them to be a little long, but when too long will ask to have them cut.

I wonder after a car ride the other day if perhaps he had claustrophobia. He sometimes has to sit in the middle in the backseat between his two brothers, and it is pretty tight back there. When I sit back there I have to turn my hips at an angle to fit. But we can't afford a bigger vehicle, so we all try to make do. Anyway, it was a long drive that day, and he was complaining about being too hot, feeling squished, etc, then started to get a headache in his forehead. He kept containing about it over and over and over. I kept telling him I didn't have any medicine on me, but that we'd pick some up as soon as we arrived at the store, maybe 20 minutes away? And he kept complaining so much about everything that I finally told him he needed to be quiet for 15 minutes and just not say anything. Then he burst into tears, and I suspect it was because he had to be quiet, but he said it was because his head hurt so much. He said his neck hurt too, and pointed to the throat area. Perhaps feeling suffocated in the back? Just guessing there. Well when he was allowed to get out of the car his head did get better he still wanted medicine for it, which I did give, but it seemed like he improved just from getting out of the car.
He seems to like movement. He will sometimes rock in a circular movement. He wants to leave and go somewhere, but if we are gone too long, his feet will hurt from walking too much, and he will complain about that. Then at home he is sullen and bored, wants to go do something. Nothing seems to meet with his approval unless it is going out to eat, going to see friends or eating sugar or drawing.
He will get running but seems like he gets out of breath easily. And his feet hurt after lots of walking or running.
He doesn't seem to take sick as easily as his younger two brothers. He seems like he has a better immunity than them.
He sometimes gets headaches down the back of his neck that are helped by Chelidonium majus 30c. I wonder if the gallbladder has some problem, with those particular gallbladder headaches (which my husband gets sometimes, and husband has had gallstones in the past), and with the digestive complaints and stool alternating between wet and constipated.

That's all I can think of for now.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Also forgot to add that he loves cold drinks, icy cold is best. He won't drink something if it is lukewarm. He doesn't mind hot cocoa, but if his milk or water gets warm, he won't drink it. He doesnt get very thirsty usually, unless he has exerted himself a lot, or has some salty food. Sometimes he is really thirsty before bed, but we have to restrict his fluid intake or he will soak the bed.
Also it seems like he somehow withholds urine. In the evening before bed, we will tell him to go pee, and he will, I will hear him going. But then he can wake up an hour after going to bed and have a very full pull-up. I'm not sure where all the pee is coming from if he really did empty his bladder.
He keeps on giving me more reasons why he pees his pull-up, even while awake (after going to bed but before falling asleep). First he says it's because he thinks we'd get mad that he's getting up from bed when he should be sleeping. Then he says it's because the stairway is dark (at our old house). Then it's because of the monsters. Now at the new house he says it feels nice and warm to urinate in the pull-up. I don't even know if he knows why he does it, or if it's just something else he does for attention, like wanting to be a baby again or something.
alaskamom 8 years ago
I will get back to you in 1-2 days.. Let me study this.
homeodr 8 years ago
Thank you so much.
alaskamom 8 years ago
1) Describe his confidence level at home and school..
2) He seems to be bit dictatorial at home, is he same in the school and with his friends?
3) Can you explain more about his art work? Like what kind of artwork he likes?
4) Is he good in academics?

Kindly answer these questions.
homeodr 8 years ago
1) Describe his confidence level at home and school..

He seems lacking in confidence in anything except his art which he loves. Even in his art, he will start a drawing, and not finish it because it didn't turn out right. He also will not ever erase; he says the eraser feels weird when he uses it, no matter what kind of eraser. Perhaps it's more that when something seems to be not working, he just gives up, "I can't" is something I hear often. So erasing and trying again wouldn't fit his style.
He seems to try to compensate for lack of confidence by trying to get wants either by manipulating, lying, sneaking, or arguing. I think he suffers from feeling unloved or misunderstood, or like nothing ever goes his way.
2) He seems to be bit dictatorial at home, is he same in the school and with his friends?
He does seem that way. He isn't in school anymore, he's being homeschooled, but when he is with his friends he does seem to want to be in charge. He likes to dictate what the rules are supposed to be. He seems to do it in a not-too-mean way, but he does try to be in charge. Perhaps trying to be in control from a sense of weakness?
3) Can you explain more about his art work? Like what kind of artwork he likes? He draws a lot. Right now he is fascinated with things related to the military, so he draws guns, soldiers, flags of other countries (he has liked flags for a long time), battles (sort of like little pawns he draws and draws tanks and headquarters, then puts dots all over the page like bullets are flying). I can send some examples. He especially likes the idea of snipers, hiding and taking out the enemy.
He likes the idea of having a gun, I think. It makes him feel stronger to pretend he is a soldier, prepared for battle.
4) Is he good in academics? Yes, he is very smart. While in school he was a people-pleaser, working hard to make his teacher, friends and everyone like him. He excelled at his studies I believe as a way to please his teacher. He's also very smart. He understands things easily. Sometimes I feel he puts so much thought into art and his own inner thoughts that he doesn't pay much attention to his surroundings. He is very scatterbrained.
alaskamom 8 years ago
A quick question,

What kind of weather suits him ? What can he tolerate easily heat or cold?
homeodr 8 years ago
Hmm. Hard to say. Used to be, he would go outside no matter what the weather, but now doesn't seem to want to stay out long in the cold. He tends to run hot blooded, but yet seems sensitive to the cold. He will go outside in cold weather (example 15° F), and stay maybe half an hour despite being bundled up. Meanwhile his middle brother, who tends to get cold easily, stayed out longer.
It's hard to tell whether he really is getting cold, or if he's feeling scared about wild animals and blaming the cold.
I think though that when it's not too cold, he does well outside.
We haven't had any hot weather since summer. He seems to do all right in hot weather. It's doesn't get super hot here, though, maybe 75° F, so still pretty comfortable. He was born in the wintertime, and is usually warm-blooded.
alaskamom 8 years ago
So long story short, he seems sensitive to the cold a bit, but I don't really know for sure whether warm or cold weather is preferable.
alaskamom 8 years ago

After studying his case, I 3-4 remedies seems to be suiting him - Silicea, Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Calcarea Carb.
MY first preference would be Silicea because of his desire and need for love from you, attention seeking habit, forgetful nature, likes artistic work, desire for sweets and processed food, smart and intelligent with excellent academics, sensitive to touch and cold . Also Siliciea is chronic to Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla had acted in past and then stopped acting , probably he needs Silicea now.

Give him one dose of Silicea (4pills or 2 drops in a teaspoon of water) Report back in 7 days.

Let me know if you have any queries.
homeodr 8 years ago

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