The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acidity and cold air
I,have acidity problomin ac room or cold air all
the symptoms worse
(is that related to acidity orany thing else
for the last few days always feel exhausted
pls help me
yoonus on 2006-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Yoonus,
What do you mean by acidity problem?
do you have heartburn?
Do you have erucations?
Sour regurgitations of water of food taken?
Any pain in the abdomen?
Do you have regular food habits?
Do you tend to take more of oily or spicy foods?
Habit of smoking/alcohol?
Tendency for anxiety?
Feel stressed out at work?
Under any undue tension?
Are the acidity symptoms better/worse by eating etc.?
Generally how is your appetite, thirst, urination, bowel movement, perspiration, sleep etc.?
What are the investigations done? Are you under any treatment as of now?
If the above details are given an initial remedy can be suggested.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
What do you mean by acidity problem?
do you have heartburn?
Do you have erucations?
Sour regurgitations of water of food taken?
Any pain in the abdomen?
Do you have regular food habits?
Do you tend to take more of oily or spicy foods?
Habit of smoking/alcohol?
Tendency for anxiety?
Feel stressed out at work?
Under any undue tension?
Are the acidity symptoms better/worse by eating etc.?
Generally how is your appetite, thirst, urination, bowel movement, perspiration, sleep etc.?
What are the investigations done? Are you under any treatment as of now?
If the above details are given an initial remedy can be suggested.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
DRVenugopal last decade
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