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Tinnitus10Reoccurance of UTI with stomach upset and tinnitus1Slow developing cold5Tinnitus34Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Chronic Tinnitus3Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

[Solved] Possible tinnitus & cold

My wife is currently suffering from diminished hearing as well as some nasal discharge. We believe it might be tinnitus probably. Below were her symptoms yesterday:

For Nose
- snuffling of mucus somewhere in her airways begins while brushing teeth but no discharge when she tries to expel. Thick, difficult mucus with greenish color, sometimes partially white in small amount gets expelled in the end. She basically has snatch it out as its sticky but not ropy or stringy. Sometimes it gets pulled from nostrils into her throat.

- yesterday morning she reported headache which she mentioned stopped after she cleared her nose.

For throat
- cough sometimes dry & sometimes with some mucus but she is unable to expel it.
- cough sometimes consisting of 2 or 3 coughs.
- expectoration only in the morning atleast once; rarely; greenish.
- no rattling of mucus in throat or chest.
- pain in sternum if she coughs for longer.

Based on her above nose-related symptoms I gave her Kali Bich 200CH in the morning. Today there was no discharge but she was still having nasal congestion somewhere as the snuffling was quite evident.

- constant whizzing noise alternates with pulsation; can hear heartbeat like sound.
- minor pain sometimes in either one of the ear; last of 2-3 seconds once a day. No pain yesterday.
- her own voice she feels is louder.
- diminished hearing.
- no ear discharge or any visible fluid.

Based on the above symptoms I also gave her Causticum 200CH last night. She did not report any relief in her ear problem this morning after last night's dose.

She has been suffering from this for the past 2 weeks. The ENT specialist showed huge amounts of brownish ear wax in her left ear which was blocking the left eardrum. No relief even after it was cleared.

- So far she has maintained calm & composure which I doubt I would have maintained; shyness; embarrassment.
- She is still sad because she does not want to share her problem in the office & unable to have proper conversation with anyone.
- shy with strangers but very talkative with her friends & relatives.
- wants company.
- active memory.
- highly concerned of her image in front of loved ones & relatives.
- responsible.
- religious & somewhat fanatic; likes to dress the figurines during festivals.
- timid; fears approaching a person but has courage to scold someone; tearful, cries easily when scolded or ignored for long time.
- usually she doesn't care to get well.
- resist change esp when it comes to food.
- goes to a shell when she is hurt or likes to cry alone.
- fear of failure; afraid of cooking in presence of my parents in the house; feels like cooking with comfort when they are not around.
- high tempered, easily angered.
- persistent thoughts when angry or after a fight; feels like torturing herself.
- hasty but also likes to laze around after waking up or in the night once she is in bed.
- fastidious; likes to keep things clean & organized; make notes.
- cannot do mathematical calculations without writing them.
- obedient towards elders; easily gels with them.
- highly shy, secretive when discussing anything related to sexual matters; behaves like children & makes noises.

Appetite & Desires
- prefers sour/acidic food, highly seasoned food; sweets rarely.
- dislikes fruits.

- chilly patient; gets chilled if the window is open; likes to keep them shuttered if she is cold; feels better with warmth; warm drinks; steam inhalation.

Sexual organs
- diminished sexual desire; feels vaginal pain or soreness sometimes after her periods.

- wants me to be near her when she is going to sleep. Usually gets hold my clothes while she is sleeping & sometimes wants me to place my hand below her cheek or touch her skin; possibly sign of reassurance.


Physical appearance
Height - 5'3
- bright complexion.
- slight belly fat & some fat around thighs.
- round face with some chubbiness.
- wears spectacles.

Can an expert please advise whether the medicines I gave her match her symptoms? If they are correct then is it okay to give both the medicines with 12 hours gap? kali bich 200CH today made her a bit sleepy in the morning so I am having second thoughts of giving her potency 30CH instead like this:

Morning till evening: Kali Bich 30CH 2 doses.
Before sleep: Causticum 200CH or Causticum 1M until she starts to feel better.
[message edited by varunb on Wed, 10 May 2017 05:35:43 UTC]
  varunb on 2017-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how is the stool habit? satisfied?frequent urging?
gas trouble?
frequent nausea,vomiting and mouth ulcer?

[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 06:56:49 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
- No constipation; satisfied after clearing her body in the morning.
- no mouth ulcers; nausea; vomiting.
- No gas related problems.
- heavy sleeper; false asleep very quickly if the urge to sleep is there; cannot be woken up easily even if loud music is played.
[message edited by varunb on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 07:02:20 UTC]
varunb 7 years ago
my prescription is:

bryonia 30 3times daily
along with kali sulph 6x 3tabs 3 times..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Bryonia & Kali sulph did not work. Her cough had infact increased over the past few days without any relief so she was given Pulsatilla 1M. We visited an ENT & had a sound test which showed that she is suffering from mucus blocking her Eustachian tube. Otherwise her eardrums are intact. Below is her current condition:

- discharge from nose in the MORNING only once or max 3 times; greenish with some white. 2 days ago it was only greenish or light green.
- loose cough day and night; sometimes dry but majorly its wet.
- unable to expel mucus during cough; mucus is swallowed back.
- expectoration hawked up once a day; greenish; thick & possibly sticky but not ropy; also a small ring of black yesterday but otherwise only greenish or light green.
- no headaches
- no sore throat.
- no throat clearing or mucus in larynx.

- constant ringing noise but low pitch; does not bother her.
- catarrh of Eustachian tube.
- no pain or discharge.
- diminished hearing.

After administering Pulsatila 1M, her situation has slightly improved but there has been ZERO change in her ears. There is no new sensation after the medicine. Cough has reduced too.

Mind symptoms
- still taking everything perfectly without any fear or depression.
- slightly anxious because we are supposed to head for our holidays on April 17 but otherwise her state of mind is perfect.
- cheerful & yearns for my support & behaves sometimes childish when I catch her mistake.
- unable to describe her feelings into ideas.
- apathetic to her condition sometimes.
- wants to talk & likes company but also wants to work alone when she is unable to hear nearby voices. She feels that people either talk loudly or simply give her the work & go their own way.

Rest of her mind symptoms are the same as before. The Remedy Finder is pointing towards Pulsatilla clearly but also showing Silicea. Her behavior & mind symptoms seemed to point to Pulsatilla too before & after her cold. I read in an ebook that Silicea also supports Pulsatilla in cases of Tinnitus or cold.

Please advise your medication based on her current symptoms?
[message edited by varunb on Tue, 04 Apr 2017 07:08:58 UTC]

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varunb 7 years ago
yes both are suited

silicea is the chronic of pulsatilla..as you have alreaddy given pulsatilla 1m,,please wait for its action..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
The medicines have had no effect on the hearing condition so far. Her cold has gotten better.

- no expectoration now but some wet cough still exists in the morning.
- nasal catarrh in the morning but nothing comes out. The discharge is sort of slight gummy & white but that is all.
- dry cough throughout the day once every 3-4 hours but increases sometimes in the night. For the past 2 nights I am giving her Sanguinaria 30 for this because she reports that the cough is because of dryness in her throat. Pulsatilla & Silicea did not cure her cough entirely.

As for the ear condition for the past 3 days my wife was administered Merc Dulcis 30 and Kali Mur 6x with a gap of 30 min between them 3-4 times a day. There has been zero relief. The audio tests that we had last time do not reveal much except that it says moderate hearing loss with left = 45db & right = 52db. We will be going to visit the same doctor from where we got the tests done for further analysis.

Do you have any medicine to suggest? Her current symptoms are:

1. Hearing impaired.
2. Difficulty hearing any type of sound.
3. Ears probably stopped.
4. Ringing noise alongwith pulsation like heart beat which is more in the left than right.
5. No ear pain/discharge or vertigo.
6. No pain or relief when coughing or blowing nose.
[message edited by varunb on Tue, 11 Apr 2017 12:54:29 UTC]
varunb 7 years ago
what potency of silicea you have given? how many doses?
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
She was given Silicea 30C 3 times a day during the time she was given Pulsatilla. This continued for another 4 days.
varunb 7 years ago
dont change remedies too frequently..it will make the case difficult..please wait for atleast 24 hrs before changing a remedy..unless its very severe.and emergency.

it seems case of silicea..i prefer silicea 1m potency..not with any other medicine..just single dose
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
The ENT specialist has confirmed that she is suffering from Pulsatile Tinnitus coupled with Secretative Otitis Media. According to her diagnosis, there is some glue stuck to her eardrums. She has been advised a steroid as well as a nasal spray. Every source or ebook I read seem to suggest Kali Mur alongwith Merc Dulcis. As I have already mentioned, using Kali Mur 6x for 4-5 days with Merc Dulcis did not bring about any change. Silicea 30C too was given 2 weeks ago which did not help either. She is currently taking Silicea 12X for past 2 days for her acne marks on her cheeks.

Please suggest your medication doctor.
varunb 7 years ago
Stop all medicines.. Take silicea 1M 3pills in some water..
Also kali mur 6x 3tabs 3 times daily

Report changes here:
[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Thu, 13 Apr 2017 17:37:19 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Its been days & there has been zero change in her condition since she last took Silicea 1M & Kali Mur 6x. Please advise doctor.

1. Hearing impaired.
2. Difficulty hearing any type of sound.
3. Ringing noise alongwith pulsation like heart beat which is more in the left than right.
4. Pulsation mostly at night when she is in a silent room.
5. Loose cough in the morning with greenish or whitish expectoration. No throat clearing or whatsoever so to me it sounds like cough from mucus in chest maybe? After taking Silicea 1M the next morning she had some greenish-white expectoration but then no mucus came in her mouth as the days went by. She kept having loose cough attacks 1-3 times throughout the day while we were away on a vacation. Last night I again gave her Silicea 1M & this morning she had green expectoration.
6. No discharge from nose or any cold.

To me it sounds like Silicea 1M did work but did not cure like we were expecting. As for Kali Mur 6X my wife felt no change in her ear condition.
[message edited by varunb on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 07:06:46 UTC]
varunb 7 years ago
Take salicylic acid 200c 3pills or 1 drop in 1/2 glass water and report changes..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Just wanted to give you all an update that Silicea 1M cured my wife's tinnitus. No other medicine was needed. It was a slow process as my wife only cleared her nose or expectorated in the morning only.

Thank you for your prompt & regular medication doctor.
varunb 7 years ago

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