The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3 year old with speech delay
Hello to all the homeopaths in the forum. I am writing for the first time. My daughter is turning 3 this May. She is still not talking any meaningful word. History is below.Name: Maya Harikrishna
Date of Birth: May 19, 2021
Age: 3 years
Height: 40 inches
Weight: 32 pounds (almost 14.5 kg)
MAIN CONCERN: Speech delay, frequent cold and fever, Asthma Attack (1 in 2023 and 1 in 2024).
Cold, cough & fever every month
Frequent gastric trouble sinc 3months of age (Both acid reflux and majorly gas) (relief when given Colicaid - antispasmodic [Ing: Simethicone, Fennel Oil, and Dill Oil)
Drinks way too much water (More than 40oz a day)
Does not gain flesh looks too lean with a bulging tummy
Has frequent headaches
Frequent yellow-green nasal discharge and also lot of big boogers
Does not sleep at night, sleeps only by 12:30 or 1, afternoon naps are atleast 2-2.5hrs minimum
Always wants to be outside when there is sun, During winter, frequently sits on top of hot air vent
Clingy to parents
DELIVERY: Was a C-section baby. However, there were no complications. Weight at birth was 2.37KG.
PHYSICAL APPEARENCE: She is tall, broad shoulders and long forehead. Has hairy nostrils, hair in the back.
EATING HABITS: She drinks atleast 1 to 1.5 Liters of water everyday. Drinks from sipper bottle and loves to drink water. Eats really well (3 full course meals and 3-4 snack). Very picky eater. Eats Rice, roti bread, Doasa(Indian pan cakes). Does not like Eggs. We are vegitarian and have not tried any meat. She loves Okra, green beans, long beans(all raw & cooked), Steamed edamame, broccoli. Does not eat any fruits except Guava. Does not like to eat anything sweet, hates cake or anything sugary. She also gets irritated when hungry.
DRESSING HABITS: Able to remove Socks. Brings the dress to wear, helps inserting hands and legs. Does not remove or wears dress by herself.
PLAYING WITH TOYS: She plays only with toys of all types - Trains, balloons, blocks. Loves doing puzzles like fitting alphabets on the slab or the numbers etc. He does not play with any kids of her age but only does parallel play. She started preschool in Sep 2023 but not played with kids. Loves to play with adults
HEARING: His hearing seems fine. Occasionally responds to her name specifically when we call her for food or play or bath. Other times royally ignores. Follows some simple commands like putting things in trash etc.
SPEECH: She has not started talking yet but makes lot of sounds like Aye, aaa, hooo, hee, nana, baba, bubu, etc. But has not said any word yet. Makes these sounds on her own. She does not usually use them to communicate with us. She generally uses gestures to communicate. She will either bring us the thing that she wants or will take us by hand to the thing she wants. For example, if she wants snacks, she will take me to the pantry, take my hand and put it on the handle and make some sounds like umumumum. When I open the pantry she tries to bring the snack box out and takes her snack bowl as well for me to put them in. Says 1st letter syllables like Ba for ball or balloon or bubbles, ho(one), thdoh(Two), thi(Three). She used to make animal sounds and fist syllables from 11mo and stopped when she turned 18mo.
RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE: She can generally respond to one-step directions. For example, if I ask her to go to the bathroom to take bath, she will run towards the bathroom, or if I tell her we are going out, she will drag me to the coat stand to wear the coat and put on her as well.
She loves music and will clap or dance etc. She can point with index finger. She does not have any abnormal tantrums and is generally a very calm, obedient, and quiet child.
SLEEPING HABITS: Sleeps well when she sleeps. But usually takes her 1-1.5hrs to go to sleep. Once asleep, she goes to deep sleep.
PERSONALITY: She smiles when she likes something, hugs, kisses, plays with parents, likes to go out. She knows how to do bye bye but does not do it on her own yet, has to be told several times before she does it. When she sees cartoons or cinema songs that he like on TV, she starts clapping, laughing, mimicking actions. Her favorite is rabbit and always clings to a rubber rabbit toy and carries to most places including bathroom and always places it facing her. He has obsession for having things in certain way.
Her mother is at home with her all day. Talks to her all the time. The father plays with her after coming back from office. We read children books to her in the night.
Remedies tried:
Candida Albicans - 3 weeks - No difference
Silicea - 3 Weeks - No Difference
Calcarea Carbonica - 1 week - No Difference
Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.
ceenathana on 2024-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Prescription for ur daughterØ
Nat Mur 200c, 5 drops in little water twice a week,
Gelsemium 30c, twice daily
Nux Vomica 30c, 1 dose before sleep daily,
Cell salt, kali phos 6x, 1 tablet twice a day.
Nat Mur 200c, 5 drops in little water twice a week,
Gelsemium 30c, twice daily
Nux Vomica 30c, 1 dose before sleep daily,
Cell salt, kali phos 6x, 1 tablet twice a day.
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you So much Dr Sajid,
All these medications are for 4 weeks or longer?
Also, for the speech delay, any other remedy recommended.
Was looking into Tuberculinum on another post, but wanted to understand if i should be looking at it or not yet.
All these medications are for 4 weeks or longer?
Also, for the speech delay, any other remedy recommended.
Was looking into Tuberculinum on another post, but wanted to understand if i should be looking at it or not yet.
ceenathana 10 months ago
No need for Tuber yet, I have prescribed according to all of her symptoms.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-30 17:33:31]
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-30 17:33:31]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
ceenathana 10 months ago
I am unable to get Nat Mur 200C in drops form, can i replace it with Boiron 2pellets twice a week?
Gelsemium is 1 pellet twice daily correct sir?
Nux Vomica 1 dose is 1 pellet correct sir?
Cell Salt for Kali is required or can i give Boiron Pellets?
[Edited by ceenathana on 2024-04-30 19:31:41]
I am unable to get Nat Mur 200C in drops form, can i replace it with Boiron 2pellets twice a week?
Gelsemium is 1 pellet twice daily correct sir?
Nux Vomica 1 dose is 1 pellet correct sir?
Cell Salt for Kali is required or can i give Boiron Pellets?
[Edited by ceenathana on 2024-04-30 19:31:41]
ceenathana 10 months ago
Hello Dr Sajid,
I tried the remedies for 2 weeks but i have not seen any difference. She did get stomachache twice during the course. Other than that i have not seen any changes.
Kindly advise
I tried the remedies for 2 weeks but i have not seen any difference. She did get stomachache twice during the course. Other than that i have not seen any changes.
Kindly advise
ceenathana 9 months ago
Dont worry, we have to change a little in prescription, the next plan of treatment is as below,
Calcarea Carbonica 200C:Dose: 2 pellets, once a week (every Sunday).Duration: Continue for 8 weeks and assess improvements in speech development and general vitality.Silicea 30C:Dose: 3 pellets, twice daily (morning and evening).Duration: Continue for 4 weeks, then reassess. If symptoms improve, continue for another 4 weeks.Natrum Muriaticum 30C:Dose: 3 pellets, twice daily (morning and evening).Duration: Continue for 4 weeks, then reassess. If symptoms improve, continue for another 4 weeks.
Calcarea Carbonica 200C:Dose: 2 pellets, once a week (every Sunday).Duration: Continue for 8 weeks and assess improvements in speech development and general vitality.Silicea 30C:Dose: 3 pellets, twice daily (morning and evening).Duration: Continue for 4 weeks, then reassess. If symptoms improve, continue for another 4 weeks.Natrum Muriaticum 30C:Dose: 3 pellets, twice daily (morning and evening).Duration: Continue for 4 weeks, then reassess. If symptoms improve, continue for another 4 weeks.
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
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