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What is the news on your relative in case she took those remedies
[Edited by Kaps on 2021-08-10 09:30:05]
Kaps 3 years ago
Wow, i was just about to post that in the other thread! Anyway, she is doing better, no more burst-outs, she has even gone out to the balcony twice so far and wants to go outside as well.
roberta1 3 years ago
She must go out into the beautiful world
Repeat Aurum Metallicum after 20 days for four days
She shud Keep Aconite handy with her and when she feels the feelings are intolerable she shud one dose of Aconite
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok, thank you, i 'll tell her and i hope she'll listen this time as well; i can never be sure when she wants to listen and when when she stubbornly prefers shutting everyone and everything out, sinking in self-pity and self-destruction.
roberta1 3 years ago
It being the third day today (in my time zone) after the two-day pause of Benz Acid 200 , i am writing today: the ganglion on the wrist is very small but still there, the feeling of crammed tendons inside the wrist still comes and goes (but when it goes, it is as if it never hurt), the overall mobility of the arm is better though. Spontaneous attempts at better body posture suddenly bring results, suddenly new+better ways of standing and sitting appear, although i'd been trying to correct them for a long time.
Concerning the stiffness in shoulders and lower back upon waking up in the morning: it got much better, almost not present any more. Humidity makes it worse, sleeping with open windows even for half an hour (which i stopped doing completely; two years ago, sleeping one night with open windows during a very hot August night had resulted in bad neck+lower back pains which took months to go away; the local homeopath i was consulting then and until recently, tried a lot, starting from Rhus Tox but didn't find a solution; it finally went away at last 4 months later).
I alsoforgot to mention receeding gums; the dentist says the teeth are healthy and he can't udnerstand why the gums are receeding like this. He asked me if i clench my jaws; i do, esp. at night and i have been doing it for ever since the serious problems started.

General feeling today: strong, concentrated effort to stay grounded where my soul's roots are because all around me there is chaos and mental illness.
[Edited by roberta1 on 2021-08-12 09:08:21]
roberta1 3 years ago
Great to know
Do not have any remedies now
Let the ganglion subside
Once it is almost gone post the symptoms of the tendons in the wrist and stiffness
Any other symptoms gynae issues as you have been coming out with symptoms in bits
In addition to the receding gums and grinding/ cc lonching teeth at night
Any thing else
Post all
Kaps 3 years ago
Thank you for your quick reply :-)
Yes, I was indeed so focused on the ganglion that i forgot to mention the teeth, partly because it has been going on so long and there has been no solution whatsoever, so i have pretty much lost hope of it getting better. And diminishing eyesight, esp. at night. I have been having that for almost 7 years now and no homeopath so far has found a solution; likewise almost lost hope but i still believe homeopathy does have a solution somewhere. No other issues. A lot of daily pressure from all sides, both in financial and personal life.
roberta1 3 years ago
It has been two weeks now without Benz Acid 200 for the ganglion and it has got neither bigger nor smaller. Is this a good sign? I am puzzled. The feeling of crammed tendons inside the wrist is slowly subsiding further though and the general mobility of the wrist is slowly improving. What puzzles me more is that the teeth/gums got worse, the gums have been receeding further and three days ago, there suddenly appeared a painful abscess between the last tooth and the bone of the cheek and it is not going away; during the first two days, the outer part of the cheek hurt as well upon touching it. I took calendula 30 and do mouthwash with liquid calendula and it helped a bit but it hasn't gone away and whenever i eat and brush my teeth, it gets worse. Simultaneously, there appeared many small red spots with tiny pus heads on my upper chest (no itch), which is very odd. I put Bach's Rescue Cream on them, as this used to work fine for such things appearing after swimming in the sea but this time they refuse to go away or show any improvement. Odd.
[Edited by roberta1 on 2021-08-19 10:00:42]
roberta1 3 years ago
Stop Acid Benz
Watch for for three days
Have been to a dental surgeon I feel you must see a dental surgeon ASAP
Staphisagria 200 2-3 drops in water /02 pills thrice a day
Carbo Veg 200 same dose and duration
Post symptoms Teeth and gums after three days
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok, i'll try that combination and see how it goes. Thank you for your advice.
I stopped taking Benz Acid 14 days ago, i was just wondering whether i should restart taking it.
The dentist had found the teeth ok, he had said i have periodontitis due to grinding my teeth and that this condition doesn't ever go away once it starts; he is now on vacation and he'll return to the office at the beginning of September. Some years ago, when i had that abcess at the same position, he had prescribed antibiotica and a strong mouthwash with menthol.
roberta1 3 years ago
You may Start Acid Benz
1-3 drops in water/ 02 pills half an hour before meals thrice a day till you get some40-50% relief
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok, i 'll try that too. Thank you!
roberta1 3 years ago
I ordered them, took them for 3 day and there is some improvement, in that the gums are no longer so sore and there is no longer any external pain on the right cheek. The abcess itself is much smaller but still there. No bleeding at all, even when i squeezed it. No bleeding when brushing the teeth either. The strange thing is though, that today, after a very heavy slumber of 10 hours (very unusual!), my right tonsil is swollen and hurts when i swallow, my head is very heavy. I didn't drink anything cold yesterday, didn't kiss anyone, i didn't even go out.
What did happen yesterday though, is that i got very very stressed out about financial problems, diminishing workload and the heavy emptiness of day after day, month after month these 18 months. So yesterday the whole day, both jaws hurt again from that high stress, my shoulders too.
I don't know if it is related but for 6-7 days now, my hair has been falling.

The ganglion on the left wrist is getting better and better though and i have even started practising again a bit.
[Edited by roberta1 on 2021-08-25 09:36:26]
roberta1 3 years ago
Continue for another three days
Kaps 3 years ago
How is your feeling of shortness of tendons in the hand ?
Any news on your relative ?
Kaps 3 years ago
That feeling comes more and more seldom, always at odd moments though when i do nothing. The ganglion itself is very small now but still there, the physiotherapist says it has apparently grown right on the bone. I for myself don't know what to do with that piece of information but maybe it is useful somehow.
The stress/pressure stored in my shoulders and back and jaws is still heavy and i haven't found an effective way to release it; the things that used to give me joy+a way out are not doable under the ongoing restrictions.
The abcess-like, not-bleeding thing between my far back tooth and the jaw bone is there but the swollen tonsil quasi behind it, is getting much much better, no more pain while swallowing or anything.

News: she is following very responsibly the advice you gave me to give her and it seems to be going very well because there have been no new outbursts despite the ongoing difficulties and problems. She has gone outside some more times in the meantime and she even searched herself at last for a rehabilitation trainer (she hadn't liked any physiotherapist i'd found her) and they had their first training session today, whiche she said she liked. She also started considering consulting a psychiatrist.
roberta1 3 years ago
Your relative
Post the names of the medicines the psychiatrist prescribed to her before buying those

Y tu outpost your symptoms three days after you finish with the current remedy stop taking Benz AC after current three days
Kaps 3 years ago
Yes, i'll do that, have a nice day.
roberta1 3 years ago
Update after the 3 days: my gums are much better, not sore anymore, yet the abcess at the back of the last tooth is still there, still not bleeding at all, i.e. neither during brushing after every meal nor in between. The swollen tonsil on that side of the throat is fine now, no swelling whatsoever, no pain when swallowing.
The ganglion is following its slow but firm improvement; it is still there but more movements of the hand are spontaneously possible without any hesitation and somehow, the strength of the fingers is slowly returning (very surprising and pleasant). Overall posture improved, visible to others as well.
Hairfall (which had started some days ago) stopped.
Drowsy since Thursday though; on the first day, i did't pay attention but it has been happening every day since Thursday, mostly around 13.00, then again around 15.00 and then at night again. Sleep remains uninterrupted. Craving sweets around 21.00 every night, which is very unusual; the thought of the wish to eat something sweet like a millefeuille is there during the day as well but around 21.00 every night, it becomes very concrete, so i eat food (so as not to eat sweets) and even when i eat, the drowsiness doesn't go away. Strange.
roberta1 3 years ago
Good to kn
ow that the remedies are effective and u r getting relief
Now you need something for dental abscess drowsiness and control sugar cravings give me sometime I ll post
Kaps 3 years ago
Sure! I appreciate it!
roberta1 3 years ago
Stop all remedies for now
Post symptoms if you feel anything going bad again though chances are less
Kaps 3 years ago
The dental abscess
Is it chronic if yes for how long do you have this
It keeps getting healed and keeps on appearing
Is there any discharge from that teeth / gum
Is yes
Colour odour thick thin any pain accompanying it anything you see to describe it
[Edited by Kaps on 2021-09-02 07:39:22]
Kaps 3 years ago
Not chronic. It appeared 12 days ago and hasn't left since then. It hasn't healed, it is slowly getting better though. No discharge, no bleeding, neither there nor somewhere else inside the mouth. During the first days, it did hurt and there was pain on the outside of the cheek as well but all that is gone completely now.
Receeding gums up and down, no bleeding though, not even when brushing them. Parenthesis: the first that receeded was the right canine tooth during a time of the first deep financial distress in my life. That is when i also started clenching my jaws... The dentist keeps saying that the teeth are healthy and just advised strong mouthwash with mentol. But the receeded gum remained there and, over time, the others followed.

Gone is also the heavy drowsiness that started on previous Thursday.
The sudden, strange desire for sweets that appeared simultaneously with the drowsiness is now diminishing.
roberta1 3 years ago
Dear sir,

the ganglion on my wrist has been very quiet since we last wrote, though not completely gone optically. I am writing to you after postponing it for a long time because every morning my shoulders are stiff (no pain). Upon getting up, i start stretching and everything gets better; during the day, i do a lot of stretching and i exercise daily but i have the tendency of unwittingly raising my shoulders towards my neck straining them a lot this way. I try to stop doing it but it is due to the way i feel in the hostile, loveless and joyless environment i am currently living and i haven't found any relief so far. My back and shoulders area is full of non-painfull knots which a chiropract had helped a lot with but in the city i am living now, there is noone i could go to. I used to find relaxation in sleep but no longer. I sleep 8 full hours, no nightmares etc but i feel my body is tense and doesn't relax any more. Do you have any homeopathic suggestion? Thank you.
[Edited by roberta1 on 2021-11-26 09:34:52]
roberta1 3 years ago

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