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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pcos with acne

I would like to share my case and ask if you guys could help me. I am giving the details
Age 27
50kg wt
5.6 ht
Tropical climate 40°C right now
Complaints:acne and hair fall but menstruation normal:28 days
Duration:I was diagnosed with pcos an year ago and took medication like retinoic acid OCP and creams for acne. They redused. Stopped them about three months ago and now its the same again. Hair loss more from forehead and acne painfull red n allover cheeks forehead and chin
Non diabetic. Thyroid levels normal.
Desire sour
Thirst felt less
Tounge and taste not altered
Finished my graduation not working precently
Anger irritability and impatience have increased recently
I am optimistic sensitive prefer being constructive but not while angry.have destructive thoughts when angry i do control myself.
Cry when i feel bad
Love and help people around me to my maximum capacity
No phobias. Public speaking.
Not pregnant.
Regular 3 days normal bleed with moderate and bearable pain during menstruation
I wish someone could help me out.. I would like to get rid of them asap. Thank u in advance...
[message edited by Lakshmi1 on Sat, 14 May 2016 10:04:06 UTC]
  Lakshmi1 on 2016-05-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When was the last period completed?

Please list all remedies at home right now?
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Lakshmi1 8 years ago
I am not using any drugs right now if thats what you ask
Lakshmi1 8 years ago
Hi, Thanks.

Please take Pulsatilla 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day,for 3 days.

Also, get hold of Hydrastis 30C, for later use.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thank you for the time you take sir.
Just out of curiosity are you suggesting that a three dose course would get hold of a chronic endocrine condition like pcod or do i have to continue the course every month...
Lakshmi1 8 years ago
"or do i have to continue the course every month..."
Continue, but not on monthly basis.
nawazkhan 8 years ago

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