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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus problem, need medicine advice


I am 42 years old and have sinus problem due to which I get headache most of the time. I have undergone surgery 2 years back but sinus problem is still same. I have tried all kind of antibiotics /steroid without getting any relief. Most of the time my one nose will be blocked. If I do not use Aspirin Nasal spray within 1 hour I start getting headache. Doctor has advised not use Aspirin spray. Sometimes headache gets worst and goes after 1 day even after taking 2-3 Tylenol /Brufen .

I also get whistle sound sometime from one of the nose which also goes only from Aspirin spray.

I would like start with Homeopathic medicine for my Sinus , could you please advise.
[message edited by harishkanyal on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 04:16:35 UTC]
  harishkanyal on 2017-03-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Belladonna 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back.

You may have a gap of an hour between two remedies or you may take both the remedies at the same time.

One dose of each remedy means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor. I have placed the order which will be delivered in 7 days. I hope it will help my sinus. I will report it later once I receive.
harishkanyal 7 years ago
Dr Kadwa,

I have received medicine today. Could you please confirm it is for Sinus as it medicine does not say about sinus pain or nose blockage :

Belladonna : Fever, Redness or Throbbing pain

Nux vomica : Nausea, headache or flu.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Both can be given for sinus too... Take as he adviced..and report changes here..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Thoufeeque,

I started taking medicine from yesterday and both days I have severe headache.

[message edited by harishkanyal on Thu, 30 Mar 2017 03:49:07 UTC]
harishkanyal 7 years ago
Any change in sinus symptoms? The headache should go away on it's own. You should continue with the plan.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor. Sinus status is same. I will continue using the medicine. Is there any medicine which I can take for Headache.
harishkanyal 7 years ago
Bryonia 200 one dose Will relive your headache..
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

I do not have Headache now without taking any medicine. There is white sticky discharge coming from Nose.

Also right nose it still having blockage issue during night which makes me awake for sometime and goes away only from Nasal Spray. Also right nose makes Whistle while breathing out. Please advice.
harishkanyal 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Lachesis 200 twice a day.

day 4 to day 10
Sulphur 200 in evening.

Instructions on dosing remain same.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor. Should I stop taking Belladonna 200 and Nux Vomica 200 and start taking new one suggested by you.
harishkanyal 7 years ago
Yes, you should.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor. I have started taking Lachesis 200 and feeling difference in my sinus. I will start Sulphur after 3 days.
harishkanyal 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

I have started taking Sulphur and below is the feedback :
1. Sticky discharge stopped
2. Felt little bit better but still air flow thru sinus is not open fully. But it is better than earlier.
3. I felt far better when I was taking Lachesis.
4. I feel more blockage on right nose.

Please advice for next steps.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Please take Lachesis 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week. Please repeat on need.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor. Should I stop taking Sulphur.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Yes, please stop Sulphur.
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

Below is the feedback now :

During day time I am feeling better but from evening around 9 PM my nose starts getting blockage. This effects sleep.

Right nose also whistle during breathing.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
If you feel that improvement is taking place under the influence of earlier dose, wait. Otherwise take a single dose in evening and watch.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor.
My right nose still having issues in the night. It gets blocked and whistle in the night.
Whistle goes away only with Aspirin Nasal spray.

I am taking Lachesis 200. Please advice.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Please take Lachesis 200 every alternate day at bed time for 14 days. 7 doses over 14 days.
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

My problem during night is same. One nose bocks (Mostly right) which makes me awake till I clear it thru aspirin spray or 30 mins steam. Sometime after steam water in form off bubbles comes out which gives me relief.

I am feeling lot better during day time and my headache has reduced.

On my last visit (2-3 months back) my ENT doctor mentioned that my sinus has swollen /inflammation due to which my nose gets blocked.

Please advice.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Please take bryonia 200 twice a day for three days and see how that affects. You may also use Lachesis 200 on need.
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

I took both Bryonia 200 and Lachesis 200 for 4-5 days but Nose blockage during night time is still same.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Please take Ammonium Carb 200 twice a day for three days and see how that affects over a week.
If this doesn't work take cactus 200 in the same way and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago

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