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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus problem, need medicine advice Page 2 of 2

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Please take Ammonium Carb 200 twice a day for three days and see how that affects over a week.
If this doesn't work take cactus 200 in the same way and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,

I took ammonium carbonicum 200c for 3 days and feeling lot better during night. I am waking up only once now during night against 2-3 times earlier. My nose blockage during night has also improved now.

Please let me know if I should continue using ammonium carbonicum 200c.

Thanks again for your time and feedback.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
You may take Ammonium Carb 200 for another few days. Have a break then and continue on need.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks again Doctor for your kind help.

This Sunday I was at my friend place and had Tequila , due to which I had nose blockage for 2 days.

Please let me know if I should avoid particular kind of Alcohol. Also please let me know if I can use any medicine to reduce Alcohol effect.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Nux Vomica may be used to antidote alcohol.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor.

Should I take Nux Vomica before or after , if I consume Alcohol.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
It is to antidote ill effects of alcohol. It may be taken after alcohol. Let me make it clear that in my opinion abstaining from alcohol is a great favour to mental and physical health.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks doctor for your advice. Yes I have started consuming less achcohol which is helping my Sinus also.

Thanks again for your time and advise. You are doing great job in advising without any charges. We also get timely response on all our queries. It is very difficult to get this kind of timely support now a days. I would certainly love to meet you in person.

I have another question for my Daughter who is 6 years old. She also has nose blockage problem . I usually clear it with Kids Saline spray. Some time mucus is clear (white) and some time it is Yellow. Please let me know if I can use any medicine for her.

She also has itching problem which gets red sometime due to scratching. We use Aveeno moisture for this. Let me know if there is Homeopathic cream/medicine for this.

harishkanyal 7 years ago
Please give her Ammonium Carb 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
If this doesn't work give Sulphur 200 in the same way.
One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago

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