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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hearing problems

My sister in law is having some ear problems...she got diagnosed w/ an ear infection and was put on antibiotics...that was three weeks ago and the pain is gone but she can't hear out of the left ear. This ear she also had the ear drum replaced some time ago and gets systs behind the ear. Right before the infection she had a cyst and tried to pop it by pushing on it and thinks maybe something got popped on the inside and now it won't drain or somthing. So she is fed up w/ the doctor thing and wants to try something different and safer than antibiotics that aren't working. She asked me to do some research because i am in the skin care business and i found this site...any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
  indychic_78 on 2006-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
start with single dose (3 pellets) hepar sulpuris calcareum 30c

start probiotic supplementation usage

sister is to avoid allacid foods and drinks---coffee;tea;vinegar;all carbonated soft drinks;all alcoholic beverages;alal sour foods;fruit and fruit juices;..etc

also AVOID all sweets no exception;

NO wheat products at all(breads;pastas;crackers;...etc)---{{buckwheat and rice flour products ok)}

DO THE ABOVE NOW--and answer following questions


when exactly eardrum repalced?
what reason for replacement?
what treatments used prior to replacement?
what medicines currently using?reasons?

what other illnesses has had inhealth history and treatments used?when (dates)

please explan the above in as much detail as possible..
John Stanton last decade

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