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Speech stammering - bullied, panic attacks
HelloMy good friend has started stammering his words. He was bullied and experienced panic attacks and anxiety. He has always been very organised almost OCD. He is 56, gay and had suffered much abuse both physically and emotionally growing up. This stressful incident from work has been very triggering for him, he has fallen to tears in front of workmates and is now on leave. Stammering starts at the beginning of the sentence usually . He is fine at his home, rarely stammers, but suffers from agrophobia., not coping at all with crowds . He is feeling very unsupported by his work and was feeling bullied by his workmate, which possibly triggered old emotions of feeling bullied as a child/teen which was a huge thing for him.
Lately, he is starting to stammer whenever there is anything that he has to do that brings him anxiety, like sorting out building a cupboard or having to organise tradesmen to come which is stressful for him. Just the idea of the stressful thing makes him start to stammer. When he is doing his normal things, he is ok, when he is having to do something stressful, the stammering happens, usually at the beginning of his talking.
He has tried strammonium 30c for a week but not that much change. Would you kindly suggest anything for him?
He is incredibly neat, highly organised, must be perfectly tidy, will not leave a room out of place whatsoever and gets headaches from heat, hates the heat and cannot handle noise or light. Thank you for amazing help as always. I would love to help him.
[Edited by Tan27 on 2025-02-05 02:46:07]
Tan27 on 2024-10-16
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