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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

18 month old w/ Eczema & Eye Discharge

Hi -
•I have an 18 month old girl.
•We live in Charleston, South Carolina
•The summer weather is generally hot & humid and the winters are generally mild
(1) Eyes weeping – this started when she was about two weeks old. It usually occurs around April when pollen & other allergens are in the air, but this year it is still occurring. We have used drops and ointment prescribed by an ophthalmologists to clear it up in the past. They have told us that they think it is blocked tear ducts and that “she will grow out of it”. Her eyes continually tear up and if go uncleaned mat her eyelashes together. The discharge is a dark green color. They have done cultures twice to determine that there is no infection.
(2) Eczema – this started when she was about six weeks old. It occurs mostly it the diaper area & between the top of her legs, where her diaper rubs, but it has also occurred on other areas of her legs and the lower part of her stomach and back. The eczema originally started on her face. It shows up as dry, red, irritated, itchy skin; after awhile the skin starts peeling off. We have used Elidel, Steroid Cream 1X, and every imaginable moisturizer.

She sleeps & eats well. She is a very happy baby. She hasn’t had any prior homeopathic treatments. She has been immunized. She hasn’t had any major diseases and the only sensitivity she has shown is to hydrocortisone cream (it made her face swell).

Thanks for any info you can give,

  KIMMCORN on 2006-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your trouble is almost certainly due to vaccination affecting the immune system.Do not have ANY more shots!.

Use a dose of hepar sul 6x night and morning for a week

Wait a week and give a single dose of thuja 30c
walkin last decade
How can I not vaccinate her? She would not be able to be enrolled and attend school without proof of vaccinations.
KIMMCORN last decade
Where do you live?

If you're in the US, most states have something you can file (in my state it's a Conscientious Objection) with the State.

That is your child. You can choose to vaccinate or not.
josiewales last decade
Sorry, I see it now. South Carolina.

Let me see if I can find you some info.
josiewales last decade
You can file a religious objection or get a medical exemption.


Just do some research on it and then make your own choice. FTR, my oldest dd is vaxed (before I knew better), my middle dd has had *some* vaccines and my baby has had none.
josiewales last decade
Dear Kim,

I advise you to give Sulphur 30 one dose and repeat it after 5 days.
In the mean time if any thing appears or any aggravation then mail me.

Report after 7 days.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Dinesh,

Is this a cream or pill?? Also where can I purchase this? What is your email address?


KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

Its in pellet form.You can get it from your local Homoeopathic Store.
For my mail address check my profile...for this just click on from colum in post and you will get mail id.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Hi again, went to the store and got the sulfur tonight. The label says take 5 pellets 3 times per day. Is that the dosage you want me to give her or should it be a smaller dose? Also can I dissolve this in a drink since she is so little I think she would choke if I tried to just let it dissolve on her tongue. Please advise, I'd like to start immediately. Thanks, Kim
KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

Just one dose is sufficient. And its good to dissolve in 5 ml water and give it to her orally.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
so just give her 5 pellets and thats it?
KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

Yes just disolve 5 pellets in 5ml drinking water and give it to her and repeat it after 5 days.

Dr.Dinesh sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
We did the one dose and waited a week and gave her another dose along with a new moisterizer. She completely cleared up and then this weekend it came back. What should we do now?
KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

Repeat Sulphur every 5th day for 15 days.

Report every 6th day.And if anything new appears or any aggravation is there then mail me or contact me here.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
I treated her last Friday with 1 dose and had the same good results. This past Friday I gave her another dose but it doesn't seem like the sulfur is working anymore. She is right back to the same condition and I don't know what to do now. Any other suggestions?

KIMMCORN last decade

First let me give you a website, www.generationrescue.com

Your baby is having a reaction to the shots that the doctor keeps giving her 'because they are required'. Well, they are not required nor needed. Your baby is responding to the sulfer product because the sulfer is counteracting the thimarosal(mercury) which is the problem with the shots. If you keep doing the shots, your baby could become more mercury poisioned, which is what she is most likely experiening. I'm in California, and my son was mercury poisioned(aka late onset Autism) by the shots. Sulfer is what I used to 'chelate' the mercury out of him. Even if you don't believe any of this shot story, you owe it to your child to not get any more until you know more about what damage they do. One shot of each is enough for a lifetime. You can check if she is fully immune to whatever disease the shots are suppose to 'protect' her from getting by doing a titer test. Please read the website above, it explains all this best. I wish I would of know what we are telling you, my son would not be suffering now. And, my daughter is also suffering from the shots with an autoimmune disease.

bluerus last decade
mercury poisoning:
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth. Although vaccines are not the only source of exposure to mercury in humans, but they definitely are the largest sources of mercury for children. At present ethyl mercury is injected into Infants, Children, Pregnant women through vaccines and other products which contain Thimerosal used as a preservative. Thimerosal is a mercury compound containing nearly 50% ethyl mercury. The effects of Thimersal which has been used in vaccines since 1930's had not been focused upon until recently. Mercury in traces (1microgram per dose) was considered harmless, but most of the vaccines contain anywhere from 25 to 100 microgram per ml!!! Thimerosal is now being discussed as a possible cause of a variety of increasing neurodevelopmental (autism, nervous tics, speech delays, ADHD etc) and auto-immune disorders. Recent studies (published in march 2006, University California Davis) in monkeys and mice have shown fundamental damages in nervous system and immune system even when Thimerosal was present at a concentration as low as 20 parts per billion, dendritic cells lose their ability to respond normally! Dendritic cells are responsible for activating Tcells, if dendritic cells give wrong message or no message to the T-cells, a childs immune system could be abnormal, and dysfunctional immune systems can not only hamper physical and mental growth, but also give rise to as close as 150 other incurable disorders!

Conception to the first six months are very crucial for the brain development and it is in these months that the newborns are exposed to unsafe deadly levels of mercury through vaccines. Ideally no Child should recieve Thimerosal laden vaccines, but maximum caution should be used from conception to six months. Scientists believe that with our current knowledge we cannot establish any safe dose of thimerosal for infants. It is too damn toxic!

It is shocking that most parents are unknowingly a party to this poisoning when they get their kids get vaccinated. As patients we are never told of the pros and cons of medication and neither do we pause to question, at the outset...Sometimes I wonder if the doctors are aware of these themselves (if not aware, they should STOP PLAYING GOD NOW! and update themselves before more harm is done). Even more shocking is the effort of developed nations to conceal research and findings pointing towards this and making the developing countries the scapegoats. Devloping countries have so many more basic agendas to deal with, that such issues take the boot, lie dormant/dead somewhere...but this is surely no excuse to infuse our progeny with poison and ruining their lives altogether! Vaccine manufacturers in the USA phased out Thimerosal out of injections given to american infants, but continued to sell the thimerosal based supplies in developing countries till very recently. The CDC(centre for disease control) and FDA(food and drug administration) actually helped, bought the tainted vaccines and exported them to developing countries..!!! appalling!!!

Many countries have stopped the use of Thimerosal in vaccines (Russia in 1980's, followed by Scandinavia, Japan, UK and the USA). Infact in California, as of July 2006 it will be a crime for a doctor to give mercury vaccines to a child below 3 and also to a pregnant woman.....and to think that most of our kids (Hepatitis B, DPT, Hib, MMR, Flu, Meningococal, Pneumococcal etc all contain thimerosal in deadly doses) and mothers to be (tetanus toxoid injections) are still using vaccines that contain much higher levels (3 to 6 times) than the banned ones is atrocious. The infuriating irony is that today, when other countries have banned or are planning to do so, early in 2006 the Indian Government and WHO are collaborating in a process that may result in increased use of Hepatitis B vaccines for infants. We are carelessly playing with and risking the future of our children, our nation...its high time we wake up and identify this as an important issue as only when we recognise the problem, we can address related issues (like, remedial measures/ treatments, help and banning etc),or risk increase in manmade developmental disorders in our children for no fault of theirs!!!

The Good news is that in the USA there has been a steady decline in new cases of autism for three consecutive years since banning almost all thimerosal vaccines between 2000 and 2002. WILL WE WAKE UP AND PREVENT THE WORSE? We need to make our citizens aware, to question more, to be aware of rights to access of knowledge and excercising their right to choose....we need to take charge....after all its about, our kids and their lives, and definitely not about the marketing skills and gimmics and economics of some armtwisting manufacturers lobby or some developed nation. People first...always...

Some websites on this subject
some webpages
'Evidence of harm' by David Kirby
vyushti last decade

Thank You! You did a much better job of explaining it then I did. I never heard of the commondreams... and monsterandcritics websites, I'll have to check them out. I have both Evidence of Harm books. Mr. Kirby spoke in Calif in June and autographed his new book after the talk. He is very good person to help untangle this data web. He has a yahoo group that is very active.
I will say my ped comes to many autism meeting to learn about the mercury poisioning. I do believe he thought the shots were safe at first.
Do you have a child poisoned by mercury?
I actually was looking for some data when the '18mo old' diverted my attention.
I have a daughter who has vitiligo (skin depigmentation). A conference suggested the skin might have too much HO2O (Hydrogen Peroxide), which is killing the cells. So, I was hoping to find someone who can tell me how to 'turn off' this HO2O using a natural product. I belive her Vitiligo is also related to the mercury in the shots. She is 14, so she had a number of shots until age 5. She has a future of potential for kidney and thyroid failure. Do you have any insight into turning off H202 production? You can email me direct if you like:

They didn't use to allow here messages with websites or emails listed. Not sure if that has changed. Thanks for any help and your help of making people aware of the shot horror!

bluerus last decade
hi debbie,
My daughter is 11.5 and has an underactive thyroid since the last three years. it was when i started reading about auto immune disorders that i hit upon mercury poisoning, and have been noticing so many other kids with so many problems related to mercury poisoning!
at my end i have been informing parents/docs etc, creating an awareness about this issue.
Reagrding your daughters vitiligo, i guess you should try what has been suggested by dr. girilal and joe.
wishing you all the luck...
i just hope to have the ill effects of thimerosal poisoning reversed...as once the immune system is disturbed it can trigger off so many other related disorders....its pathetic what we have got our kids into....its for us to help find a solution for them!!!
any help on this is most welcome!!!
vyushti last decade
Dear Kim,

Well first of all let me clear you one thing that Homoeopathic does not have any side effect like others said poisioning etc.So need to worry in this way.
Now tell me...
Is your child active or dull?
Is he irritable or jolly in nature?
When his complaints aggravate?
What he likes most?
What is the effect of weather on him and his complaint?
What about his stools?

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
She is extremely active & jolly. She doesn't act like the eczema bothers her. I don't think the weather effets it but she doesn't really go out a lot this time of year because of the bugs. Stools appear normal and occur 1-2 times per day.
KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

I advise you to give him Sulphur 200C one dose and report after 5 days.

Do not worry Homoeopathic medicines have no side effect like poisioning etc.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade

I have checked with all the stores in my area and cannot find sulfur 200c. They tell me the highest they carry is 30c.

Is there something else I can use or can I buy it online? Please advise.


KIMMCORN last decade
Dear Kim,

Well you can get it online.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
OK I bought the sulfur 200C (liquid), received it on Wednesday and gave her 1 dose - which equates to 2 drops in 1 teaspoon of water (thats the dosage for children on the bottle). There has been NO change. Should I give her a different dosage?
KIMMCORN last decade

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