The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cold, cough and red eye
Main problem- one nostril blocked (usually the left one) all the time mostly when in doors or when cold air is not blowing.
- greenish discharge from unblocked nostril, thick and sticky.
- loss of smell and taste
- sore throat, scraped when swallowing, clearing throat from mucus.
- corner of right eye red as if something like sand is stuck in it, can feel it when blinking; no discharge but slight pain when blinking
Current Medicine
Pulsatilla 30
Physical appearance
Tall, 5'10, fair complexion, 72kg
Software engineer
- aversion to household work but like to workout in gym for weight lifting/cardio.
- laziness.
- aversion to bathing atleast on either Saturday or Sunday.
- sensitive to pain, noise, touch sometimes.
- highly impatient, restlessness.
- health anxiety of myself & of loved ones.
- short tempered, can get irritated quickly.
- concern for physical appearance and health; weight lifting in gym atleast 3 times a week.
- open to opinions but when I am firm I dont listen
- irritated when contradicted esp when my knowledge of the subject under discussion is more than the other person.
- funny, witty.
likes sweet and sour food
warm blooded, likes to have window open before sleep.
[message edited by varunb on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 05:46:02 UTC]
varunb on 2017-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try weekly one dose of Nat sulph 1M (every sunday)and rest of days Sambucus nigra 30 twice in aday(except sunday)
dr deoshlok sharma
dr deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok 8 years ago
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