The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please help! Skin conditions- lichen sclerosus, infected wound, eczema/hives
I copied questions from another post, if you need more info please let me know.31/female/central Alberta/canada/European descent/5'5/140lbs/dark blonde to light brown/white/blue outer ring with yellow center appearing greenish with brown flecks
Prefer heat/thirsty but not inclined to drink much
Most recently I have an infected lesion on my left calf towsrdsvthe inside. It's about the size of a nickel. On my upper right thigh I have a small circular rash that is clear on the inside- looks almost like ringworm. Both spots developed over a month ago when I started drinking a borax remedy for lichen sclerosus. (1/8th tsp of borax in 1 litre of water) I mixed the remedy with an additional litre and only drank for 1 or 2 days as I was worried about side effects on breastfed child. They both started as raised rough thickened skin in circular patches and did not itch or hurt and I left them alone until I realized they weren't going away and started to worry I had ringworm. I applied colloidal silver to the larger patch and it turned purple and broke the skin. I later applied apple cider vinegar to both spots, the smaller one grew slightly larger and started to take on the appearance of worms under the skin, the larger patch began leaking orange puss and the skin around it became quite red and irritated. I applied a bentonite and salt pack to both spots. The smaller worm like one dried up, the larger infected one stopped oozing,dried a bit and became hard under the skin. Became very worried about the infection and ringworm spreading to my baby and developed tiny puss filled blister rash on both arms and hands from elbows to finger webs. Also have a few patches on both hips as well as on my face along my forehead near eyebrows and on my scalp in my hairline and along my hair part. The spots on my face aren't blistery just itchy. Gave up trying to self medicate and got antibiotic and steroid for infected lesion and the blisters rash doctor advised was just eczema from stress.
After the birth of my baby I was diagnosed with lichen sclerosus because the inner labia of my vagina has fused to the outer labia. The disease is incurable and damage is thought to be irreversible, it isn't well studied by the medical community and is considered rare. It causes itching, burning, thinning and splitting of the vaginal skin which builds up scar tissue causing more tearing- sex is painful. The treatment is topical steroids for life which I have refused so far. I have had this condition since I was a little girl and had been misdiagnosed for years- told I had resistant yeast and was treated for bladder infections I didn't have. Gave up seeing doctors and managed the disease on my own. Only had itching before baby now I experience "flares" where skin becomes very red, and burny and splits at the top along with the fusing. Sex was frequently painful before baby and have not attempted since conception of baby. Have desire, I just suppress it in fear of pain and sadness/despair over change in vaginal architecture-clitoris is smaller and more difficult to reach orgasm. From doing my own research, some women have been able to cure themselves by eating organic, taking vitamins and eliminating all toxins from daily life, leech therapy has worked for others. I think the cause is genetic defect that prevents your body from detoxing effectively leading to build up of toxins, bacterial/fungal infections and nutritional deficiencies.
Period is thick and clingy. Usually get a flare of LS prior to period. Vaginal discharge is white and thick and also clingy. Urine is dark yellow and heavy, sinks to the bottom of the toilet. Loud odorless flatulence.
Emotionally I feel despondent despair about my health. Very worried it will destroy my relationship. I'm always terrified my baby will die. I feel embarrassed about the change in my vagina. I got fired from a job I hated and that I thought was beneath me the week I found out I was pregnant and haven't worked for just over a year. I feel ashamed about that. I'm mostly afraid of other people and feel like they are constantly judging me. I mostly avoid social situations and avoid even leaving the house for any reason. I can't handle any stress at all and give up things easily.
My father is an alcoholic. He stopped living with us when I was 9. He disowned me for making a lot of money and speaking my mind when I was 23 and we didn't speak for 5 years. I have been timid and lacked motivation since then. I'm always afraid he will hurt me again and hate talking to him. I felt like I was nothing and not worth loving and withdrew from all my other relationships. I feel like anyone can throw me away at anytime.
My mother was always working and I resent her for never being there and choosing a very bad father. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom so I could do a better job than she did. When I was little and had symptoms of LS she took me to many male doctors and forced me to take my pants off to show them my vagina and they would hurt me. I tried to run away but she would get very angry. I felt molested. I don't trust her with my baby.
Most people say I'm very smart, or too smart for my own good.
Something special about me is my ability to remember almost everything and connect things that seem to be unrelated.
I tried the Remedy Finder and sulfur seemed to match me the closest. I read about it on several other sites as well. I took sulfur 200 and it cleared up my blistery rash at first but I kept it with my essential oils and I heard that can antidote it. I've tried it a few times since then but it doesn't do anything anymore. I got a new bottle of 30c sulfur today and am trying again but I read about overdosing on this site and am now concerned that the infected lesion may be from that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Sharlie2455 on 2017-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I should also add that I have lots of problems with my lips. Cold sores, scabs in the corners, peeling and flaking, turning bright red and itching.
Sharlie2455 8 years ago
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
Vata 40, pitta 36, kapha 24
Digestion is fine, regular bowel movements. However I don't eat gluten, dairy, low sugar and not much processed food. I do sometimes feel an odd crawling sensation in my stomach...
Digestion is fine, regular bowel movements. However I don't eat gluten, dairy, low sugar and not much processed food. I do sometimes feel an odd crawling sensation in my stomach...
Sharlie2455 8 years ago
I am prescribing ayurvedic treatment.
Start with Triphla ,aloe Vera sap and giloya powder ( in morning empty stomach nothing till one hour and evening, also gap between above)
Giloya is tinospora cordifolia.
Consume organic Turmeric powder.
Apply aloe vera gel and coconut oil on lichen.
Take organic diet.No meat, tea, coffee, processed food.
Avoid spicy/sour food.
Report after 15 days.
Start with Triphla ,aloe Vera sap and giloya powder ( in morning empty stomach nothing till one hour and evening, also gap between above)
Giloya is tinospora cordifolia.
Consume organic Turmeric powder.
Apply aloe vera gel and coconut oil on lichen.
Take organic diet.No meat, tea, coffee, processed food.
Avoid spicy/sour food.
Report after 15 days.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
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