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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How I treat my eczema patients. Page 7 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also, it was suggested that he might have worms in his tummy and they are causing the symptoms...was advised to give him Cina - 30 once per day to get rid of them, i have not started it yet though... what do you think about this one?
thanks and regards
sanjha187 last decade
Children eczema is usually psorinum or lycopodium type.
girilal last decade
No harm in trying Cina-30. Other homeopathy combination remedies are also available in market for worms. Those medicines are very effective. Some worms do not respond to cina alone.
girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep - I need your help please. My son has eczema on his face and joints of his elbows mainly. He used to have on his legs but has been treated with sulphur in the past successfully. Sulphur does not seem to work now. Have also tried graphites, and petroleum. Petroleum initially cleared it all in 3 days but 5-6 days later he started getting severe itching and he scratched him self to bits! What would you suggest? He is vegetarian and I have also taken him off food which have a lot of preservatives in it. Please help - you advice needed.
Rita00 last decade
Please try Psorinum 1M once a week for 6 week.
girilal last decade
Thanks Dr.Girilal,i have applied your way of treatment and in return im geting fruitful result but its taking some more times as was stipulated.Thanks and i like this type of theory further cause you are keeping yourself bussy to lessens the problem of human being.Regards,malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Of-course it may take more than half of the year or probably one year to see marked results.

Biggest problem is to bind the patient patiently with the person providing treatment.

I used this system to a little girl of 3 years who had severe eczema and allergies. Her parents took her to all kind of doctors and spent hearty amount of money.

Her mother told me that they were done with homeopathy, after spending lots of money, time and patience. They said it does not work.

So I gave them all these medicines sprinkled upon sugar pills and requested the parents that try this, at least they will not spending any money. Girl started improving some times and some times aggravations happened but after 6-7 months, her problems were only half. Now the girl is lot cured, but not complete. Before she used to jump with itching and rashes or lay like a struggling fish out of water, this does not happen any more.
girilal last decade
Dear Kuldeep, you mention children's eczema is usually lyc or psor type. I am curious - in your experience, have you seen tub. type at all in children? My son has milk protein allergy _as_well_ as eczema, but I postulate that his eczema's root is food allergies.

Tub seems to have a property of milk avoidance and also seems to be a common eczema remedy for allergy rooted eczemas.

Also, you advocate psorinum 1M for a few days - is that in your opinion not too high a dosage for a toddler ?
aske123 last decade
Hi kuldeep.
Regarding your method of treatment where you suggest a weekly dose of first Petroleum 30 and then if that does not work, then a weekly dose of Graphite 30 and Petroleum 30 on separate days, should I completely abstain from drinking coffee for the entire week? I drink only a cappuccino with a double shot of espresso in the morning and that is it. Will the coffee affect the remedies days later?
I have had what was identified, one by examination and one by my description as psoriasis. It is chronic as I have had it for many years. It kind of comes and goes and I have tried many different rememedies over the years from Homeopathy to Chinese herbs from an acupunturist to American herbs to allopathic creams, etc., etc. The only thing that keeps it at bay is hydrocortisone which I am very aware only supresses it and is not really a good thing to use. I, however, am not convinced that it is actually psoriasis and may really be eczema. Since two different dermatologists diagnosed it as psoriasis, I just accepted it, but only one saw it when it was active. I get this overgrowth and scaling of skin in the corners of my eyes by my nose. I have to physically remove the skin. I don't have it all the time, just flare ups. Then, I get the more red, raised, round red spots with no itching or pain at all, on my genitals, which I supress with hydrocortisone because it is the only thing that actually has an affect. Maybe identifying it and giving it a name is not so important. I gave up on trying anything else until recently and decided to try again. I plan to use your suggestion and try all the homeopathic remedies you suggest if necessary. I will not use hyrdocortisone during this process and will not drink coffee during this process if you feel I should not. Can I use mint toothpaste if I don't use it close to when I take the remedies?
Thank you very much for your help and suggestions. I am really hoping once again for some positive results and would really like to never use hydrocortisone again.
hwoodum last decade
No need to take any specific precaution during treatment.
girilal last decade
Ok. Thank you. I guess there are differing opinions about the coffee, mint, etc. and the vibrational effect. I will start the process.
hwoodum last decade
Take it from me who has spent years with eczema and seen many doctors. The diagnosis of psoriasis or eczema, or atopic dermatitis, etc. is irrelevant. All of these terms are arbitrary terms for a skin problem that western doctors do not understand and cannot cure. They give it a name so they can sound like they know what they are talking about. IMO, all skin conditions are an expression of an imbalance in the system. Its just a matter of trial and error to find out what your body needs (or needs to do without) to right itself.
rhoneluvr last decade
Dear Rhoneluvr,

I've recently been reading and taking interest in Kuldeep's method for curing / improving eczema and tempted to try it myself.

I know its been a long time since your last post but I was wondering if you infact tried the method and if it worked for you?
Henna last decade
I started the program but did not stay with it all the way through, so I can not honestly say whether or not it works. If you do try it, please let me know how it turns out. I may try it again. If I do, I will post the results here.
rhoneluvr last decade
i gave my child perto leum 30 3 pills and the next day she woke up with rash allaround her neck and was severly itching all night. should i still continue your treatment of ezcema with sulphur next week along with petroleum 30 shoulld i do wet dose or dry pills
rakheemc last decade
Now use 200 potency after a week.
girilal last decade
In reply of your email:

Any reaction means that medicine is working.

In most skin cases, problem worsens before coming to cure.
girilal last decade
i am doing kuldeep ezcma treatment so next week should i do graphites 30 c in wet dose or continue petroleum. she has lot heat in her body.likes cold ,fan on is hot in bed,but keeps a sheet on too,likes fan and ac on .cannot sit still except when watching tv
rakheemc last decade
Hi kuldeep
I need your help I have an 19 month old daughter we live in Canada she has very bad eczema that frequently gets Infected. She is also way underweight for her age only 8 kg. she's always scratching and itchy until she bleeds. She has seen all kinds of doctors with no success
We have tried harsh cortisone creams but nothing is working.
Can you please suggest something that I can buy from Canada Quebec to be specific.
I'd really appreciate your reply .

Thank you
Chanda123 last decade
Kuldeep is not on the forum anymore.
simone717 last decade
This protocol is dangerous to say the least.
Zady101 last decade
If you read Kuldeep who is also Girilal/click the names,
He is a risk taker, says one had to be brave to be his
patient, and he was on here in the past and is now
doing something else.
simone717 last decade
Yes, I see. Enterprising man, built his own site.

All said, this protocol should not be tried unless one runs out of all options.
Zady101 last decade
Okay guys thanks for your reply. I will definetly not trust an online site after reading all that. Anyhow would guys happen to know if silk clothing is better or eczema or cotton ?
Chanda123 last decade

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