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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My problem is to wean away from sleeping pill which I have been using for about a month now (Zolpidem 5mg) to cure Insomnia. I am happy pay any fee receive any recommendation from any homeopath who has handled similar case/s.
  Mr. Vinay Kumar on 2018-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
NEED COMPLETE HISTORY along with your life history
since when it all started
drjitesh 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Jitesh,
Kindly give your email id / mob no. so that i can share full profile with you.
Mr. Vinay Kumar 6 years ago
Check my profile by clicking my name
drjitesh 6 years ago
I have had insomnia for many years. Like you, I want to avoid pills too. However, I have not had any luck. I tried Ambien and it didn't do a thing. I'm afraid to try other meds but I see no other option. I've tried the whole shutting the tv off an hour before bed, no computer at night, turning off all lights, fans etc in the house and not drinking caffeine. Nothing helps. But some of those things may work for you. It is worth a try.
georgewhittington 5 years ago

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