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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Thyroid treatment.

I use following method to treat Thyroid problems (Hypo and Hyper)

Mercurius Vivus 1M one dose each week

2 doses Iodium-3X start at each full moon for 4 days.

Spongia Tosta Q two times each day, If Spongia Tosta Q is not available then try any lowest available potency.

Psorinum-30 two times each day especially if glands of the neck are swollen or there is a pain in the neck.
  girilal on 2006-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
But kuldeep(i will call you by this name-- i like it)you did not mention the success rate.

sajjadakram635 last decade
It takes about 2 months to notice the significant improvements. Most people say they were improved.

If patient has or (ever had) thyroid gland swellings/pain, this recipe works very well.

I recommend this procedure for 3 months.
girilal last decade
Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

Fatigue or lack of energy
Weight gain
Feeling cold
Dry skin and hair
Heavy menstrual periods
Slowed thinking

DIAGNOSIS of hypothyroidism is usually straightforward, once it is suspected.
Patients with hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis have an elevated level of serum TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).
However, the rare patient with hypothyroidism due to a pituitary or hypothalamic condition may have a normal or low serum TSH.

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girilal last decade
HYPERTHYROIDISM (Overactive Thyroid)

Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are:

Jitteriness, shaking, increased nervousness, irritability
Rapid heart beat or palpitations
Feeling hot
Weight loss
Fatigue, feeling exhausted
More frequent bowel movements
Shorter or lighter menstrual periods

In addition to symptoms of hyperthyroidism, some patients with Graves' disease develop eye symptoms such as a stare, eye irritation, bulging of the eyes and, occasionally, double vision or loss of vision.
Involvement of the eyes is called Graves' Ophthalmopathy.

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girilal last decade
In my experience for hypo/hyper thyroidism;

-thyroidinum 200 every week then after 1 month one dose of 1M
-Spongia 30(3 times a day)

-Fucus Q 4 times a day
- Iodium 30 (3 times a day)

These remedies gave excellent results, even specialist was surprised to see reports

ashfaq last decade
Ashfaq, thanks for the information,

Thyroidinum has some action on Hyperthyroidism but still I doubt it alone would resolve Thyroid problems.

Fucus Q is also iodine retainer. Hystologically Spongia and Fucus are lot in common, both are from oceans, both are spongy.

Spongia is a must for thyroid treatment. It effects upon all neck glands, heart and much more.
girilal last decade
Thanks for this post but I doubt if I would be able to purchase Spongia Tosta Q. Kuldeep is there any way to make all these remedies at home? I know some thyroid patients those could be helped with this treatment.
hoolio last decade
Dear Hoolio Tamiano, I am glad that you are still alive and gradually becoming a medicine man.

Last winter I was walking at Miami beach and Spongia was lying everywhere.

I found it on almost at all beaches of the world (wherever I visited). Gather some sausage like sponges and roast it and put it to blender. Then add some liquor into it. You got Spongia Tosta Q.
I doubt if you would be able to obtain Fucus because Dominican Republic is a bit down below to its habitat. It usually washed up around New York etc.
BUT any sea weed is equivalent to Fucus. Try to find ses weed espacially whichever looks brown or yellow. You would see amazing result in thyroid cases.
girilal last decade
And you can always potentize pure iodine.
girilal last decade
Dear Kuldeep

I have found the following paragraph in Boericke matera medica, please see the following site :


“”Rapid metabolism: Loss of flesh great appetite. Hungry with much thirst. Better after eating. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration. Iod individual is exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands, has voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type.
All glandular structures, respiratory organs, circulatory system are especially affected; they atrophy. Iodine arouses the defensive apparatus of the system by assembling the mononuclear leucocytes whose phagocytic action is marked, at a given point. Lead poisoning. Tremor. Iodine craves cold air.””

After reading it, I get the impression that Iodium should be used for Hyperthyroid patients rather than hypothyroid patient. I am a hypo patient, and one of the homeopath from india suggested me to take Iodium 1M on 14th,15th, and 16th of each lunar month, three cyles (meaning three months), and my thyroid will be OK.

I lost some weight and felt better during the first month, but after three months, my body temperature had dropped considerably, body weight had gone up, and I was feeling cold all the time, specially my hands and feet were icy cold, since then I havent taken Iodium, but have been taking Calc Carb under a homeopath’s instruction, and things have started to change for the better.

My question to Dr Sajjad Akram, and Kuldeep ( I like this name ), have you guys treated/cured a hypothyroid patient completely, and if yes, what was the best medicine for curing a hypothyroid patient

Warm regards

sazim last decade
Hi Folks,

The principal harmones secreted by thyroid gland are:

Thyoxine (T4)
Triodo-thyronine (T3).

Both harmones are Iodine containing amino acids.

Iodium is another name of Iodine....I think also known as Jodatum (in German).

Iodium in homeopathic form regulates the functioning of the thyroid glands.....condition be hyper or hypo....so can be useful in both cases.

Thyroidinum is made from the dried thyroid gland of the sheep.

Important to check: which potency is useful for which particular condition.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To all:

I consider Spongia Tosta a paramount in Thyroid treatment. Anyway it contains iodine.

Iodine acts like a suppliment to thyroid problems.

Spongia Tosta, Fucus and most of the sea-weeds contain iodine but it is not just the iodine but a mechanism and metabolism to produce and utilize iodine. These things represent a iodine producing, retaining and consuming phenomenon.

Mercury Vivus suits more to Hyperthyroid patients, because they are mostly Mercury constitutional.

Malfunctioning of the thyroid could be triggered by infections and thyroiditis. Also hypertension and stress is the main culprit in these days so this treatment most probably may not cure total problem but one must look into other things also.
girilal last decade
Other things means, taking care of Strees and Hypertension.
girilal last decade
I checked with my nephew who lives near sea. He said Spongia is always found on the beeches.

Please explain me exactly how should I make the medicine from it. He said sea weeds are also always washed up all over the place.
hoolio last decade
Thanks for the reply, you said Mercury is the Constituinal remedy for Hyperthyroid people. Then should Hypothyroid people also take it.
hoolio last decade
Hoolio Tamiano, as per Homeopathy Pharmacopia, Spongia shoud be slightly toasted on the coal. Not too much or Iodine will evaporate. (I don't know why it should be toasted but anyway ..)

Wash, Clean and dry a piece of Spongia and slightly toast it. IT still stays soft and smelly. Then liquify it to blender and add some liquor into it. Take 4-5 drops twice a day.

Hyperthyroid people are very aggressive. Aggressive and nervous people tend to tilt in this direction. Anger, acremony and staring eyes is also the indication. So Mercuy fits.

Mercury is the entry point to treat all glandular problems. It shakes up the body.

Hypothyroid people are mostly Graphites constitution, but some times Calcarea Carb also. So they can also take a weekly dose of Graphites 30 and Cal. Carb 30.

I again mention that it is not the Iodine in Spongia that restores Thyroid but it is the Iodine creating, processing and utilizing capability of Spongia.
girilal last decade
Also not ignore all sea weeds and Fucus. Once I was camping by the beech and we found all kinds of sea weeds lying and drying. We burned that mass and yellow iodine vapors were everywhere.

Again I mention it is the iodine mechanism of these plants (and spongia) that works not just the iodine.
girilal last decade
True...the glands functioning has to be restored...so that it produces the necessary harmones (amino-acids).
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj, when do you sleep?
girilal last decade
Good question pw !!

Going to take Arnica ...it is 12.30 a.m.

Thanks for the reminder.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Ha! Got you. Arnica, huh!
girilal last decade
Uncle Joe recommends that all the time !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj

Since Girilal hasnt responded to my queries for whatever reasons, I am reposting my queries and experience with Iodine....Please respond

I have found the following paragraph in Boericke matera medica, please see the following site :


“”Rapid metabolism: Loss of flesh great appetite. Hungry with much thirst. Better after eating. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration. Iod individual is exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands, has voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type.
All glandular structures, respiratory organs, circulatory system are especially affected; they atrophy. Iodine arouses the defensive apparatus of the system by assembling the mononuclear leucocytes whose phagocytic action is marked, at a given point. Lead poisoning. Tremor. Iodine craves cold air.””

After reading it, I get the impression that Iodium should be used for Hyperthyroid patients rather than hypothyroid patient. I am a hypo patient, and one of the homeopath from india suggested me to take Iodium 1M on 14th,15th, and 16th of each lunar month, three cyles (meaning three months), and my thyroid will be OK.

I lost some weight and felt better during the first month, but after three months, my body temperature had dropped considerably, body weight had gone up, and I was feeling cold all the time, specially my hands and feet were icy cold, since then I havent taken Iodium, but have been taking Calc Carb under a homeopath’s instruction, and things have started to change for the better.

My question to you all practising homeopaths, have you guys treated/cured a hypothyroid patient completely, and if yes, what was the best medicine for curing a hypothyroid male patient

Warm regards

sazim last decade
Treated patients thru ABC Forum also for Hypothyroid... who reported to me cure taken place (in 2004)..didnot hold on to e-mails (erased)..some how .

There are about 6 to 8 meds that are suitable for this condition ..depending upon the symptoms. One of the meds is Calcarea Carb aswell.

In your case ...yes it appears to be Calcarea Carb symptoms...so keep going ahead. You will need Thyroidinum at some stage.

Since you are getting treatment from a homeopath who can physically see you/examine you...keep going on with it.

If it fails...you can come back.

I think in some stage of your life you must be having skin rash too.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks for replying Pankaj, no I never had skin rashes( but from time to time I do experience itching(khujli) all over the body, which comes and goes......a classic symptom of hypothyroidism...so i have been told)
Currently using some VB codes, I am trying to build a symptoms matrix (taking 500 medicines from Clarke MM), and surprisingly if I check the matrix with my symptoms (mainly thyroid and prostate), Iodium tops the list followed by Acid Phos, Staph, Conium, Kali Carb, Lyco, sepia, china, and so on and so forth, further Calc Carb ranks 26th

I am going to discuss these results with my homeopath, and take it on from there

My question to you, can Iodium be used for hypothyroid patients or not(ofcourse potency selection will remain a concern for me)

Thanks & regards

sazim last decade

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