The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Curved Penis treatment
I am 28 years old and started having a curved penis( to the left) about 4 years ago after sex.I had it checked by a urologist just a couple of weeks ago he said there is a curve and it is acceptable nothing serious.
i worry because after ejaculation and waking up the next morning it is in a curved position and when erect it is in a curved position,
i feel the curve slightly increased. there is no pain.
will sexual intercourse or masturbating increase the curve over the months ?
1-do i have to think about tilting it to the right when having sex or be absolutely normal about it during sex?
2-can you please advise on the treatments
behavior :
I love to sketch , emotional , logical, angry by nature , i like fine weather ( not cold and not hot )
,i think a lot , i worry as much as i think , focusing a lot on my penis nowadays , i get irritated quickly from non logical thought or emotions , I love positive energy i store my irritation when it is triggered .
i crave salty things and sour,
anxiety is high.
if you need any other symptoms please let me know i will respond accordingly.
Huge homeopathy fann on 2016-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The urologist is right, its normal & ok.
Don't get trapped by anyone claiming to "cure" this as there is nothing to be cured.
Don't get trapped by anyone claiming to "cure" this as there is nothing to be cured.
fitness 8 years ago
but what about the increase in curve ...
isnt there a homeopathic treatment to return it in the right position?
isnt there a homeopathic treatment to return it in the right position?
Huge homeopathy fann 8 years ago
You can try bellis perennis 30c three times a day for a week then report.
3,4 drops in 1/4 cup of water
3,4 drops in 1/4 cup of water
♡ mnaari 8 years ago
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