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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma of my 13 Year Old son Page 2 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My apologies about the NOT which should of course read as NOW.

It is possible that he is having some discomfort in his stomach and I would hesitate to put it down to Hyperacidity at that age.

You can ask him if he feels full or has some burning in his stomach which can indicate hyperacidity which can be treated with Nat Phos 6x. However I would hesitate to use it as it is possible that it may interfere with the Nat Sulph 6c which we are giving him for Asthma which is the more important ailment to control.

Please report on his progress tomorrow.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

He is asleep right now (it is 12.20 am here). But i will definitely ask him in the morning about the burning sensation in the stomach. Today before he slept, he was telling me that since last few days he is having a feeling as if he will vomit. But he cannot get anything out. The vomiting feeling is very very mild and it is not that things are retched from the stomach. So i dont think it should be an issue. But anyway i will inform u in the morning and observe his progress very closely.

datind last decade
Hey Joe!!!

Its 8.30 am in the morning and he slept on more night without inhaler (3rd in a row). Also I asked him about the burning in the stomach and he says he doesnt have any burning feeling. Only a bit of vomiting sensation i told u in my last post.


Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
I am glad to learn that he has had his third night without Asthma and I am confident that he is well on the road to a cure and eventually a complete recovery like so many others whom I have treated with this amazing remedy.

I cannot think of any reason for his present condition but am sure that it was not brought about by the Nat Sulph.

Suggest you check the food that he eats which may contain something that he reacts to. When does he complain of his problem ? Before or after meals ?

Ensure that he drinks plenty of water and runs about like any normal boy should.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

I m sure, it has nothing to do with your medicine which is doing its work. And i just mentioned it to keep you appraised. I dont think there is any reason for worry

Further, is there any thing i can do about his hunger. His food intake is very less and very fussy.

If i can do anything i will love it

datind last decade
It is possible that his general physical condition and also his growth may have been severely handicapped by the steroids in the inhalers you were using. I do realize that it was a matter of survival in his case as he obviously had to breathe to survive. You have seen how very effective the Nat Sulph 6c is and I do hope that others too who read this thread will pass the word around to their friends, espcially those who have children suffering from Asthma that salvation is at hand with this simple remedy which is absolutely safe to be used, if necessary throughout life, in place of the Inhalers and tablets which are usually prescribed for Asthma.

Let us hope that your son will respond to the stoppage of the steriods that he was given for years and that his normal appetite will return.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Fourth night without the inhaler. He slept peacefully. In the morning he was feeling a bit uneasy in breathing and was coughing a bit with loose mucus. I gave him 5 pills of Ars Alb 200 after this. Please advice if i did it correctly. Will observe and keep you posted.

Thanks and Regards

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
To Vijay

Glad to note that his asthma is now under control.

I would not recommend that you use the Ars Alb in the manner that you did merely because he coughed a few times. This is Arsenic and should be treated with respect and only to be used if he cannot breathe and must use the inhaler.

I hope that you are using the steam inhalation therapy I indicated as this will soften the phlegm and ensure that he does not have any problem in breathing.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Responded very well to ars alb 200. Went to school. (Right now it is around 11.45 am). Thanks you very much !!!!


Take care

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
Dear Joe!!
Sorry, i posted my last post without seeing your previous post. I will be careful in administering ars alb. Also i have not started steam inhalation therapy. I will start it immediately

Thanks for the advice.

Thanks and regards

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Here it is 11.40 pm. Tonight he had an asthmatic attack (mild) since last couple of hours. I gave him a steam inhalation therapy and he was able to get some mucus out. But since he had bit breathlessness and wheezling, i gave him ars alb 30 (NOT ars alb 200). Which relieved him to good extent and he gargled his mouth with warm salt water and now went to sleep with much better feeling.

I had given him wet dose of Nat Sulph 6C as daily. But today there were several things which i should mention so that you can see whether anyone of them might be a trigger.

(1) Today he had few (may be 3) imported chocolates in the night at around 8.30 pm which my friend brought from US.

(2) Today i gave him the wet dose after warming the spoon as PAT had suggested and then taking the medicine in the warm spoon.

(3) Tonight he had a argument with his mom over doing his work and being irregular in his sleeping and waking times which made him very upset for a while. Then when again his mom started talking to him he felt good.

(4) Today morning also he had a slight cough as i mentioned in my previous post. Maybe it is related to that???

(5) The most important change today that i feel is that , if u recollect i had mentioned that he is having a mouth ulcer since last few days. Today he again complained that the ulcer is bothering him a lot and he cannot eat properly (hot or spicy). So to treat that ulcer i applied Hexigel Antiseptic Mouth gel at around 10.30 pm. This gel is Chlorhexidine Gluconate Gel. He was having a bit discomfort before this but within a few minutes of applying this gel he started feeling breathless and uncomfortable in sleeping posture. He sat up and waited for the attack to recede. But then i decided to give him ars alb 30 rather then wait further and let the things go out of control. He washed his mouth completely but may be there is some left over fragrance or perfume or smell which might have worked as a trigger to his asthma.

One other thing i have observed about him is that HE GETS SCARED very easily and will go to any length to avoid unpleasant situation. And whenever he feels less confidence he starts feeling breathless more and then one thing leads to other and he starts coughing (maybe).

I dont know whether u can make head or tail of this amature observation, but please communicate if you can think of something.


Thanks and regards

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
It is possible that the chocolcate may have triggered his attack as the Hexigel did.

You did right by not giving him the inhaler which we must avoid at all costs unless it is abvolutely SOS.

Your giving him Ars Alb 30 cannot help him and you may like to know that the 30c is a lower potency and has more of the substance than the 200c which is the only potency that can help him with his asthma in the event of an attack.

He must be given 2 steam inhalations and if you feel that he is having phlegm in his chest you can follow my instructions on physiotherapy in other threads on Asthma. This is done by putting the patient across the bed with his face down over the side and pillows under his abdomen to elevate his body and tapping the back of his chest. This promotes the flow of phlegm which is dislodges by the tapping and he will bring out a cupful. This procedure must be done after he has a steam inhalation for about 3-5 minutes.

Remember that the phlegm can be the cause of his distress and we should try to get as much of it out of his lungs.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

I got your point about ars alb. But in the case of breathlessness / cough / SOS do i administer ars alb 200?? As i think for next month or so his body will need some external support as it is accustomed to medicines for almost all his life.

Yesterday night he was feeling uncomfortable after ars alb 30 dose also. (though the coughing had stopped) So after waiting upto 12.45 pm i gave him one more tsp of your wet dose (Nat Sulph 6c).And within 5 minutes he slept like a baby. No discomfort , no cough, no restlessness.

Please tell me where can i get the detail info on the physiotherapy that you have mentioned. I will give him steam inhalation twice or thrice religiously from now on.

Also is there nothing that i can do to boost his mental confidence as his getting scared might be a trigger as well.

By the way today was the fifth night in a row without inhaler :). It is a record of sort for him.

Thanks once again for everything
datind last decade
You will see that I have always prescribed Ars Alb 200 and as I have stated before this is only to be used SOS if he is unable to breathe when in the past you would give him his inhaler. Remember that the 200c is far more effective than the 30c which I am surprised had any effect at all when you gave it to him.

I was interested to learn that you gave him 2 teaspoonfuls of Nat Sulpn on one day. If as you state, you discovered that it helped him, I would not rule the double dose out as it has helped him. The standard dose is just 1 teaspoonful per day and I have never used 2. If it works you are cleared to use it but only when you find that his lungs are straining for a breath. Do not however get him used to the double dose on a regular daily basis as in Homeopathy Small is Beautiful.

He will soon get over his asthmatic symptoms and as this is still the fifth day, I believe that we are doing very well. It would be of interest to learn how many times you used the inhaler for him per day in the past before the NS therapy.

There is no real problem associated with the physiotherapy which I have described in brief above. You have to try it with him to see how easy and effective it is to bring out his phlegm. This should always be done after a steam session for best effect.

Also read my post about how I cured a patient who was having a chronic cough but no asthma at all and he was also OK in a day. He has been on the NS for about a week now and does not cough at all any more.

I must admit that the more that I think of Nat Sulph which is commonly known as Glaubers Salt, helping to cure Asthma, the more I wonder about the mystery of Homeopathy which I am thankful to God that I was able to use in a strictly non classical manner which as you have seen, works.

It seems to work even better than the classical method which is in my opinion just a waste of time when used without the benefit of Homeopathic software as the odds against the homeopath succeeding in identifying a remedy merely on the basis of his knowledge is very remote. You have only to read the many posts of persons whom I have helped in my own way to realize how much the patient suffered at the hands of qualified homeopaths for years only to discover that he was cured almost overnight by the remedy that I had prescribed in my non classical way which worked like a charm ! After all it is the cure of the ailment that must be paramount and not the method used.

There is little I can do for his mental state and I am confident that he will grow out of that fear complex which he now has which would have stymied his future growth in life if you did not post your problem on the ABC and I responded to it.

Please do not thank me for helping your son. Thank God that I was able to be the instrument of curing your boy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Appreciate your prompt reply. I was giving him one puff daily of Seretide inhaler at the time of sleeping for the past several years before i started your NS therapy. If it is OK i think we should try one tsp of NS wet dose in the morning also for a few days and see how he responds.

Very frankly joe, even i was very very sceptical and apprehensive in the beginning to try out your method and not because i had some info about your qualification or something. It is just that after suffering for so many years due to this chronic ailment we people become so pessimists and defeatist at heart that we just dont believe that something this simple and honest can happen to us. TOO MUCH INTELEGENCE!!!
That is the problem with this whole world i think. That we dont believe in the JOEs of this world who are honest, smart and visionary to guide us out of our misery. But i really admire your tenacity and commitment to your vision and to truth.

I know that a person like you do not need my THANK YOU. My son getting cured will be your reward. But it is my small way of acknowledging honesty and simplicity. Please accept it for whatever it is worth.

Please give your valued opinion about giving him one tsp in the mornings as well for few days.

Bye!! (see, didnt said THANK YOU:)

Vijay D. Thakkar
datind last decade
WOW!!! Datin

What wisdom!!!!

I too have been puzzled why the world has become so doubtful and non-accepting of truth. Seems like most humans prefer lies than the truth.

You are right!! After living in a world of false promises we stop hoping and believing even when the truth stares us in the face.

Thanks for such wisdom. You have been a great inspiration to me.

Am so overjoyed to read about your little boy. You are both blessed to have had the opportunity to know Joe. So happy that you gave this a try although you had doubts.

Never give up trying.
Pat2006 last decade
To Vijay

As I have stated on many occasions before, life is a long learning process which will only end when one is no more.

I had never used the Nat Sulph 6c in 2 doses per day and as long as your son is helped by 2 daily doses, I do not see any reason to not use it.

Please watch for any signs of aggravation which you will soon know if he gets an attack. It is far better to use the NS instead of the Ars Alb which is only to be used SOS.

It is indeed a shame that the majority of classically trained homeopaths are brainwashed into believing that only those remedies that are listed in the classical texts may be used to help ailments. In this case NS is in fact listed but not in the potency and the manner that I use it today which as you know has helped many patients and especially children.

I do hope that these same classical types will at least consider the information that I have shared with them on this and other forums instead of invariably criticizing me merely because I did not prescribe a remedy following their classical method which to me seems just another way of pulling the wool over the eyes of the suffering patient by first prescribing 'constitutional remedies' when the poor patient has consulted them for, like in your son's case for chronic asthma when they will never give you Nat Sulph 6c.

I do appreciate your sentiments and your kind thoughts and I too believe that it is the reward that God gives me for my part in helping others that keeps me alive and well without any ailment in my body which is the normal price one usually pays at age 77.

Please spread the word among your friends that a remarkable cure is at hand for Asthmatics which is very effective and invariably works and what is more important cures the patient after about 6 months on the daily therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
Dear Pat,


Joe, I will follow your instruction to T, and spread the word around as far and as loud as i can, you can take it to bank.

For me the Doctor is the one who cures patient. And in that defination you are the only DOCTOR i know who is atleast effective in curing my son.

Pat, your support is priceless!! BE THERE.

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
Dear Joe,

How r u??. Very sorry for the delay in keeping u posted. Actually i m right now in Shanghai and left india on 13th early morning. So the delay.

I got the message that my son yuvraj is doing fine and till date there is no need to give him inhaler SERETIDE. Thanks to u!!!!

I wanted to ask u, whether it is OK if we start him on a wet dose of Arnica 6C twice daily for his chronic upper respiratory throat infection (along with Nat Sulph therapy) which is hampering his stamina and his overall metabolism. This is just a loud thinking.

Thanks and regards
Will keep u posted.
Returning to india on 23rd

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
To Vijay

I would prefer that you do not add any other remedies to his current therapy for his Asthma which you have seen has worked very well. You must understand that this therapy is very finely balanced on a virtual knife edge and I would not like to upset the delicate balance that the Nat Sulph is slowly establishing in his URT now.

The main idea is to keep him away from his Seretide or Ventolin inhalers which would have been responsible for his lack of growth and also his URT infections. It is the natural balance that I am trying to achieve in his body that will eventually result in weaning him away from all medicines.

We will keep him on the present therapy for 2 months and change over to the split dose thereafter.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!
Thanks for the reply. Sure I will follow ur instruction. It is just parents anxiety.
You r right. We are atleast able to keep the inhaler at bay.

Appreciate your prompt and precise response.

Will do the same

Bye for now

datind last decade
Dear Joe,
I m Mrs VIjay Thakkar congratulating u for ur selfless help and support given to my child and all Asthematics around the world.

Today, 17th August at around 1.12 P.M i m informimg about by sons health. Sorry for the DELAY.

10 DAYS (8th August,06 to 16th August,06)on your miracle medicine and he is without the Seritide Puff , Nebulizer or any sort of Asthalin medicine . THANKS form the depth of my heart!!!!. Having tears in my eyes not able to express it. THANKYOU VERYMUCH.I pray to GOD people like you always be happy.

My son had problem yesterday. I would like to brief you about his health.
1) On 16th August (Wednesday)he was not feeling comfortable since morning.Was complainning about his weakness.
2) In the evening was feeling like having fever.
3) Complained about his pain in right thigh at around 9.00p.m (generally his leg pain is the symptom of his asthama attacks, is a observation done by me and my husband).
4) Given him NET SULPH 6C (1 teaspoon)at around 10.00p.m.
5) Was ok after that till 12.00.a.m in the night. (he was awake because he wanted to go to temple with his cousins at 12.00'clock because of JANMASTAMI).
6) We returned at around 1.00.a.m (17th Aug) from the temple after which his health got bad.
7) I gave him hot water steam.after that he told me wants to drink hot water. I gave him that too.Still was not feeling okay.
8)Gave him NAT SULPH 6C again (1 teaspoon)for the second time after 3 And half to four hours)at around 2.00.a.m
9) Still was having breathlessness (fot a split second thought of giving SERITIDE puff) but have read in ur thread in case of emergency can take ARS ALB 200 so i did the same. i gave him 5 pills of ARS ALB 200 at arounf 2.30 a.m
10) He was relaxed after a few minutes and slept well at about 2.45 to 3.00 a.m

HAPPY about not giving him puff and relaxing him but please guide me have i done the correct thing for repeating the second dose of NET SULPH.and after that ARS ALB 200.

10) got up about 9.00 a.m in the morning
11) He is not having breathlessness but still complaining about the weakness and his watering nose.
12) he didnot go to school b'caz of his weakness and watering nose
13)I have not given him any medicine since morning. DOnt know which medicine to give
14) Kindly guide me for the medicines anout the weakness and watering nose.

datind last decade
I have just ready your post and here is the remedy for your son for his flu.

Gelsemium 30c in the wet dose.

This should be given as soon as you first notice any discomfort or fever and you can give it every 3 hours. This usually aborts the virus

I shall reply your post shortly in detail.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Ms Thakkar,

I am sure that you have realized by now that it was the exposure of your son in the Temple at midnight that aggravated his feverish state. You must know as his mother that you must not expose him to further infection which can lead to pneumonia and immediate hospitalization when he is unwell. Please never do that again for his sake as I cannot help you when he is in a SOS state like what he would have been last night. It is your duty as his mother to cancel all his movements out of home and especially at night when the temperature is usually colder and is also wet as I know that India is experiencing constant rain in most parts at this time. This form of exposure can result in a chill and as I stated above it can be followed by pneumonia which I would not be able to handle. You must understand that the Nat Sulph is doing a fine balancing act in allaying his asthma and we do not want this dreaded disease to ever come back.

I have indicated in my last post that Gelesmium 30 is the remedy to be used only if he shows signs of catching a cold or cough. This is most effective if it is used as early as possible when he or you his parents shows signs of an oncoming cold when you will feel chilly and also sneeze. In the case of a throat infection the remedy to be used is Bell 30 and the dosage in both remedies is 1 teaspoonful to be taken every 3 hours at the start and after the ailment is stabilized 3 times daily. Drink plenty of warm liquids and keep the body warm and in bed. You did right by not sending him to school today. He must be fully recovered before you send him to school.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and I do appreciate your prayers which mean a lot to me at my advanced age which as you perhaps know, I shall be 77 in October.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
Thanks for your instant reply

I appreciate the promt reply.
i will get the medicine and give him every 3 hours.

Just guide me should i continue giving him (NET SUPLH 6C )and ARS ALB 200 as i had just given him now at about 2.30 p.m and now he is sleeping.

Also (Gelsemium 30c in the wet dose)to be given for howmany days.

Aslo will appritiate if u can suggest some medicine which increases his immune system or his poor appetite.

(Gelsemium 30c in the wet dose) is to be prepared in the same way as i prepared NAT SULPH 6C. Kindly suggest

Mrs Rupal Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
You will use the Nat Sulph 6c daily for Asthma.

You will ONLY use the Ars Alb if he is having an attack and cannot breathe. Consider this remedy the equivalent of the Inhaler. Only to be used SOS.

Gelsemium 30c to be used only if he is catching a cold. Please note that after you catch it there is little that any remedy or drug can do as we are dealing with a virus which only Homeopathic remedies can ABORT.

This goes for any throat infection too which is treated with Bell 30c in the same manner.

Since he has already caught the cold and may be feverish you can give him Gels 30 dose 1 teaspoonful 3 times daily. (Not 3 hourly).

Both Gels and Bell to be made into the wet dose in the same manner as the Nat Sulph.

I shall deal with his other complaints like poor appetite and immune system in due course. The reason is that I do not wish to antidote the Nat Sulph which has so far kept his Asthma at bay.
Joe De Livera last decade

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