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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hearing Issues

I am 31 years old and have hearing problems out of my left ear. When I was tested for school at age 4 they said I had a minor hearing issue but nothing worth worrying about. 10 years ago I had a hearing test done for a factory job and there were certain pitches/tones that I could not hear at all. Whenever there is background noise I have serious troubles hearing people speak. I dont have any ear pain, no excess build up of wax as hearing does not improve after ear candling. I am waiting for an appoinment with an Ear Nose Throat specialist to find out what the problem is but it going to take 10 months go get into see him. Can anyone offer suggestions or possible remedies for me.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
  Jay 15 on 2006-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey Jay!
I also suffered hearing loss that happened over the last few years--I'm 38. I went to an ENT and was promptly diagonosed with otosclerosis. It was interesting because a basic hearing test in a dr.'s office isn't enough. The audiology test helped me understand why I couldn't hear low tones at all. I had surgery done on my left ear (they do one at a time, worst ear first)...it was simple, 5 day re-coup--and am doing my right ear in October. The procedure is called a stapendectomy. OHSU here in Oregon/USA has a phenomenal surgeon..people come from all over the US. While I love herbs and acupuncture--this was something that couldnt' be helped..otosclerosis is bone growth over the stapes bone, preventing it from moving with the vibration of sound i.e can't transmit it. It's also supposedly hereditary although no one in my family has it.
hope this helps! good luck!
Claire W last decade
Hey Claire, thanks for the reply. Maybe thats what I have, not sure as of yet. Its funny that you mentioned the hereditary part because both my mother and her father had bad hearing on one side as well. In saying that, to all the Great Doctors here is there any help homeopathically for something like this?????
Jay 15 last decade
Here are the details of myself to hopefully pinpoint a remedy.

Name - Jay

Age - 31

Sex -M

Married/Unmarried – married

Weight – 190lbs

Height - 5feet 9inches

Stature – Muscular Build, few extra pounds around the waist

Country - Canada

Diabetic or non Diabetic – Non diabetic

Desire(food) sweets/sour/salt – Favourite foods- pizza, spaghetti, steak, potatoes, lots of salad

Thirst – maybe a bit above average – love really cold water and beer

Tongue - normal,

Current BP – not sure

What exactly is happening ?
I have hearing difficulties out of my left ear. Was tested as a small child before first year of school and there was a minor issue but nothing that needed attention. It is getting steadily worse as I age to the point where I am considering a hearing aide. I was tested maybe 10 years ago and it was found by my employer that I could not hear certain pitches/tones. It is very hard to hear when there is any sort of background noise.
How does it feel ? I maybe have a little more wax in that ear but nothing overwhelming. There isn’t really any pain or ringing in that ear however it does feel like it is full of something and therefore sounds are muffled.

Medications- not taking any meds and haven’t for a few years.

Family back ground – My mother has mild hearing difficulties on one side and her father was very hard of hearing on the one side.

Qualification of patient - college

Nature of working - corporate sales

Personality – I am very intolerant and impatient of everyone. I would rather do everything myself instead of asking for help. I am very dominant and take control of most situations where leadership is needed. I am very outgoing and do well getting along with people but internally I am a loner and would rather be on my own. Don’t attend work social functions as Id rather not be in large groups. However I have no problems giving speeches and seminar to large groups, Id just rather not do it. My main concern in life is my family. My two sons and their health issues occupy my thoughts a good part of every day. I do well at work but would rather be at home with family, yet that is where all my stress come from and stress seems to play a big role in my life. I am a very involved father and love spending time with my sons. I am very unorganized and my house, car, office are always in shambles. I get fed up with this and clean up trying to get organized but quickly find myself back in the same situation. I seem to be quite knowledgeable at many things. Family members often call on me for advice on many different subjects. I always feel rushed when trying to accomplish things. I do jobs well and am able to work slowly to do things right but I feel pressured and I always seem to be watching the clock.
I am quick tempered and once in a bad mood it takes me along time to shake it off. I used to get a lot of headaches but not so much any more. If I sleep in too long in the morning I will have a headache. Cold makes the headaches feel much better as does evening. No dizziness as a rule. Physically I have always been very strong and have done well in sports, however my lungs have always seemed weak. I get out of breath quickly and have to train harder to keep up. ( I wish could fix this problem as well). In high school I would compete in long distance running and after would have severe stomach cramps for many hours. Now I play hockey and still have minor cramp issues but mostly just out of breath.

This is all I can think of about myself. I really hope this helps.
Jay 15 last decade
I noticed that I do have ringing in my ear. It comes for about 30 seconds then is gone again. It happened twice yesterday.
Jay 15 last decade
anyone? please.
Jay 15 last decade

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