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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help for insomnia

Requesting help for my husband's insomnia

His insomnia started last week when he started a new work project. His work is very demanding and stressful. His mind is constantly going at work. When he gets home he can't seem to stop his mind from racing and thinking about work. Worries about deadlines.This is affecting his sleep. It takes him longer to fall asleep and he is usually awake by 3-3:30am thinking about work.

He is a 40 year old male, 2 small children. Works long hours. Doesn't have the healthiest of diet. Can go days without eating fruits or veggies. Drinks 2-3 cups of coffee every day. Regularly drinks alcohol.Has a history of back and neck pain. Takes ib profen regularly.

Thank you
  Cat33 on 2020-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give him some doses of China Officinalis 30-Pills
6pills 2times a day in empty stomach.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago

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