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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help Needed: Managing My Sons Cough, Cold, and Emotional Outbursts

Good morning, sir! This is my first time posting here from Bangladesh. My son is 3 years and 10 months old. He is a healthy boy, weighing 15 kg and standing 100 centimeters tall. He is very joyful, playful, and energetic. He is also an emotional and intelligent child. He generally sleeps well and eats well, although sometimes he doesn’t eat as much as usual. He likes sweetmeat very much.

He frequently catches colds, which cause a cough, runny nose, and occasionally fever. I haven’t given him homeopathic remedies before. At the moment, he has a cough and cold, but no fever.

He tends to cough more in the mornings. When he coughs, it sounds as though there is a lot of mucus in his lungs. When he was younger, he needed to take probiotics four to five times to help regulate his bowel movements.

He becomes angry very easily and reacts strongly, often throwing nearby objects, hitting himself with his fists, and sometimes hitting others. He also shouts loudly at times. He cannot go without a fan, even when the weather is normal, as he always feels hot.

If you need any more information before suggesting a treatment, I would be happy to provide it. Please suggest what I can do for his improvement. Will I stop giving allopathy while giving homeopathy?
[Edited by Hossainnil on 2024-10-14 05:03:27]
  Hossainnil on 2024-10-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is there any history of Tuberculosis in the family (both sides)?
Not a doc1 4 months ago
No sir.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
What was wrong with his bowel movements for which probiotics were taken?
Does he eat often?
Does he drink water?
Does he suffer from either constipation or diarrhea?
Any history of diabetes in the family?
Not a doc1 4 months ago
Once he fell in diarrhea and dysentery for the rest of the time for which allopathy doctor gave him the probiotics with some other usual medicines.
He eats four to five times a day with small portion of food.
He drinks water that seems normal.
Sometimes he suffer from constipation.
Yes, I am a diabetes patient. ( his father)
Hossainnil 4 months ago
Please buy Tuberculinum 30 from any reputed brand (sealed bottle). Do not buy loose as they are unreliable.
Use two or three drops in half a cup of bottled water stir well and let him drink it. It is not necessary to drink the entire amount, a tea spoon will do the job. You can discard the rest.
Please keep a gap of 30 minutes for food both before and after medicine.
Do not give sour food or drinks as they will aggravate cough.
Update one day after giving medicine.
Not a doc1 4 months ago
Do not use more than one dose.
Not a doc1 4 months ago
Thank you very much sir. I would provide update on time. Would I stop giving allopathy medicine?
[Edited by Hossainnil on 2024-10-14 15:04:43]
Hossainnil 4 months ago
Yes, you may stop all other medicines.
Not a doc1 4 months ago
Dear Hossainnil,
All advice on here is to be monitored by other members to weigh in if advice is unsafe or report to the moderator.
You can click on any member name and it will take you to the profile and bio and past threads. Any person on earth can join this forum and give health advice- .
Note that “not a doc” is not a homeopath or medical person.
There is no need to give Tub 30 for a cough.
It is not the right medicine.
simone717 4 months ago
Thank you very much, sir for your valuable advice. Would you please suggest me about my sons problem. I would be grateful to you.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
What color is the mucous?
simone717 4 months ago
Normal (White) sir.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
Hi, Give Nat Mur 6x and Ferrum phos 6x 3 times a day for 2 days and report.
You can use these as cell salt tablets, or in pills -have him melt in mouth or dissolve in a few tablespoons of water.
At this age, children get colds, virus etc and this develops the immune system. Parents always complain if they have children this age in pre school etc bc the parents and kids are getting frequent colds.
In future at first sign of cold, give ferrum phos 6x 3 or 4x the first day-
If you do this right away it eliminates the cold very fast.
simone717 4 months ago
Thank you very much! Sir. I could not understand the doses. 3 times a day for 2 days. It is clear.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
yes-3 pills or tablets of each. morning, noon, evening. you can mix together. Report after two days.
simone717 4 months ago
Okay sir.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
Good evening, sir. This noon, my child completed the last dose of his two-day treatment, and thankfully, his cough and cold are completely gone. One important point to mention is that we switched to homeopathic medicine at the very last stage of his illness after starting with allopathic treatment. Thankfully, he is doing well now.

However, this afternoon, I noticed some rashes on the palms of both of his hands, as well as two more on his shoulder. Im uncertain whether these rashes indicate an aggravated issue or if they are a result of something else.

If you have any suggestions or insights on this matter, I would greatly appreciate your guidance
[Edited by Hossainnil on 2024-10-18 18:11:11]
Hossainnil 4 months ago
You need to know the source of the rash.
He could have touched a plant or some substance.
Rashes can show up from food allergies.Maybe he ate something new?
In homeopathy you do not want to suppress skin symptoms-it is the bodies way of releasing toxins -
Example-ppl who suppressed eczema with creams then get allergies. When they start homeopathy the allergies leave and then eczema keeps showing up for every time it was suppressed until you get to the source.
Leave the rash alone and see if it goes, and see if you figure out cause.
If you want you can put oatmeal like a paste on it to soothe it.
simone717 4 months ago
Thank you, sir. I am very hopeful about homeopathic medicines. In the past, I have taken many homeopathic remedies and experienced full recovery.

In my humble opinion, the rash is neither caused by contact with an allergic substance nor by consuming anything new. It could be the bodys way of releasing toxins, which is why I am not concerned. I would certainly try oatmeal paste for my child.

This morning, I noticed some additional rashes on the sole of the foot and a few other parts of the body, and he is experiencing some pain. The rashes on the palms of both hands, which appeared yesterday, have not changed in size. I just wanted to update you on my childs current condition. I will keep you informed if I notice any developments.
Hossainnil 4 months ago
I would take him to the pediatrician and get the right diagnosis for the rash.
Skin problems are tricky. People have been on here posting images of rashes etc in past -Even when we had some real md’s on here, they all disagreed on what it was- after going to dermatologist they got the right answer. Try your pediatrician first.
simone717 4 months ago
I was mistaken earlier. The rashes turned out to be hand, foot, and mouth disease. I took my son to a pediatrician, and he is now on medication.

Thank you for your kind advice.
Hossainnil 4 months ago

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