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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma of my 13 Year Old son Page 3 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You will use the Nat Sulph 6c daily for Asthma.

You will ONLY use the Ars Alb if he is having an attack and cannot breathe. Consider this remedy the equivalent of the Inhaler. Only to be used SOS.

Gelsemium 30c to be used only if he is catching a cold. Please note that after you catch it there is little that any remedy or drug can do as we are dealing with a virus which only Homeopathic remedies can ABORT.

This goes for any throat infection too which is treated with Bell 30c in the same manner.

Since he has already caught the cold and may be feverish you can give him Gels 30 dose 1 teaspoonful 3 times daily. (Not 3 hourly).

Both Gels and Bell to be made into the wet dose in the same manner as the Nat Sulph.

I shall deal with his other complaints like poor appetite and immune system in due course. The reason is that I do not wish to antidote the Nat Sulph which has so far kept his Asthma at bay.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
i know that it was a mistake to send him to the temple at midnight, i will take care henceforth not to bring him out when he is not well.

Actually we stay in a joint family and all his cousins (of his age) had made the plans of going to temple. i as a mother did not want him to get discouraged.

Even if he plays football Or goes to karate class he has pain in his legs followed by the attack. Should i also take care not to send him to play? please need your help .Just guide me.

Help me increase his immunity system.
One of my friend told me to start some ayurvedic medicine to build up his immunity. Is it advisable to give.

Your reply really helps me in building my confidence in fighting his ASTHAMA.

Thanks you for the moral support and concern for curing him.

Lots of Love

Mrs Rupal Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
I can see the dilemma that you have in trying to help your boy to be normal. He will be normal, God willing, in a few months but right now just 10 days into the Nat Sulph therapy you cannot expect him to do what his cousins who do not have to contend with Asthma, can do. He too should realize that he is slowly turning a new page in his life and it will take at least 2 months before he can come up to near normal form. Please do not push him to be normal before he is ready for this status and you must also realize that his lack of resistance which you complain of, and which I have not studied so far, is obviously due to his asthmatic history. He can certainly play but I would not advice football which is far too strenuous for his current status.

You as parents should know the fine limits and act accordingly. Remember that I am advising you from Sri Lanka over 1500km away and it is only through the wonder of the Internet which we take now for granted that I can still be by your side to help when necessary.

I note that you are considering giving him ayurvedic medicine to build up his immunity and you will have to judge whether it is the immunity or his asthma that is more important.

I would not advise it.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

I have started Gelsemium 30c in the wet dose)and belladona 30c for my son. he is feeling better. but i would like to inform you that last night (17th Aug,o6)from 12.00 a.m he was not feeling well.i.e. having severe breathlessness.I gave him Ars Alb 200 as it was necessary b'caz was not able to breathe properly. but yet his condition was not improving.So after a while i repeated the Ars Alb again so as to avoid SERITIDE puff which my son was insisting on taking.
He is very understanding he too wanted to avoid puff he drank hot water twice but no improvement so atlast i had to give him SERITIDE puff 250 at 2.00.a.m. He waited for two hours but i had to control his breathlessness somehow.
Today also i have not sent him to school and told him to rest at home.
I will give your medicine Gelsemium 30c in the wet dose)and (belladona 30c ) 3 times a day but i dont know to give the same for how many days? please inform me for the same.

Still we (My husband,myself and my son) are not disappointed)and are going to fight his ASTHAMA.WE WILL STOP HIS PUFF WITH YOUR SELFLESS HELP AND SUPPORT.

Eagerly waiting for your reply

Mrs Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
You must please understand that you must not use both Gels and Bell for any ailment.

Please read my post above where I have clearly instructed you to use Gels for a COLD and Bell for a THROAT infection. You have given both without reading my instructions and although no major damage has resulted, you should use the remedy depending on the ailment.

You have now realized the serious damage that you have done to your son by permitting him to go to the Temple after midnight and I hope that he will get over his current ailment which I believe is the flu that he has caught.

It occurs to me that a reason for the Asthma not responding to Ars Alb may be due to your giving the Gels and the Bell at the same time. You must understand that the presence of the various remedies in the potencies that you have used is infinitesimal and it is possible they antidoted each other.

You will only use the Gels as long as he is having that feeling of feverishness and general malaise and stop it ASAP when he is OK. Do not use the Bell as he does not want it now. It is only to be used if and when he gets a throat infection which the Gels will not abort.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Hope u r well and kicking. Sorry for the delay in keeping u uptodate, but i was out of country and have just returned to india. Now as for the things which i would like to bring u uptodate;

(1) My son is as of date again on a daily dose of Seretide Inhalor Puff at the time of sleeping

(2)When I left India i.e. on 13th August 2006, my son was feeling a bit lethargic / tired and weak. His symptoms had started to indicate a URTI and / or Asthma. My wife continued him on Nat sulf wet dose. But then he was feeling feverish and breathless so she gave him ars alb 200, as she had communicated to u thru this forum. Then u recommended EITHER Gel or Bell as the symptoms warranted or indicated. But unfortunately my wife got it wrong and gave BOTH Gel and Bell together. This rather then helping him aggravated his situation. By now the infection had completely taken control of his Upper respiratory tract. And also my son had started gasping for air. To immediately relieve him of the agony, my wife gave him seretide puff. Then again next day he was given an asthalin nebulizer.
She took him to a homeopath doctor who resides in our building and explained the whole situation to the doctor. She diagnoised that yuvraj's throat / lungs were infected and suggested that we should cure it first. She started him on some homeopath pills (4 pills e times a day) for 3 days. That was 4days ago. In the mean time yuvraj is given a seretide inhalor daily night as he feels breathless by around 2.30 am to 3.30 am.
The Nat sulph wet dose is stopped as of date and right now apart from the seretide puff , he is not having any other medicine. His infection is almost cured, but he still at times feel weak /tired.

Now to bring him back on track, please advice what shall we do. The Nat sulph wet dose was working and I do not have any doubt about it whatsoever. But what as a layman I feel is that Nat sulph was taking care of his asthma symptoms but was not aiding his body's immune system to build the defence against the infection of upper respiratory tract, due to which he again relapsed into the viscious cycle of one aggravatiing the other (that is the infection aggravating the asthma). So if u can suggest some complimentary way or medicine whereby his body is protected against the infection then i think we can cure him for a longer period of time. Steam therapy is helping him a bit, but he is not able to take it very scientifically as suggested by you in your last post and also the steam machine that i have right now is not working perfect. Will change it immediately.
Also I understand your frustration as yuvraj inspite of his health was allowed to goto temple at midnight. But please undersstand Joe, that he is just 12-13 year child and with lots of nervous energy and hyper activity. If I or my wife will force him to be too much extra careful or restricted then his psyche is being affected and he feels very dejected and helpless. Which I think will defeat the objective which we are trying to acheive. He is a fighter by nature and does not like to self pity himself due to his condition, which I and my wife try to encourage and make it as normal as possible. I know it was still not justified but am trying to explain the situation.

Am eagerly awaiting your response.

Thanks for everything

datind last decade
Your son was in my thoughts and I was wondering how he had responded to the Gels or the Bell that I prescribed to your wife which were to be used for specified ailments. She informed me in her last post that she gave them together and you must please warn your wife that she must never do so in the future. In any case I doubt that this combination has done any permanent damage and the fact that he had an attack is symptomatic of Asthma which is usualy very difficult to control.

I have already cautioned your wife about the temple incident and I suppose one lives to learn and I am sure that you parents will never risk another similar episode till he is well on the road to recovery.

I note that you have put him back on the Seretide inhaler but you have not indicated if he is otherwise normal although weak. You must watch him for a few days and you can start him back on the Nat Sulph therapy and this time you can give him 1 teaspoonful twice daily for a week and report progress. Use the inhaler only if the Ars Alb does not work and keep me advised even daily if necessary.

The steam inhalation is important and you can use a electric jug or kettle with the lid open.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Thanks for the prompt reply as always. Really appreciate that quality in you.

Regarding your question about his overall being: His appetite has reduced then even regular (which was less as it is). His stool motions are again irregular (passing once in two days or three days).
Now from today on, I will try to discontinue Inhaler and give him ars alb 200 if he is having an asthmatic attack. And start him on Nat Sulph wet dose twice a day (instead of one). If you want me to postpone it for further few days please let me know and i will do accordingly.

In your post with Fauzia / Shiney i read that you prescribed arnica 30c wet dose. Will it help yuvraj also?
Awaiting your reply!

Take Care
datind last decade
It is just that I take the interest of patients seriously as I am not in homeopathy for any monetary reward. You may have read of how I have been cricized and even abused by some pseudo classical homeopaths who only pretend to be advisors but do not try to help the patients to overcome their ailments. This rebuttal of their accusations and innuendos has taken up a lot of my time which I can otherwise spend on my patients to help them to overcome their ailments in the manner that I have discovered is even superior to their classical methods which I believe are also motivated towards prolonging the agony of the ailment by prescribing 'constitutional remedies' when they know fully well that the direct approach that I advocate where I treat the disease, has helped many in direct contrast to their experience with the classical school who will take their own time in establishing a cure.

As for Yuvjraj, I would like him to take 2 tablets Nat Phoos 6x after 2 meals which will help his constipation and also can help with his Asthma. Please read my post entitled GERD and Asthma which can give you food for thought.

Let us get his Asthma under control and we can then think of other remedies to help him.

I shall depend on you to protect your son from the type of foolishness that has occurred with his last visit to the temple.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Will start Nat Phos 6X 2 tablets after meal from today on itself. But do i start the Nat Sulph therapy twice a day from today and discontinue the inhaler as i want to stop it as soon as i can. Please advice.

datind last decade
I presume that the purpose of your seeking a cure by Homeopathy is because you have discovered that your son was going from bad to worse with the drugs and inhalers that he was using.

You do not have any reason to continue with the inhalers and drugs if you can replace them with Homeopathic remedies which in his case are Nat Sulph 6c and Nat Phos 6x and Ars Alb on a SOS basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!

Got it. Will follow the instructions.

Also, I just returned from China. And wanted to share some of the information that i got from there and wanted your opinion also on it. Chinese have developed a modern allopathic medicine which is non steroidal and is made from traditional chinese herbs. There are specifically two medicine which interest me the most. One is an injection by the name CHUANKEZHI. It is manufactured by a company named Perfect Set Medicine Ltd. The website is www(dot)psmdl(dot)com. And other is a oral medicine by the name ASHMI. This ASHMI is still under trial stage and not yet commercially available. I will really appreciate if you will take time to get some info about Chuankezhi. As they claim that it does not have any side effects of the modern day asthma treatment and infact helps the immune system to fight the asthma from root. This is just sharing of the information and please rest assured that i will not deviate from what you have prescribed. I think that Chuankezhi is having some herb by the name 'Morinda officinalis'. Not very sure.

datind last decade
The oral medicine may be of interest if you can get it when it is released but I would not recommend the former remedy which is for injection.

I am comfident however that the Nat Sulph therapy will work on your son as it has cured many as long as the patient is not put to unusual stress which triggers his asthma.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!

It is 1.00 pm here and till now he is perfectly ok. Didnt gave inhaler yesterday night.
Gave him 2 pills of Nat Phos 6X after meal yesterday night and a wet dose (1 tsp) of Nat Sulph at night. He slept perfectly well without any breathlessness. Gave him a wet dose (1 tsp) of Nat sulph in the morning.
Also gave him steam in the night and in the morning.
Now I will keep u posted on a daily basis about the status of his health.

Thanks a lot!!

datind last decade
I hope he progresses at this rate and I shall leave it to you to ensure that there will be no incidents which can cause him distress in the future.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!

Please rest assured that me and my wife both learnt a lesson and will take utmost care as far as his health his concern.
Further, second day and he slept very well without any problem. Rightnow its around 8.15 am and he just woke up without any discomfort.

Will continue with Nat sulph wet dose twice a day and 2 pills Nat Phos after meals.
He mentioned yesterday night that the digestive pills (that is what he calls the Nat Phos 6X pills) that I gave him are very fine and makes his stomach light and comfortable. Continuing the steam therapy.


datind last decade
Dear Joe!!

Third day and he slept without inhaler and breathlessness. His stools are also getting regular though not as smooth and complete.

Only thing is that his nose is stuffed and i can here the mucus inside rattling (not much). Also he was telling me yesterday that his cough has gone completely but the cold has come (laughingly). I give him steam therapy twice daily. He is not able to take it in a sleeping posture on stomach.


datind last decade
Dear Joe!!

Was going thru your post with Shiney. Wanted to know will BLATTA ORIENTALIS also help yuvraj? I know right now he is responding well to Nat Sulph Wet Dose twice daily, but something tells me that a viral attack or a fever is just few days away. This is purely my instinct and my experience with him.

So was just wondering how to ensure that the onset of viral infection can be avoided?

Just a loud thinking.


datind last decade
Keep some Gelsemium 30 handy to be used as soon as he comes down with any symptoms of a flu or a cold. If this is used early enough, the virus can be aborted. I often use it if I am exposed to a sneeze from someone who is having a cold as a prophylactic. In Yuvraj's case I would prefer not to use it unless he shows positive signs of a cold or flu because of his asthma which I would not like to disturb with more medication than is necessary.

It occurs to me that it may be time to change him to the split dose where you take a teaspoon of the remedy and dilute it in half cup of water for both doses as it is possible that he may have aggravated to the NS after his recent escapade.

The problem with Asthma is that we are balancing the remedy with the demand of his body which is programmed to show signs of asthma which the NS overcomes and it will take some time before he is out of the woods.

Keep me advised of his progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Got it. From today morning on i m changing Nat Sulph to split dose twice a day.
Further, he slept well in the night but in the morning he is feeling slight breathlessness and discomfort. All other signs are not indicative of any flu or other infections. So am giving him ars alb 200 as SOS one dose (ie 5 pills) and see how he responds.
Will keep u informed.


datind last decade
Dear Joe!!
Gave him ars alb 200 in the morning once and he is ok till now (it is around 7.00 pm). I think he responded well to ars alb 200.
Also I wanted to ask you about Thymus serpyllum. Will it help his infection/appetite etc instead of or with Nat Phos 6x. If you think we should try this homeopathic medicine then please suggest how and in what quantity I should try.

Also will appreciate a lot if you can look into a ayurvedic herb named 'Ashwagndha'. It is basically a tonic with antiviral antioxidant properties with no side effects known. It is popular in india and suggested to me by some friend.

The basic idea that i m trying to acheive is to compliment all the good work done by your Nat Sulph wet dose (which i m switching to split dose from today). This wonder medicine of your is 100% able to control his asthma. But some how his resistance gives in and his immune systems once affected by virus , fatigue and infection is not able to respond favourably to Nat Sulph wet dose.
So I thought we should support this medicine with something like tonic and with anti viral antioxidant properties.Please be blunt if you think that my line of reasoning will not help yuvraj. His health is important for me rather then anything else.


datind last decade
Yuvraj has been in my thoughts and I am glad that you too feel that the Nat Sulph has helped him and I believe that he would do even better with the Split Dose.

There is little that I can do to help him till his body overcomes the virus infection which I hope you and your wife realize is also caused by his foray into the temple at an ungodly hour.

When he is absolutely OK, that is when his present viral infection is past, I would like him to have just ONE dose of Tuberculinum 200. This can be given sublingually and 6 pellets can be used.

You may like to know that I have used it for cases who catch colds often and this has helped. My only concern is that this may destabilize his Nat Sulph therapy but this is a calculated risk that we will have to take to build up his resistance.

I do hope that this works.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Yesterday night I gave him a split dose of Nat sulph at around 11.00 pm. He had a little cough and breathlessness at the time to go to bed (at around 11.00 pm). Till that time there was no symptom or indication. I waited for about 20 minutes and then gave him one dose of ars alb 200 (his second yesterday). He responded very well and slept peacefully. Right now its 8.20 am here and he has gone to take bath. There was no symptom whatsoever when he got up. I think i might not need to give him ars alb 200 today.
(Please help me in deciding whether to give ashwagandha as I think it might help his immune system immensely)

By the way, its the fifth day without the inhaler.

Will keep you posted


datind last decade
Glad to note that Yuvraj is responding again to the Nat Sulph in the split dose. You do not have to give him Ars Alb as a routine as this is only to be used when he is having an attack which will not occur in the future.

I hope you realize that Ars Alb is:
Arsenious Acid-Arsenic Trioxide

Although it is given at a high potency at 200c you do not want to give it to him on a daily basis merely because he has coughed. It is only to be used if you have positive signs of his coming into an Asthmatic attack when its use is justified.

Not Otherwise.

I cannot advise you about the ashwagandha as I do not know anything about it.

Do not forget the steam inhalation before sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

I had got it from your past several posts and from other posts in this forum about ars alb 200. I know it should used absolutely as a necessary evil and it is not good if used on a regular basis. But trust me I evaluate to the best of my value judgement which will damage him less. The gasping for air which will further give less oxygen to his body or to give him ars alb 200 at the beginning of the asthmatic attack itself rather then wait for very long. I wait for sufficient time to see whether his own natural resistance can coop up with the breathlessness. Only after that i use ars alb 200. That too so that i will not have to use inhaler.

I am giving him steam therapy regularly and will keep on giving him even if there are no symptoms.

I will keep u informed about the status of his overall being. After that you can suggest when shall i give tuberculinum 200.


datind last decade
Dear Joe!!

His sixth day without inhaler and slept peacefully. Just woke up.Its about 7.30 am. Giving him steam therapy twice and Nat Sulph Split Dose.

Joe, last two days i m giving him a tablet of Ashwagandha twice after meal instead of Nat Phos 6X. It is too early to say anything but the primary results are as stunning as when i started your Nat Sulph for the first time. His sinus is almost clear. His nose clogging is asolutely clear. He is passing the stool regularly and his cold has all but vanished.
I will observe him very closely and keep informing you and take advice from you. But I would also like to share this info with all your friends and with the people in this forum who are dependent on you. Especially with Shiny/Fauzia after whom I was lucky to get your advice for my son.

Thanks a lot!!

datind last decade

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